Karaf Bundle picking up some old dependency - apache-karaf

In one of my bundle in Karaf I am having a dependency as mentioned below:-
Then I updated the version of java-dogstatsd-client to 1.0.3 in pom.xml. Created the bundle.I am using a KAR packaging but after placing the bundle in Karaf. I am seeing it is importing version 1.0.1 of the library. However everything works as expected if I place my bundle with 1.0.3 version of java-dogstatsd-client in a fresh Karaf instance. Below is the import I am seeing from Karaf web console:-
com.github.arnabk.statsd,version=0.0.0 from wrap_mvn_com.github.arnabk_java-dogstatsd-client_1.0.1 (262)
com.mysql.jdbc,version=0.0.0 from wrap_mvn_mysql_mysql-connector-java_5.1.6 (270)
com.sun.jna,version=0.0.0 from com.sun.jna (264) -- Overwritten by Boot Delegation
com.timgroup.statsd,version=0.0.0 from wrap_mvn_com.github.arnabk_java-dogstatsd-client_1.0.1 (262)
Also checking bundle:list I am seeing version 1.0.1 of the bundle:-
karaf#root>bundle:list | grep dog*
262 | Active | 80 | 0 | wrap_mvn_com.github.arnabk_java-dogstatsd-client_1.0.1
Because my bundle is picking version 1.0.1 of the dogstatsd client I am getting Method Not Found Error
Can some one please let me know:-
Why dogstatsd-client 1.0.1 is getting installed even though I have
mentioned 1.0.3 in pom.xml?
How can I make my bundle install and use version 1.0.3 version of dogstatsd-client?
Karaf - 3.0.5
Servicemix - 6.1.0

Moving to Karaf 4.0.5 under Servicemix 7.0.0.M2. I am not seeing the issue.


Google Cloud Composer - Unknown hook type "sftp"

Trying to add SFTP connection to Apache Airflow run on the Composer.
Here is some packages' listing;
This is the message I get when hitting the Test button:
Any help would be appreciated.
This is an expected behavior on Composer 1 because in Composer 1 if DAG serialization is on, the Airflow webserver is using a base image that doesn’t include customer installed pypi packages.
Therefore, this functionality doesn’t work properly.
You may upgrade to Composer 2 so that everything will work properly.
However, if you want to stay on Composer 1, you may try changing the conn_type from ‘sftp’ to ‘ftp’.

Unable to use Adobe Commerce DocBlock annotations in PHPUnit Testing

I’m running a local Docker instance of Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) with the following versions:
Magento Enterprise version 2.4.3-p3
phpunit/phpunit version 9.5.28
doctrine/annotations version 2.0.0
allure-framework/allure-php-api version 1.4.0
I have set up PhpStorm to run PHPUnit tests as per the instructions detailed here:
I'm unable to use the Configuration fixture annotation using the procedure detailed at this link: https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/testing/guide/integration/annotations/magento-config-fixture/
When attempting to, I'm getting the following error:
Class Magento\TestFramework\Annotation\ConfigFixture does not exist
Does anyone know what needs to be done to ensure that the TestFramework classes are available during PHPUnit tests? Thank you in advance for your help

Why does my symfony demo install with an old version of symfony?

I installed the symfony demo but it installs using an older version, I'm not sure why?
Earlier I installed an older version of the demo using command:
composer create-project symfony/symfony-demo bp3 1.1.1
This works fine and installs to directory bp3, runs fine, uses Symfony 3.3.9 (pops up a box in the bottom right on the Dev toolbar in red with the Symfony logo says sf 3.3.9 and when you hover says it is out of support).
Then I tried to install the latest version of the demo using command:
symfony new bp4 --demo
I assumed it would install the latest version of the demo to directly bp4, but when I launch the site in directory bp4 it is running on Symfony 3.3.6. (pops up a box in the bottom right on the Dev toolbar in red with the Symfony logo says sf 3.3.6 and when you hover says it is out of support).
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Symfony CLI version v4.14.4
Composer version 1.10.6 (installed globally)
PHP 7.2.11 (cli)
Thank you
Use create-project symfony/symfony-demo project-folder.
If you want to use latest version of Symfony install PHP 7.3.5 or latest (I'm use PHP 7.4.2)

Karaf 2.3.2 spring core dependency (spring feature) not found

The issue is that karaf 2.3.2 tries to download "org.springframework.core" artifact but fails, it should download "spring-core" artifact as karaf 2.2.7 does.
In maven repo only "spring-core" exist (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/springframework/spring-core/). Any ideas why Karaf 2.3.2 has unexisted "org.springframework.core" dependency instead of existing "spring-core" dependency? Maybe another repository (not maven standard) should be used?
The version is written here:http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/karaf/assemblies/features/standard/2.3.2/standard-2.3.2-features.xml
I found how to fix that here (add spring repo):

Using Products.ResourceRegistries 2.1.2 on plone 4.1.4

I would like to use plone.app.jquery 1.7.2 on my plone 4.1.4, but it doesn't work because plone 4.1.4 use an old version of Products.ResouceRegistries that doesn't enable the "bundle" option.
So I figure myself that I have to update Products.ResouceRegistries to 2.1.2.
I have modified the versions.cfg and run buildout, but with no effect (no download of the new version).
How could I update the version ?
Why not just upgrade to Plone 4.2?
The problem was there is a kgv in the buildout that pinned Products.ResouceRegistries to 2.0.6 :
Removing the ?plone=4.1.4 and pin Products.ResouceRegistries to 2.1.2 make it works.
