Wordpress : add content to rss feed - wordpress

I´m trying to add some custom values to the WordPress RSS feed. For testing purposes I got this code:
function add_custom_fields_to_rss() {
return "<test>test</test>\n";
add_action('rss_item', 'add_custom_fields_to_rss');
add_action('rss_item2', 'add_custom_fields_to_rss');
I have placed this to the bottom of my themes function.php. When I now try to get the rss with http://example.com/feed there is no test content which I returned in my custom function.
Does anybody know why ?

First thing you need to do is create the new RSS feed in your theme’s functions.php file
add_action('init', 'customRSS');
function customRSS(){
add_feed('feedname', 'customRSSFunc');
The above code triggers the customRSS function, which adds the feed. The add_feed function has two arguments, feedname, and a callback function. The feedname will make up your new feed url yourdomain.com/feed/feedname and the callback function will be called to actually create the feed. Make a note of the feedname, as you’ll need this later on.
Once you have initialized the feed, you’ll need to create the callback function to produce the required feed, using the following code in your theme’s functions.php file
function customRSSFunc(){
get_template_part('rss', 'feedname');
The code above is using the get_template_part function to link to a separate template file, however you can also place the RSS code directly into the function. By using get_template_part, we can keep the functionality separate to the layout. The get_template_part function has two arguments, slug and name, that will look for a template file with the name in the following format, starting with the file at the top (if it doesn’t find the first, it will move on to the second, and so on):
for detail, you should check out this link


Wordpress: how to call method and output?

I am using a Wordpress plugin found here https://github.com/hirezstudios/smite-api-wp . Issue I have is the readme says I need to:
// call a method
global $smiteAPI;
$gods = $smiteAPI->getGods(1);
// do whatever with the god data...
I understand I need to implement it on one of my .php files or generate a new one. However, I am unsure what call a method means or how to make the above work. The getGods(1) will return a .json file of all gods in a game called Smite; 1 tells the API english.

Wordpress plugin shortcode not working in page

I have create a custom plugin which create short code for some content, but when i used in a page it not display content it's show "[BhContent]" as normal text. code I'm using given below. Please anyone help me to short out this.
function bhavin_content(){
echo "Hello bhavin";
add_shortcode( 'BhContent', 'bhavin_content' );
Thanks in advance!
Take a look at the documentation here. You are supposed to return the content that is to be output, not output it yourself.
function bhavin_content(){
return "Hello bhavin";
add_shortcode( 'BhContent', 'bhavin_content' );
See this quote from the documentation:
Note that the function called by the shortcode should never produce output of any kind. Shortcode functions should return the text that is to be used to replace the shortcode. Producing the output directly will lead to unexpected results. This is similar to the way filter functions should behave, in that they should not produce expected side effects from the call, since you cannot control when and where they are called from.

Drupal 6 preprocess function for custom template

I have a custom template file I'm using for a page.
Say the page is www.mydomain.com/hello-world
The content of this page is taken from a template file called hello-world.tpl.php
Now I need to have a variable prepared in advance for that page, so I took a look at how core modules achieve this and tried to implement in the same way, only the variables are always null..
for hello-world.tpl.php I created in my module file a function called:
function template_preprocess_hello_world(&$variables) {
$variables['test'] = "test";
As I said $test doesn't get any value on www.mydomain.com/hello-world (I receive NULL when var dumping it)
I spent an hour or so double checking that I don't have any typos or anything like that.
Is what I'm doing worng??
Try renaming the function to mymodulename_preprocess_hello_world(&$variables). Don't forget to clear the cache as well.

Wordpress - Change page dynamically but within shortcode running php

I am using a custom shortcode plugin. The plugin allows me to run some php. The php queries a non-wp database to build a page of vehicle specs and everything works great. The issue is that all of the information needed for the page title and description is contained within the data coming from the database. I've tried some of the standard wp php filters but the title does not change.
Is this not possibly because of the execution timing of the shortcode?
TinyMCE in WP admin. Shortcode
[myplugin data_id='42']
PHP window in shortcode editor
$GP=array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
echo "hello word" //works
echo $data_id; //works
echo $GP[some_post_data]; //works
//connect to database (irrelevant)
echo "the title from data table for data_id 42 = ".$data[title]; //works
// the following has no effect on page title even though $data[title] contains valid data
function myCallback($data){
return $data[title];
The problem is that $data[title] is out of scope, and that your filter callback is set up incorrectly. Also, you SHOULD encapsulate associative indexes with quotes.
When adding a callback to an existing filter, the arguments within the callback are passed by the filter definition. Case and point: Filtering The Title
The arguments within a standard filter for the_title are $title and $id. If you want to return the title from your $data array, you can do it the sloppy way using the global scope:
function myCallback($title, $id){
global $data;
return $data['title'];
But personally, I would look into avoiding globals altogether and concentrate on utilizing custom filters. Look into Adding Your Own Hooks. After getting a handle on action hooks, Filter Hooks are pretty easy to grasp.

How do you use a view with arguments as the site front page in Drupal?

I have a Drupal site and I have setup a view to power the front page.
My goal is to be able to pass 0-2 arguments to the home page, that get passed into the view. However, I still need the normal Drupal pages to work. The list of arguments is known.
For example:
mysite.com/berlin/birds would pass in "berlin" as the first argument and "birds" as the second argument to the view that powers the front page.
mysite.com/berlin would just pass in one argument, "berlin"
mysite.com/admin would load the normal admin pages in Drupal
I'm not clear on how to achieve this. Is there a hook I can use? I can't find one or think of one. Is there a way to specify this in the argument for the view itself? Perhaps I can write a hook that interjects when the URL is being loaded, and rewrite in the background?
The solution I currently have is to add these paths (since my arguments are known) to the menu system. This works, except that when I the pages they aren't the front page, so the pages don't use the node themes I want (they use the node details theme).
I don't think you can really do this without custom code. The View needs a path before it starts taking arguments, and your URLs start with the arguments. What you can do is fake it with custom code. I've used something like this:
* Implements hook_init().
function mymodule_custom_init() {
$item = menu_get_item(); // Matching Drupal path
if (!$item) { // There is no matching Drupal path.
$_GET['q'] = 'view_path/' . $_GET['q']; // Fake path path.
} // if
} // mymodule_custom_init
Then you give the view a path of "view_path" and it responds to everything that doesn't match anything else in Drupal's paths.
There is a spot in the views UI for "Argument handling code" that takes a small snippet of php - http://drupal.org/node/70145
You could run some code there that checks to see if you are on the front page (or arguments are not present or whatever)and insert the arguments you want.
Another way is to set arguments via a hook_views_pre_view or hook_views_pre_build. Is better because you are sure you don't break other stuff (like another view block).
function MYMODULE_views_pre_view(&$view){
if ($view->name == 'your_view_name' && drupal_is_front_page()) {
