Wordpress plugin shortcode not working in page - wordpress

I have create a custom plugin which create short code for some content, but when i used in a page it not display content it's show "[BhContent]" as normal text. code I'm using given below. Please anyone help me to short out this.
function bhavin_content(){
echo "Hello bhavin";
add_shortcode( 'BhContent', 'bhavin_content' );
Thanks in advance!

Take a look at the documentation here. You are supposed to return the content that is to be output, not output it yourself.
function bhavin_content(){
return "Hello bhavin";
add_shortcode( 'BhContent', 'bhavin_content' );
See this quote from the documentation:
Note that the function called by the shortcode should never produce output of any kind. Shortcode functions should return the text that is to be used to replace the shortcode. Producing the output directly will lead to unexpected results. This is similar to the way filter functions should behave, in that they should not produce expected side effects from the call, since you cannot control when and where they are called from.


show wp comment as rejected to all users

I would like to be able to "reject" a comment in wp's backend without altering or deleting the comments contents.
On the front end of the website I would like have the comment authors name listed as normal but instead of the comments contents have a simple statement that reads "This comment was rejected for violations of our TOS"
How would I go about this? There doesnt seem to be a plugin that I have found to handle this function.
You can use below code snippet. This snippet will filters the text of a comment to be displayed.
function filter_text( $comment_text, $comment = null ) {
// Do something to the comment, possibly switching based on the presence of $comment
$comment_text = 'This comment was rejected for violations of our TOS';
return $comment_text;
add_filter( 'comment_text', 'filter_text', 10, 2 );

Wordpress : add content to rss feed

I´m trying to add some custom values to the WordPress RSS feed. For testing purposes I got this code:
function add_custom_fields_to_rss() {
return "<test>test</test>\n";
add_action('rss_item', 'add_custom_fields_to_rss');
add_action('rss_item2', 'add_custom_fields_to_rss');
I have placed this to the bottom of my themes function.php. When I now try to get the rss with http://example.com/feed there is no test content which I returned in my custom function.
Does anybody know why ?
First thing you need to do is create the new RSS feed in your theme’s functions.php file
add_action('init', 'customRSS');
function customRSS(){
add_feed('feedname', 'customRSSFunc');
The above code triggers the customRSS function, which adds the feed. The add_feed function has two arguments, feedname, and a callback function. The feedname will make up your new feed url yourdomain.com/feed/feedname and the callback function will be called to actually create the feed. Make a note of the feedname, as you’ll need this later on.
Once you have initialized the feed, you’ll need to create the callback function to produce the required feed, using the following code in your theme’s functions.php file
function customRSSFunc(){
get_template_part('rss', 'feedname');
The code above is using the get_template_part function to link to a separate template file, however you can also place the RSS code directly into the function. By using get_template_part, we can keep the functionality separate to the layout. The get_template_part function has two arguments, slug and name, that will look for a template file with the name in the following format, starting with the file at the top (if it doesn’t find the first, it will move on to the second, and so on):
for detail, you should check out this link

how to change form action url for contact form 7?

I'm using Contact Form 7 in a wordpress site with multiple forms.
I need to direct one form to a different form action url than the others.
I found the reply below for a previous thread but I'm not sure how to go about it.
Can someone specify what exact code needs to be included in "additional settings"
and what the code in functions.php would look like?
Thanks for your help!
reply from diff. thread, which I don't completely understand...
*Yes, you have to change the "action" attribute in the form using this Filter Hook wpcf7_form_action_url. (what would be the code?) You could add the hook into your theme's functions.php and then just process the form data in your ASP page.(code?) *
Since you're not familiar with PHP code at all, I'll give you a bit of a crash course in coding within the Wordpress API.
First off, you need to know the difference between functions and variables. A variable is a single entity that is meant to represent an arbitrary value. The value can be anything. A number, somebody's name, or complex data.
A function is something that executes a series of actions to either send back - or return - a variable, or alter a given variable.
$a = 1; //Number
$b = 'b'; //String *note the quotes around it*
$c = my_function(); //Call to a function called my_function
echo $a; //1
echo $b; //b
echo $c; //oh, hello
function my_function()
return 'oh, hello';
Wordpress utilizes its own action and filter system loosely based on the Event-Driven Programming style.
What this means is that Wordpress is "listening" for a certain event to happen, and when it does, it executes a function attached to that event (also known as a callback). These are the "Actions" and "Filters". So what's the difference?
Actions are functions that do stuff
Filters are functions that return stuff
So how does this all fit in to your problem?
Contact Form 7 has its own filter that returns the URL of where information is to be sent by its forms.
So lets look at the basics of a Filter Hook
add_filter('hook_name', 'your_filter');
add_filter is the function that tells Wordpress it needs to listen
for a particular event.
'hook_name' is the event Wordpress is listening for.
'your_filter' is the function - or callback - that is called when the 'hook_name' event is fired.
The link to the previous thread states that the hook name you need to be using is 'wpcf7_form_action_url'. That means that all you have to do is make a call to add_filter, set the 'hook_name' to 'wpcf7_form_action_url', and then set 'your_filter' to the name of the function you'll be setting up as your callback.
Once that's done, you just need to define a function with a name that matches whatever you put in place of 'your_filter', and just make sure that it returns a URL to modify the form action.
Now here comes the problem: This is going to alter ALL of your forms. But first thing's first: See if you can get some working code going on your own. Just write your code in functions.php and let us know how it turns out.
The fact that you were able to get it so quickly is wonderful, and shows the amount of research effort you're putting into this.
Put all of this in functions.php
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url()
return 'wheretopost.asp';
As mentioned before, that will affect ALL of your forms. If this is only supposed to affect a form on a given page, you can do something like this:
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url($url)
global $post;
$id_to_change = 1;
if($post->ID === $id_to_change)
return 'wheretopost.asp';
return $url;
All you would need to do is change the value of $id_to_change to a number that represents the ID of the Post/Page you're trying to affect. So if - for example - you have an About Page that you would like to change the Action URL, you can find the ID number of your About Page in the Admin Dashboard (just go to the Page editor and look in your URL for the ID number) and change the 1 to whatever the ID number is.
Hope this helps you out, and best of luck to you.
Great answer #maiorano84 but I think you should check form ID instead of Post. Here is my version.
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url($url)
$wpcf7 = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
$wpcf7_id = $wpcf7->id();
$form_id = 123;
return $wpcf7_id == $form_id? '/action.php' : $url;
Another thing you might need to disable WPCF7 AJAX. That can be disabled by placing the following code in your theme functions.php
apply_filters( 'wpcf7_load_js', '__return_false' );
You can add actions after a successful submission like the documentation says
Adding a filter will work in the sense that it will change the action on the form but unfortunately it will also break the functionality of the plugin. If you add the filter like other answers suggest the form will keep the spinner state after submission.
You can make the form do something else on submit by using advanced settings such as:
on_submit: "alert('submit');"
more details about advanced settings here.
According to #abbas-arif, his solution works great, but have a limitation. This solution change the form's action on all forms present in post with that ID.
A better solution should be to use directly the form's ID. To get it, whit wordpress >5.2, you can use:
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url($url)
$cf7forms = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
$Form = $cf7forms -> id;
case 1:
return 'destination like salesforce url 1...';
case 2:
return 'destination like salesforce url 2...';
case 3:
return 'destination like salesforce url 3...';
return $url;

Wordpress - Change page dynamically but within shortcode running php

I am using a custom shortcode plugin. The plugin allows me to run some php. The php queries a non-wp database to build a page of vehicle specs and everything works great. The issue is that all of the information needed for the page title and description is contained within the data coming from the database. I've tried some of the standard wp php filters but the title does not change.
Is this not possibly because of the execution timing of the shortcode?
TinyMCE in WP admin. Shortcode
[myplugin data_id='42']
PHP window in shortcode editor
$GP=array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
echo "hello word" //works
echo $data_id; //works
echo $GP[some_post_data]; //works
//connect to database (irrelevant)
echo "the title from data table for data_id 42 = ".$data[title]; //works
// the following has no effect on page title even though $data[title] contains valid data
function myCallback($data){
return $data[title];
The problem is that $data[title] is out of scope, and that your filter callback is set up incorrectly. Also, you SHOULD encapsulate associative indexes with quotes.
When adding a callback to an existing filter, the arguments within the callback are passed by the filter definition. Case and point: Filtering The Title
The arguments within a standard filter for the_title are $title and $id. If you want to return the title from your $data array, you can do it the sloppy way using the global scope:
function myCallback($title, $id){
global $data;
return $data['title'];
But personally, I would look into avoiding globals altogether and concentrate on utilizing custom filters. Look into Adding Your Own Hooks. After getting a handle on action hooks, Filter Hooks are pretty easy to grasp.

Do WordPress widget (or sidebar) hooks exist?

I'm trying to filter ALL widget output through a simple filter, but can't find any hooks and was hoping to be pointed in the right direction. Or possibly my efforts are not even possible?
My simple filter is something like this:
function clean_widget_output( $input ) {
return str_replace( array( "\t", "\n", "\r" ), '', $input );
add_[FILTER OR ACTION]( 'need_a_hook', 'clean_widget_output', 99 );
Any ideas? I'm pretty new to PHP, but I can get around.
This was borne out of the need/desire to clean the god-awful HTML spewed by WordPress' widgets. I love what they do, but some of the output makes me cry.
The short answer is output buffering because I couldn't find any widget or sidebar hooks.
The long answer is:
function tidy_sidebar( $sidebar_name_or_id )
$bool = dynamic_sidebar( $sidebar_name_or_id);
if ( $bool )
$str = ob_get_contents();
$str = 'do cleanup stuff...';
$str = '';
return $str;
Then call echo tidy_sidebar( 'sidebar-name-or-id' ); from your theme.
I had a similar issue and after looking through Adam Brown's list of all WordPress filter hooks, found that the hook I needed does exist (widget_title, as pxl mentions), but that there is no hook to get all widget output. I thought I'd elaborate on the solution that worked for me.
Theoretically, the widget_title hook should affect all widgets on your blog, but I'm sure some 3rd party widgets neglect to include the necessary line of code to apply any title filters, so it's not foolproof. It worked for me, however, and it can be used to apply custom 'shortcode' (more accurately, in this case, 'longcode') or syntaxes to your widget titles. For example, I wanted to occasionally include html code in my widget titles, but by default, all html is stripped out. So, in order to be able to add things like <em> tags to text in some of my titles, I chose a custom syntax: [[ instead of < & ]] instead of > (for ex, [[em]] and [[/em]]) and then created a function in my theme's functions.php file to process that custom syntax and replace it with the html equivalent:
function parse_html_widget_title( $text ) {
return str_replace(array('[[', ']]'), array('<', '>'), $text);
Then I added a line below it to add the function as a filter:
add_filter('widget_title', 'parse_html_widget_title', 11); // 11 is one above the default priority of 10, meaning it will occur after any other default widget_title filters
The add_filter / apply_filter functionality automatically passes the content being filtered as the first parameter to the function specified as the filter, so that's all you need to do.
In order to do something similar for the main output of the widget, you would need to look at all your widgets to see what hook they use and verify that they have a filter for their main output, than use add_filter() for each hook you find with your custom callback function (for example, it's widget_text for the Text widget output, or get_search_form for the search form [you can see it in wp-includes/general-template.php, at the get_search_form() function]). The problem is that some of the dynamically generated widgets don't have hooks (like the Meta widget), which is why the output buffering solution Jeff provides is the most versatile, though not ideal, solution.
there are lots of hooks for wordpress widgets that aren't documented. The wordpress codex doesn't list them, for whichever reason (such as these hooks may change in the future and will break unexpectedly with new updates and versions)... so use these with extreme caution.
to find out what they are, there are at least 2 places to look:
<wordpress install directory>/wp-includes/default-filters.php
<wordpress install directory>/wp-includes/default-widgets.php
contained in those two files is a pretty good listing of all the hooks wordpress uses.
An example would be a filter for widgets is widget_title
again, use these with caution, they're not guaranteed to work past the specific version of the code you're looking at.
I'm not sure when they introduced the widget_text filter, maybe they didn't have it in '09 when this question was originally asked, but since it's there now, and for the sake of anyone that gets this stackoverflow like I did from google and just happens to read far enough down to see this answer, it's now actually quite simple:
function my_widget_filter( $content )
// manipulate $content as you see fit
return $content;
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'my_widget_filter', 99 );
Also maybe check out the dynamic_sidebar_params filter --
Another link --
