Why Firebase needs App Team Id and what is used for? - firebase

Firebase Analytics allows my config to also include a App Team ID in my GoogleService-Info.plist.
I haven't provided one when I created my project, and the app seems to work fine.
Why I need a Team ID? and most importantly what its used for?
Add an App Store ID or Team ID

You'll need to supply a TeamID for Dynamic Links and/or Firebase Invites to work. It's needed because Firebase Dynamic Links creates a tiny little website with its own apple-app-site-association file that points to your app, and your TeamID is needed for this site to work. You can check out this video for more information!


Is there a way to customize the text content of Google One Tap prompt?

Our application has a multi-tenant architecture where we have multiple different websites deployed using a single codebase. Is there a way to edit the application name (ie. show Sign in to <Website 1> with Google instead of Sign in to <App name> with Google) without needing to create a separate project in Google Console for each website?
If editing the app name is impossible, is there a way to just show Sign in with Google instead?
I don't think Google allows you to do that, basically due to some legal/UX concerns. Take below UX as an example.
Users go to website1, and see prompt for "App Name 1". Then grant it.
Users go to website2, and see prompt for "App Name 2". And it'd be a big surprise, to some of them, that the permission has arleady been granted. Users may think 1)Google granted it without user's consent, or 2) someone had stolen his credentials and granted it, etc.
In summary, you need to make a decision first:
if you think end users should treat your different origins as different apps, you should create different projects for them(, so that their UX are isolated from each others).
if you think users should treat your different origins as a single app, then using same app name is not an issue at all.

did firebase console drop support for opening a specific firestore document via URL?

Previously it was possible to open URLs in the firebase console like this:
this would open the firestore collection users and the user with id userID. Since a few days I noticed that this behavior is no longer supported. Is there a way around that?
In backend admin panels this is a very nice feature, I usually link all documents directly like that for fast access.
firebaser here
I don't think this was intentionally changed, or at least I'm not aware of such a change.
If you can reproduce this consistently, please file a bug report with the support team so that they can investigate.

Multiple data streams for web + app property

I am new to google analytics and noticed that my firebase app was auto linked to a property in my google analytics account as type app + web.
In the data streams section of this property, I would like to ensure data comes through via two sources, www. and admin.. How do I achieve this? The UI on analytics only lets me link one web stream. I also don't seem to be able to edit this once it is set up.
I would actually prefer to set up two separate properties, as they are two different "apps", however in Firebase in Settings > Integrations > Manage you can only link one google property ID.
Both www. and admin. are hosting on the same firebase project, as separate web apps.
Where am I going wrong?

Crawl status saying it can't find any pages to index in my android app

Although I followed the below guide on my app (up to 7th step because I'm not interested in personal contents or on-device indexing):
Firebase appIndexing tutorial
And connected my app to firebase consol.
Also verified steps against "Get Started" guide:
Firebase AppIndex for Android Get Start guide
And followed steps included in Google guide to create deep link in app (except for reading data from coming intent section) as below link:
Google guide for creating deep link to app contents
I also verified the intent code in the manifest using adb command and got it successfully executed for specified url data (scheme, host, and pathPrefix) with added android:autoVerify="true".
The only thing I couldn't accomplish is to declare the "Digital Asset Links" file by uploading it to my website on Weebly, because I couldn't find a way through my search to do so.
Now, after I added the android app into my webmaster as a property and verified the ownership of my website on Weebly then associated the website to the app in the webmaster, I got the following message in the "Crawl status":
"We did not find any pages to index in your app
Your app pages must be found and indexed before Google can start showing them in search results. You can tell Google which pages to index in a sitemap or in web page markup, or if your website and app have identical page organization, Google can infer your app pages from their corresponding web pages."
I'm really stuck here, and don't know what else to do to index my app contents keywords into Google Play for users to find my app when they search these keywords.
Is there any steps I missed in order to have my app indexed? or is there any other method to make my app on Google Play found when searching for specific keywords (that's all what I want, and I created the website specially for this task)?
Thanks in advance for your help.
App Indexing is for finding app pages in Google search, not in Google Play.
Unfortunately, you do need to associate the Digital Asset file, but this is just a text file in a known location: you can see the details in https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/verify-site-associations

Facebook API and Drupal

I'm trying to use the drupal module called FB (http://drupal.org/project/fb). I just want to know if I'm on the right track. I've installed the module, setup the keys and so forth. All I want is the following:
To make a call into facebook
Retrieve all MY notes
Retrieve all the COMMENTS on my notes
So my questions are:
Is it necessary to write an app if I just want to make simple call like this?
Is there an easier way than the module i'm using?
You may find that the Activity Stream facebook extention does what you need.
Making some assumptions here: 1) you're familiar with programming drupal modules, 2) not so much with the facebook api, 3) you want to export your notes to display on a personal site.
The short answer is Yes, you need to create an application. You need the facebook client API files, and an API key/secret, which you only get by creating an app. Sounds like you've already gotten this far anyway.
However, from first glance, it looks like you only need to enable the DFF facebook API module, and then you can write your own module, using the global $fb to access facebook. The client API methods are mostly self-explanatory, if a little tweaky.
Possible problem: if your facebook details are restricted to friends only, visitors to your personal site won't have access to your notes via facebook API calls. The API only exposes what's publically accessible, or it exposes the (user-specific) details & friends when a visitor logs in (prompted by calling the require_login method). So, I imagine you'd need to store the notes locally, updating them by logging in yourself.
You could feasibly bypass the DFF modules altogether & just include the FB client API from your own module, but DFF looks like it handles all the weird & badly-documented fb behaviour - particularly that related to require_login - that'd otherwise have you smacking your head against a wall for three days. Good luck.
Caveat: I've never used the DFF modules. I used FBConnect, which was sufficient, but I spent a lot of time smacking my head against a wall.
