Firebase storage Quota has been exceeded - firebase

I have set up a test account on firebase just for development purposes.
I made use of the storage feature and so I uploaded manually an image with the size of 400kb which later I downloaded through an IOS application.
All of a sudden the application stopped working and I cannot access the storage from the console.. I get the message "warning Can't connect to server. Try again in a few minutes."
By searching in the stackoverflow, I found some people claiming that this has to do with multiple google accounts signed in from the same browser etc..
The IOS application though, logs the following error:
Error Domain=FIRStorageErrorDomain Code=-13000 "An unknown error occurred, please check the server response." UserInfo={object=images/nicewall.jpg,, ResponseBody={
"error": {
"code": 402,
"message": "Quota has been exceeded for this project. Please visit the Firebase pricing page to learn more."
Please pay attention to the message "Quota has been exceeded.."
How is this even possible? The analytics/events shows "session_start:193" which I assume is how many times the application connected to the Firebase.
Now if my calculations are correct 193x400KB is way less than the 30GB traffic limit..
It is worth noting that I have a second project setup under the same account which I don't use at all.. and the storage is accessible..
After googling a bit, I found that I should have billing information setup.. and so I did.. after a few minutes I can access the storage again..
How can I tell what was wrong?
Was it the billing account? Or that was a random incident?
I do NOT believe my app exceeded the limits
How often the limits reset?
Where can I see the actual limits for each service/feature?
Thanks and sorry for the long post!

Sorry you had issues! Here are some answers:
Was it the billing account? Or that was a random incident?
Unsure why it happened--it's possible that there's a bug in our quota system, or it's possible that you ended up storing or sending more data than you thought. I'm not sure how you're using storage, but if you've got a 400kB image and we have a 1GB/day limit, that's 2500 downloads/day. If you've got 200 users, and they use the app routinely, and the file is downloaded on app start every time, that might explain extra usage.
Our free plan offers 30GB outgoing bandwidth per month, 5GB of data storage total , and 20,000 uploads and 50,000 downloads operations per day--once these limits are hit, the app won't work until the quota resets, or until you upgrade your app. Once you upgrade, the quota limit is removed and the app works, which is why your problem went away.
How often the limits reset?
The bandwidth is 30GB/month, enforced as a daily limit (so every 24 hour period means you're allotted 1GB of bandwidth). This limit resets every day.
Storage is 5GB total, and once exceeded you need to remove additional data (or upgrade your plan) before the app works again.
Operations are 50,000 downloads and 20,000 uploads per day.
See the quota limit docs for more info.
Where can I see the actual limits for each service/feature?
We're working on exposing usage data for each service in their respective sections of the Firebase Console. Stay tuned for more on this.

I had te same issue,
I had upgraded it to blaze plan and then deleted some of the data from the storage and then again downgrade the plan to free and it will start working for testing

firebase limits the number of new Email/Password and Anonymous accounts that your application can create in a day from a single IP address.
you can check this out to change and schedule sign up quota.
Found this in firebase project authentication settings.

For future ref please use cached_network_image and for videos cached_video_player cause believe it or not i just blew through the 1GB limit withing an hour testing the video player using a stored 1mb video. The band with is a problem amongst other things on firebase so cache where you can and if you cant i suggest you find other file hosting services


RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED error when linking a GCS bucket to firebase (projects.buckets.addFirebase)

I have a script that creates a GCS bucket, links it to firebase and apply firebase rules on the bucket. Recently, I am running into this error that it cannot link the GCS bucket to firebase.
I am using the REST method projects.buckets.addFirebase to import the GCS bucket to firebase.{bucket=projects/*/buckets/*}:addFirebase
The response from the API says that the resource exhausted.
"error": {
"code": 429,
"message": "Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota).",
So I checked the quota for firebase googleapis and it says the per minute usage has reached the limit. Okay, if that is the case, why doesn't it reset even after days of inactivity. I get the error every time I issue the request. If it is a per minute limit, why doesn't it reset the next minute? If I reach the per minute limit once, can't we use the service ever after?
I tried deleting the firebase security rules (storage and firestore) and still I get the same error.
I really don't understand the error and the quota it is linked to. How do I overcome this error? I am now not able to add any bucket to firebase. I know that we can increase the quota, but I might end up in the same situation when that limit also exceeds.
When you run out of quota, the task you're trying to complete, such as deploying an app, starting a new project, or contacting an API, usually fails and you get a quota error. Until you free up resources (for allocation quota), the time period resets (for rate quota), or you seek and are granted a quota increase, the task will continue to fail.
This error can be triggered by a message rate quota that has been exceeded, a device message rate quota that has been exceeded, or a topic message rate quota that has been exceeded.
The error 429 indicates that you may be violating Google's Terms of Service (especially under d. API Limitations).
When you made too many calls, you were probably put on a blacklist, which expires in some time. The limit for People API. You need to apply for higher quotas.
Setting up monitoring to inform you when you're approaching quota restrictions will help you avoid quota errors. More information on monitoring your quotas may be found in the section Monitoring and alerting on quota metrics later in this publication.
Google does not reveal all the rates that it restricts, ostensibly to prevent circumvention or to allow for more flexibility in enforcement.
Here is also a link regarding Limits and Quotas on API requests.
Finally, I was able to solve this issue.
Looks like there were some orphaned buckets in the firebase side (that were soft-deleted) and they were causing the issue.
In order to get rid of them I had to issue an API request to list the buckets.{parent=projects/*}/buckets?pageSize=1000
I assume that this cleared the orphaned buckets and after that I was able to create new gcs buckets and add them to firebase{bucket=projects/*/buckets/*}:addFirebase
I was not sure, if this was the issue and the solution to it. So, I tried the same in my another project which also had the same issue. And it worked.
Let me know if this is the right solution, or something that worked out by luck :)

Error loading collections You have gone over your daily usage limits

My app is still in development and I uploaded about 35.6 MB of images to firebase storage.
suddenly the application stopped working and I cannot access the Firestore From the Firebase console. it shows the message
Error loading collections
You have gone over your daily usage limits
Is it possible that I have reached the limit and we are only 3 people currently using the application? Or is there an error in the firebase?
Will the problem be solved if I enabled payment in my account?
How much will I expect to pay monthly?
It is quite common to go over your free quota much earlier than you'd expect during development. During this phase developers usually keep the Firestore console open, and any data that the console reads is also charged. So you'll first want to check that, and see if you really need to keep the console open - or if you can see what you need in your app already, or with some dedicated queries.
Will the problem be solved if I enabled payment in my account?
If you've hit the free quota of your project, moving the project onto the paid/Blaze plan will remove/increase that quota.
How much will I expect to pay monthly?
Firestore pricing depends solely on your usage, so I recommend checking out the Firebase pricing page (and the calculator at the bottom)

Firebase Realtime Database detailed usage

Where can I get Firebase Realtime Database detailed usage i.e. I want to get details about where data is being used? My database size is about 700kb and 10GB downloaded in 2 days, I am unable to figure it out, how did this happen. Currently, the usage tab just showing me the basic usage by day. Can I get more detailed usage information?
See the Firebase documentation on monitoring usage, which lists two main options:
The Usage in the Firebase console, which you already found.
StackDriver monitoring, which will you give you more granular usage data.
If neither of these allow you to determine where the usage is coming from, you have a few more options/things to consider:
Keep in mind that traffic for showing the database in the Firebase console is also charged. Especially early on in development this can be a major portion of the usage, as you won't have many users yet.
You can use the database profiler, which logs all the activity in your database over a given period of time.

Firebase Storage Quota for bucket exceeded

I do understand that we have used too much space on our Projekt but as we are still in developing and α testing I want to ask if there is any possibility do delete parts of Storage or reset it completely?
I sadly can't view the data inside the Console and delete it manually because there is just the warning that my the quota exceeded.
Trying to delete some old stuff directly from the iOS App also fails.
Thanks for helping.
The quota on a free project is calculated daily. This means that if you wait for a day, you'll have some quota again to perform these operations with.

Firebase storage states full after deleting all files

Like many other people out there, I am using Firebase for my project. In the past few days I have used Firebase quite a lot for sending media files between users. Now, I am also on the free plan, as I am still testing Firebase.
All of a sudden, Firebase has stopped responding, mentioning that
"You have exceeded your quota for this project. Please upgrade your plan.
I know that Firebase has a limit on the amount of data I can transfer per day and store, that's no problem. My problem is that even after a full day, and having everything in storage deleted, I still get the same error.
Truth is, this error only shows up for the storage section. But, as you can see in the picture, my storage is now empty. Therefore my question is how can I reset firebase, or there's no other way around other than paying?
Since I am not able to see any files, I am also suspecting that I have not deleted them all, or them correctly? Could this be what's going on?
The more interesting part is the when clicking on "LEARN MORE", I am prompted to the following page, which is even more misleading.
Update: After looking at my quota details I found out that my Cloud Storage Network is full:
Looking at the Pricing for Storage on the Spark Plan it says that you can store up to 5Gb of data. Now this plan is based on Cloud Platform's Always Free and their documentation says "5Gb-months". I'm not sure of what that means, but I'm assuming that you have already exceeded your 5Gb for this month (even though you deleted the files afterwards). Maybe your quota will actually have some kind of "refresh" next month so you'll probably only be able to use Firebase storage again by that time.
