TL;DR: I want a cursor pointer on green cells and cursor disabled on grey cells
I am building an application which use Fullcalendar and I face a problem I can’t solve:
I try to modify the cursor directly on cells (not events)
I tried to target the « .fc-future », « .fc-today » and « .fc-past » fullcalendar classes and apply a style like « cursor: pointer » or « cursor: not-allowed » without any success.
Here is a screenshot of what I have:
Does anyone know how can I change the cursor on columns ?
Thanks for your help !
My project:
Fullcalendar 2.8.0
Thanks for your quick reply !
I couldn't figure out how to set this up as you explained in your post.
So I found a workaround.
In Fullcalendar, I added a background event object:
start: moment().startOf('isoWeek'), # beginning of week
end: moment().utc().endOf('day'), # end of current day
rendering: 'background',
className: 'disabled-cell'
This "fake event" disable all day from beginning of week until the end of the current day.
For the cursor, I created a css class:
// Sass code
background-color: gray
opacity: 1
cursor: not-allowed
cursor: pointer
<div class="fc-scroller-canvas"> contains two divs, one with the fc-content class and another with fc-bg class. You are setting background for the elements inside the fc-bg. Set the cursor CSS property for the same elements inside the fc-bg.
Then, in order to show the cursor through the fc-content, you need to set pointer-events: none; for the fc-content div. This will kind of make it transparent for the mouse pointer, so that you can mouseover or click the elements in the underlying div. That means you will be able to see the cursor you need.
Obviously this may disable some of the functionality that you may need, so you need to set back pointer-events: auto; on things that you need, such as on events themselves (if you do anything with eventClick, for example).
My aim:
To change the default click pointer on a website using CSS.
I have already changed the default pointer but this question is specifically for changing different 'versions' of the cursor.
My current attempt for the pointer is:
cursor: url(images/click.png), pointer;
This worked for the default mouse change (pointer was renamed as auto) but I've yet to find a working solution for the pointer.
Is it plausible or is it simply something not needed and thus, not introduced?
Just set cursor style.
a {
cursor: url("/examples/images/custom.gif"), url("/examples/images/custom.cur"), default;
You can read about the css hover property. and add the cursor to it. For example putting the following code in your styles would make the cursor alias whenever you'd hover over the anchor tag. Let me know if this helps you.
a:hover {
cursor: alias
I want to change the beam looking I thing that appears when you hover over text. However, I've only been able to change the pointer cursor. Is this possible in CSS?
Edit: I wanna change the way the text version of the cursor looks like. Instead of being the I beam, I want it to be a custom image. Is this possible?
you need to use css to style the cursor with " cursor: someStyleName "
ex that makes it a crosshair:
span.myclass {
cursor: crosshair;
this link shows a use (in html, but the code is the same in css) and a demo of what it looks like, as well as many of the different style types:
ps: this site in general is great for web dev info.. even java/jquery stuff.
I seriously have worked on this FOR-EVER!!!
Why the heck isn't my menu color change via the CSS?
I don't know if it's the Wordpress theme interfering or what, but I need a fresh pair of eyes on this website:
You should learn how to use web debugging tools. For chrome it's right click -> inspect element. Then you can find Your menu element and see what's setting the styles.
In added image You can see that Your style is accepted, but overridden by style in index file. Either it's style in php file itself or some Javascript.
You can either change the setting in the index file or (not the best way) set it to background: #40c2a6; !important` in your style.min.css
Also if You cannot figure something out, in Developer Tools click on the Html element, then click on "Computed" on the right side and then click on the specific style - it will show you where that real value is set at.
Hope this helps You in the future!
#menu-primary-items>li a {
color: #888;
search this and change the color..
Edit this in custom css.
#menu-primary-items>li a{
color : #000;
if it not works then put !important in color attribute.
I have some buttons using <button>, which when clicked get a blue selected color!
Is there a way to remove this feature?
That is a default behaviour of each browser; your browser seems to be Safari, in Google Chrome it is orange in color!
Use this to remove this effect:
button {
outline: none; // this one
You can remove the blue outline by using outline: none.
However, I would highly recommend styling your focus states too. This is to help users who are visually impaired.
Check out: More reading here:
You can remove this by adding !important to your outline.
outline: none !important;
This is an issue in the Chrome family and has been there forever.
A bug has been raised
It can be shown here: as soon as you add a border to anything button-like (say role="button" has been added to a tag for example) Chrome messes up and sets the focus state when you click with your mouse. You should see that outline only on keyboard tab-press.
I highly recommend using this fix:
Just do the following
npm install --save focus-visible
Add the script to your html:
<script src="/node_modules/focus-visible/dist/focus-visible.min.js"></script>
or import into your main entry file if using webpack or something similar:
import 'focus-visible/dist/focus-visible.min';
then put this in your css file:
// hide the focus indicator if element receives focus via mouse, but show on keyboard focus (on tab).
.js-focus-visible :focus:not(.focus-visible) {
outline: none;
// Define a strong focus indicator for keyboard focus.
// If you skip this then the browser's default focus indicator will display instead
// ideally use outline property for those users using windows high contrast mode
.js-focus-visible .focus-visible {
outline: magenta auto 5px;
You can just set:
button:focus {outline:0;}
but if you have a large number of users, you're disadvantaging those who cannot use mice or those who just want to use their keyboard for speed.
When moving over a dragable element I want the cursor to change to a hand and upon mouse down until mouse up I want to change to a "grabbing" hand. What is the proper, cross browser compatible way to do this?
Googling this only brings up websites from year two thousand, with tutorials on IE6. BLA!
Are there any good MODERN tutorials on this topic out there? If not, someone needs to write one. That'd make an excellent smashing magazine article!
Using the jQuery framework, you could do something like this:
// define a hover event so that when you hover over and out of the dragable element
// the cursor changes accordingly
} , function(){
// this cursor property is only supported in mozilla, but here you can insert
// an image as other posters have specified
// this event changes the cursor when you click the dragable element
// this event changes the cursor back to the default type after you let go
// of the dragable element
$('#element').mouseup(function() {
For a live example, check this out: Let me know if you need more information. I hope this helps.
The propper way is to use cursor rule default values, as 'move' in your case.
If you want a custom cursor you must have a .cur file for IE and a png/gif file for others, so you can write
Using CSS:
.myElement {
cursor: move;
.myCustomCursor {
cursor: url(myCoolCursor.gif);