Kibana/iframe for dashboard: disable modifications - kibana

Hellow everyone,
I know I can export my dashboard thanks to the iframe link and to add to my web page. However, it is still possible through my web page to modify my dashboard. I would like to know if there is a parameter inside the url or something else that disables this feature. It would be great for me !!
Thank your for your attention and your help.

Go to kibana/src/ui/public/filter_bar/query_filter.js
search for queryFilter.addFilters function,
mark all function content as comment,
build and restart kibana

Use the link in following way
Basically embed=true in your URL will make it read only and remove all extra features.


LinkedIn share button uses wrong image

I developed a custom plugin for wordpress. In my plugin I´m using a linkedIn share button but when I try to share the article, linkedIn uses the wrong image. What have I done wrong? I tryed several solutions. og:image etc. are set correctly but I don´t know why it is not working.
Here is a link to the page:
Thank you in advance.
The cache may be out of date for the link you are trying to share. Use the Post Inspector to test sharing the link and to cache the latest changes.

How to hide domain name before path?

I was looking for something new for wordpress, I was trying to find all the paid and free plugins but there is no way to hide the domain name in the path.
I would like to ask if Wordpress can do this?
Can you help me with something to get url like in the picture ???
That is a local URL, so they have to be stored locally on your machine and loaded in by a file located on your machine.
If I am reading this correctly than just do what the image says. It isn't that hard. I did it countless times. If you mean like how to hide domain names in the link than refer to this link and scroll down and go to the "external" tutorial area. And if you mean like in javascript than refer to this link and go to the external part of the page. If this didn't help you or I misunderstood than please put more information.

CloudFlare RocketLoader causing Woocommerce Add to Cart button to not load

So I want to enable CloudFlares Rocketloader feature on my site as it significantly improves the load times of my page.
Thing is, the Add to Cart button doesn't load when it's enabled.
The CloudFlare documentation states:
"You can have Rocket Loader ignore individual scripts by adding the
data-cfasync="false" attribute to the relevant script tag"
I think I need to add the above code to the correct script but I have no idea what the script is called or where it is.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
The ignore option doesn't always work (kind of complex). Is it just happening on a specific URL, such as If yes, then you might want to look at turning off Rocket Loader on that URL with a PageRule.

Set a tag to track links from a visual basic app in google analytics

I hope I can explain myself.
See. I have this little program where I put a link to my site, what I want to know if there's some way to add a tag into the URL so Google Analytics can count the amount of visitors coming from that program.
Like when you parse the GET in php.
something like http:\\\?something_to_google_analytics_to_read
If this is possible, I assume that I need also to configure that Tag into Analytic's, or?
As #SLaks pointed, I can find a step by step guide for create what I wanted in:
It is called Campaigns.

ASP.NET GridView/ListView Print Functionality

I'm trying to give users an ability to print gridview/listview report. Could anyone please guide me how it's best achieved?
Ability to export to Excel/PDF would be good as well.
Thank you in advance.
Set up a print stylesheet that strips out everything you don't want on the page.
Have a javascript print button for printing the page.
Job done.
