colspan and collapse for the same header - possible? - grid

I am currently developing a table using dhtmlx grid. I need to achieve the below table construction. I tried many way to achieve this but I wasn't able to apply the colspan and collapse for the same td element in the header.
Please check the attachment and help me to get the exact output.

Such output is not available using the column_collapse extension.
But you can place any html content in your header and hide the required columns on clicking it.
As a draft:
function hiding(){
if (!collapse){
myGrid.setHeader("<input type='button' id='collapse' value='hide' onclick='(arguments[0]||window.event).cancelBubble=true;hiding()'>,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan");


Add CSS class to empty paragraphs

Is there a way to add a css class name to empty paragraphs in ckeditor so I can target them with css?
Empty paragraphs in ckeditor are not really empty because they contain a br tag so I can not use :empty to target them.
From what I can see, the good thing is that those <br> inside empty paragraphs have an attribute which makes them easy to target.
In the future, you might use a pure CSS solution like this one.
p:has(> br[data-cke-filler="true"]) {
/* styles here */
For now, you either have to style the directly.
Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, maybe applying css to the <br> would suffice.
br[data-cke-filler="true"] {
/* styles here */
And if you are able to run javascript in ckeditor. This can easely be done today.
Examples : with jQuery
$( "p:has(br[data-cke-filler="true"])" ).addClass( "MyEmptyParagraphsClass" );
$( "br[data-cke-filler="true"]" ).parent().addClass( "MyEmptyParagraphsClass" );
Example : with Native Javascript
var brs = Document.querySelectorAll("br[data-cke-filler="true"]");
brs.forEach(function(br) {
In CKEditor 4, you can have a configuration file.
And you can add the custom config with the options here.
In your case, you might need these options :
config.ignoreEmptyParagraph = false;
config.fillEmptyBlocks = false; // Prevent filler nodes in all empty blocks.
Meanwhile in CKEditor 5, you can try these documentations about Block Widget :
Adding a css class to block elements
Inline and block content

suppress first page header using css media print

How can i suppress/hide elements when printing especially a header at first page only.
<thead><tr><td>must be invisible at first page</td><tr></thead>
i have read Remove Header from First Page of HTML Generated PDF - CSS, which is seems to be solutions, but it has dead link.
and i dont understand bellow code:
#page {
#top-center {
content: element(header,first-except);
what is content: element(...) ?
where can i get manual/reference to this element (xxx) function ?

How to add header to the ngbtypeahead window?

I am trying to implement typeahead functionality in Angular. I am using ngbTypeahead from ng-bootstrap for this as shown below.
<input id="typeahead-template" type="text" class="form-control form-rounded" [ngbTypeahead]="search" [resultTemplate]="rt" [inputFormatter]="formatter" />
<ng-template #rt let-r="result" let-t="term">
<img [src]="''+r['flag']" class="mr-1" style="width: 16px">
<ngb-highlight [result]="" [term]="t"></ngb-highlight>
This is displaying result like
but I want a header to be added and the result should be in the format
The results are
Can someone please help with this?
This isn't supported by ng-bootstrap's Typeahead component, however you can use CSS to insert text before the results. The only problem with this solution is that you need to use ::ng-deep which is deprecated and likely to be dropped by Angular soon.
Add this to your component's CSS:
::ng-deep ngb-typeahead-window:before {
content: "The results are:";
and you should see the following when results are displayed:
This will prepend the typeahead results with the text specified as the value of the content property.
Please see this StackBlitz for a demo
There is a hack I have been using:
Use the first row as a dummy row with a specific attribute
Track the existence of that attribute to render the header at the template
Use CSS to make the first row unselectable.
.popup-custom-class .dropdown-item:first-of-type {
pointer-events: none;

Css selector for getting web element based on text

Below is the dom structure of the page :
I have tried
I also tried
none of them work.
Need way to get elements when element attribute is not defined.
PS: textContent() return srave as outcome.
I have many such button elements on the page. I know I can iterate through all of them and check text. But I want to get web element directly based on the text it contains to reduce the execution time
Did you try: button[class='k-button k-button-icontext'] or button[dir='ltr'] I don't think the cssSelectors you were attempting in your example are correct because you pluralized button. If neither of these work, it may be that there are more than one button on the page with the same selector. In which case it might be better to use xpath or you could get a list of all the elements with the same selector and then get whichever one from that list you created and click it.
No, you can't use CSS Selector. You can use XPath.
You can use jquery for get the same because css is not select the text.
Working fiddle
fiddle link
Try this
You can use following css to get the button name with "srave".
<button data-name="srave">
button[data-name="srave"] {
To add to danidangerbear here is a java method that will do what you want:
public String getElementText(String elementText){
List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("button"));
String elementText = null;
for(WebElement element : elements)
elementText = element.getText();
} else {
elementText = "element text does not exist";
return elementText;

Add CSS property in Angualr2 with MetaWidget

I am trying to add CSS when clicked on row or column of table, Following is code
private rowClicked(event: Event): void {
event.srcElement.setAttribute("class", "highlighted");
But it's not working as accepted. Am I doing in wrong way, Is there any alternate way to add CSS dynamically?
Is there any way to add CSS using dom element, my table has thousands of data and to create this table, I have used MetaWidget.
The easiest way to your problem is to assign a unique ID to each included element together with employing another variable to hold selected ID. The logic to turn on my-class CSS class will now be based on the selected ID.
Your new HTML template:
<div (click)="rowClicked(1);" [ngClass]="{'my-class': highlightedDiv === 1}">
> I'm a div that gets styled on click
Your rowClicked function:
highlightedDiv: number;
rowClicked(newValue: number) {
if (this.highlightedDiv === newValue) {
this.highlightedDiv = 0;
else {
this.highlightedDiv = newValue;
A working demo is here.
More can be found here.
You are using MetaWidget, but you are not mentioning what version you are using.
If you want work with Angular2 and MetaWidget, you should have use a compatible version of MetaWidget, which can be found here-
Using this library will be the best solution for you.
Angular does not work based on DOM, it works based on Component.
If you like to work on DOM, then you should include jQuery in tour angular project from here-
How to use jQuery with Angular2?
But it is not a good practice.
