Wordpress cannot create directory on theme install - wordpress

Brand new site. latest version. All glossy and etc.
I went to add a theme. It asked me for my FTP login details. I added these, but now it just keeps falling over and saying:
Could not create directory
Where to from here?

Add this to your wp-config.php file, so it will not ask for FTP again.
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
If it does not work there are alot of solutions here
After that make sure your theme directory has the right permission you can read more about permission here: codex wordpress file permission
If you are not sure about permission, change wordpress, wp-content, wp-includes, wp-admin, plugins and themes to 755 and then install your theme.

Found it: ISPConfig3 does not work on Amazon Web Services because every user needs access to the instance, and adding them is a manual process :(
Swapping to Plesk.


Permission error on wordpress theme from themeforest

I am using a custom theme I brought from themeforest and I am trying to deploy it to WordPress a
WPHunters Health Checker have detected next problems:
Set 0777 permissions to /wp-content folder.
To use theme please fix these issues. This message visible only for site administrators.
I have tried to change the permissions using FileZilla but WordPress is not allowing me to change the permissions to 777.
Theme link
As far as I know, WordPress doesn't have a functionality that allows admins to change permission from the admin panel if I understood you correctly. I dont know what you mean by "but WordPress is not allowing me to change the permissions to 777." Just make sure to chmod recursively.
Go to FileZilla and navigate to the path : /wp-content folder
Right click on the folder and choose File permission
Set the numerical value to 777
Check the box that says Rescuers into subdirectories
Select Apply to all files and directories

Wordpress won't allow me to download updates, plugins or themes

Two days ago we've received a project to realize for my school. We have to build a website using Wordpress.
As told in the title, I can not manage to install plugins, themes, updates and probably some things more from the admin panel.
When I try to download a theme, for example, I get the following message: "Can not locate themes directory".
However, I've been able to install two themes (actually one theme and its parent one, dont know if it matters) by downloading them as zip, and unzip in the wp-content/themes folder.
I've also added some lines to my wp-config.php file:
define('FTP_BASE', '/wordpress');
define('FTP_CONTENT_DIR', '/wordpress/content');
define('FTP_PLUGIN_DIR', '/wordpress/wp-content/plugins');
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/wordpress/wp-content');
define('WP_PLUGIN_DIR', dirname(__FILE__). '/wordpress/wp-content/plugins');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', '');
define('WP_PLUGIN_URL', '');
I am using Ubuntu with apache2, mysql and PHP7.2
Any suggestion is welcome.
check your site origin at file manager and left click to make sure that your site has permission to create/upload/etc activities

No permissions to upload files after installing Wordpress on EC2 - Amazon Tutorial

quite a noob here. Was just able to install a Wordpress following this Amazon tutorial:
Tutorial: Hosting a WordPress Blog with Amazon EC2
The thing is, that I cant upload any images.
Actually the error I get is:
Cant create "Upload" directory. Does the parent directory have persmission?
(not exactly these words as my wp is in portuguese)
I can do everything via FTP (that I installed using this tutorial: The White Way - How to set up WordPress on Amazon EC2).
What I'm trying to learn:
How can I change permissions so that I may upload/create files and folders via Wordpress?
Thanks a lot!
Solution: OK guys what worked for me was: set wp-content and recursively all subfolders and files to permission 777: then I was able to upload. After that I went back to 755 and it continued functioning.
Make sure your wp-content folder has a 755 permission so that wordpress can create an upload directory inside Wp-content folder. You should be able to change the permission of WP-content through FTP.
hmm usually the 755 permission should fix the issue. Maybe check out that folders inside wp-content have also a 755 permission. If this doesn't fix the problem, create a folder called 'uploads' under wp-content and make sure this folder has also a 755 permission.

Wordpress - no themes

I have installed a fresh copy of wordpress on a windows XAMPP server. I configured the wp-config file and ran the install script. All is ok, and I am able to view my new wordpress site and login to admin area.
However - when I go to Appearance->themes - the current theme is set to TwentyTwelve and in the lower section the "Available Themes" does not show ANY themes.
After this I copied a new theme to the themes folder (which was working on a WP install on my test server at work) and that doesn't show up either.
Can anyone tell me how to make the other default theme (TwentyEleven) and more importantly my own built themes, appear as being available?
Thanks :)
Try to change the theme folder permissions to 777
style.css is very important for a theme.
You should check either style.css exists or not.
If No, try install wordpress again.
If Yes, then there might be the issue of File Permissions.
Set file permissions from below.

how to install downloaded wordpress theme in xampp

I am trying to install a theme I downloaded from this website.
I am using XAMPP and I am not sure how to install this dowloaded theme using XAMPP.
I tried installing this theme with the zip folder (in zip format) in Wordpress but I get the error
” The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme install failed. “
I found a similar on Wordpress website but they mentioned using FTP but I don’t know how to use FTP with XAMPP
I want to install the theme and test it out locally before I make it live or buy a domain name.
This is my first time doing this (I am a student) so I don’t totally know how things work together, don’t know if I am using the description/terms but I hope I described the problem well enough.
How to go about this? Any help will be appreciated.
OK so its a bit weird that the theme you downloaded is missing the CSS file. When you upload it Wordpress is trying to find that file and failing. For now, let's assume that the creator of the theme put the CSS file in a different location than usual.
To install a theme manually via XAMPP do the following:
Locate XAMPP's htdocs folder. This is normally Applications>>XAMPP>>HTDOCs on Mac or My Computer>>C:>>XAMPP>>HTDOCs on Windows (I think - someone might need to correct me on that).
If your site is installed in a sud-directory in htdocs, go there. If not skip to next step.
Open the wp-content folder
Open the themes folder
Copy in your downloaded theme and extract it there (if its zipped)
Go to your Wordpress Dashboard and go to the Appearance button on the left and click Themes from the drop down. Find your newly installed theme and hit Activate.
That should do the trick unless your theme is missing some vital elements
(PS: what your are doing here - moving (theme) files from one location to another - is essentially the same as FTP. Difference is FTP allows you to transfer files accross the internet from computer to computer: say your computer to a web server hosting your site.)
Add this lines to your wp-config.php file
//** To add the direct installation of the themes **//
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
Then go to wp-admin and click on customize your site. Press on change button on the active theme and browse for your favorite theme from wordpress.org and install then enjoy
