No permissions to upload files after installing Wordpress on EC2 - Amazon Tutorial - wordpress

quite a noob here. Was just able to install a Wordpress following this Amazon tutorial:
Tutorial: Hosting a WordPress Blog with Amazon EC2
The thing is, that I cant upload any images.
Actually the error I get is:
Cant create "Upload" directory. Does the parent directory have persmission?
(not exactly these words as my wp is in portuguese)
I can do everything via FTP (that I installed using this tutorial: The White Way - How to set up WordPress on Amazon EC2).
What I'm trying to learn:
How can I change permissions so that I may upload/create files and folders via Wordpress?
Thanks a lot!
Solution: OK guys what worked for me was: set wp-content and recursively all subfolders and files to permission 777: then I was able to upload. After that I went back to 755 and it continued functioning.

Make sure your wp-content folder has a 755 permission so that wordpress can create an upload directory inside Wp-content folder. You should be able to change the permission of WP-content through FTP.

hmm usually the 755 permission should fix the issue. Maybe check out that folders inside wp-content have also a 755 permission. If this doesn't fix the problem, create a folder called 'uploads' under wp-content and make sure this folder has also a 755 permission.


"Unable to create Directory" on wordpress running on XAMPP

In these days i am experiencing an annoying error. I am trying to add plugins and themes on my wordpress site, which is handled by XAMPP running APACHE webserver and obviously MySql database. Everytime that i try to install a plugin (woocommerce in this case) i get the output below:
So I tried to change permissions on all the wordpress directories (I am on windows 10), but that has not solved the issue yet. I find it pretty strange.
Actually woocommerce folders are stored anyway in the File System:
I am not able to use the plugin from the site, anyway. I definitely need someone's help.
Just need to change folder permission and follow the below step:
Change folder permissions on the wp-content directory to 775 and try to upload it again.
If it fails, change the permissions to 777 and try to upload it again.
If it still fails then do steps 1 and 2 for the “wp-content/uploads” directory too and try to upload it again.

Wordpress cannot create directory on theme install

Brand new site. latest version. All glossy and etc.
I went to add a theme. It asked me for my FTP login details. I added these, but now it just keeps falling over and saying:
Could not create directory
Where to from here?
Add this to your wp-config.php file, so it will not ask for FTP again.
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
If it does not work there are alot of solutions here
After that make sure your theme directory has the right permission you can read more about permission here: codex wordpress file permission
If you are not sure about permission, change wordpress, wp-content, wp-includes, wp-admin, plugins and themes to 755 and then install your theme.
Found it: ISPConfig3 does not work on Amazon Web Services because every user needs access to the instance, and adding them is a manual process :(
Swapping to Plesk.

Wordpress Add new media error

I have recently uploaded my new site and edited the permissions to the folders, but returned all files permission and folders back to original state but now when i try to upload a picture to the media library i get this following message.
Error -1.jpg
The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2014/09.
I now cant upload anything.
my public_html and folders are set to 755 and files to 644.
I have also tried to add a option_value to upload_path phpMyadmin which is currently empty, but this did not work.
would love some help
Set a 755 to upload floder by the Fttp details or cpanel
Please create a folder named uploads inside wp-content folder and set 755 permission to it. This will solve the problem.
Check with your hosting company and make sure that PHP is enabled as FastCGI rather than an Apache module

Will Deploying Git via Beanstalk affect WordPress Upload Directory Permissions?

I've got a WP site in a workflow that goes local--> git (beanstalk) --> dev server.
Everything seems to be working fine when I deploy, but I've noticed that I can't upload images via WP and it seems like it's a directory permission issue.
The error I get is: "The uploaded file could not be moved to /path/blah/blah...
Is this because the FTP user doesn't 'own' these directories/files (because they weren't created via the WP site / FTP account of the dev server?
Please let me know if you've got any brilliant work-arounds or insights. I'm stumped.
Thanks in advance.
This is because Beanstalk uses ftp to upload your files, that means the owner becomes the FTP user. If Wordpress then wants to access those files, it is no owner so it can't delete/alter them. You can use chown apache <filename> on SSH if you want to make apache (wordpress) owner again. But now Beanstalk can't overwrite the files for the same reason.
The way to go is use a .gitignore file to ignore folders like uploads and cache. You don't need them locally for development, if you do, just grab them once with ftp.
I use this one myself with some additions. It may seem weird at first, but it rocks when it all works. :)

uploads folder wordpress dont work anymore?

has failed to upload due to an error
Unable to create directory /Volumes/Local/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/02. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
the last thing i remember i did was on localhost, deleted the uploads folder...
now the uploads folder is gone, i keep getting this error,
while i made sure in the settings i have wp-content/uploads
i tried to create a folder manually, or change the directory...
but all says its parents directory writeable by the server????? wordpress deny to create the upload folder again : /
how to solve this?
Ok solved this.
For any who is using MAMP Pro and u need file permission of Wordpress for your uploads folder.
Go to HOST Tab - and click your localhost - there you find a button with permissions.
set Owner and Group to www and enable it with set.
In wordpress - under media settings, change your current folder to where ever you want. example: ../uploads this goes right direct in the root/uploads. click on save and you are done and all should work.
For Filezilla when your site is online. Once you connected, rightclick on the upload folder and change the permissions there.
Thats it. 1 min work >< took me half a day of research. And most anwsers on forums/posts etc are way too complicated.
This is the quickest and best way using Mamp pro and Filezilla.
You need to change the folder permissions to 755 or on some servers 777 using:
chmod 755 or chmod 777 on the folder in question.
