Browser Link Save Changes to SASS files from browser - css

Is it possible to save css changes that I do in Chrome to the correct places in my sass file in Visual Studio 2015?
I cannot find any information on this.
Thanks in advance.


Visual Studio CSS not working in compiled app

I am new to Visual Studio 2019 and I am having a bit of a problem with my CSS stylesheet location. I am using the Peachpie.App NuGet and everything works perfectly when I run the Debug (F5) with the correct stylesheet being used but if I run the compiled application executable I loose all of the CSS formatting. I assume I have got the style.css file in the wrong location for the compiling process to pick it up but I don't know how to resolve that, can anyone provide some advice on this?
I manually copied the style.css file to the "\bin\Release\net5.0\wwwroot" directory and it resolved the problem but I should have expected that that would have been down during the Build process.

stylesheets not loading for project checked in to TFS (via visual studio online)

I have an ASP.NET webforms project that I checked in to Visual Studio Online today. Unfortunately, now when I run the project my stylesheets no longer load.
I have checked all files from the solution into visual studio online. Should I have not checked in the .css files? Also, I have tried checking everything out then running the project to the same effect of the stylesheets not loading.
Thanks in advance for your help.
These two things are only coincidentally related. VSO has no effect on the ability of your project to load style sheets. And yes,'you should check them in.
Tye most likely issue is that the path to the style sheets has changed. If you moved the whole solution around then you may have to fix the paths if they are not relative..
Can you check:
1) that the css files exist and are where you think they should be
2) that the style reference points to the correct relative path of those files

Less compiling on FTP server

I'm working on a project directly on a FTP server (normally I work locally). I use Visual studio to edit and compile my LESS files. When the LESS file is compiled to css, the site wont' update to the newest css rules. When I manually save the css file the changes become visible.
Does anybody know what the issue is here? I haven't got a clue.

VS2012 automatically creates nested css file under sass file and checks out project

I have recently upgraded to VS2012 and have a small issue. All our sass files are checked into source control and the corresponding css file gets generated when the project is built (the css file is never part of source control). with VS2012, as soon as i edit the sass file, a css file is created under the sass file (nested under it) and the project file is checked out. I do not want this as we don't need to check in the css file.
Is there an option i can set to avoid this ? Had a quick look under tools ->options but didnt see anything
The only plugin we have installed is Mindscape Web Workbench free version.
Thank you for any advice.
So the Web Workbench plugin was automatically modifying the project file and including the following under my scss files. This was still present even when i disabled and removed the plugin. There's no option to disable this function in Web Workbench, so i wont be using it anymore.
Using SassyStudio now which is nice and simple.Has the option to disable auto css creation and project adding etc.
Hope this explanation can help someone else.

Create CSS File from Less File

I was hoping to find a way to create my css files from my less files using web essentials or something of the sort. When create a new less file it will create the css to match, however on some of my older files I removed the css files permanently and I am looking to readd them.
grunt-contrib-less is a great solution for continuously converting LESS to CSS, as is assemble-less (I'm a maintainer of the latter).
So I was able to answer my own problem. When using VS2012 Web Essentials your .less file will not compile and create the matching .css and .min.css if errors exist. My errors were occurring because some of my variables were not recognized due to the fact that I wasn't dragging in the #import of the my .less file that contained these variables. I took a quick look at the libraries you mentioned and they did look pretty cool. Thanks for the answer.
It's important to say that if you installed the Web Essentials plug-in you must restart the Visual Studio, otherwise the .min.css and .css will not be generated, either.
