Power BI report template - report

Today I have to create many reports based on many country's datasets which have the same structure (population, GDP, unemployment rating... by the year).
So how can I create a report template for the first country and apply it for the other one. What I expect is only by changing the country's dataset then we have a new report automatically.
Does PowerBI service or Desktop support it?
Thanks for your help.

I believe what you might be looking for was released with the April release of power bi desktop.
Please see here look for "POWER BI TEMPLATE FILES"
Exporting Power BI content as a template is another new feature that will help streamline work. Power BI templates (.pbit files) include the definition of a Report, Data Model and queries, but not the actual data. Templates can be created via File -> Export -> Power BI Template, which generates a .pbit file.
Hope this helps.


Is there a way to add the last edited Date on a Google Data Studio report?

I'm working on a dashboard in Google Data Studio and my manager would like to have the last edited time of the Data Studio report displayed on a page in the report. I'm using Google Sheets as the data source for all the charts used. (I do not want to display the date when the Sheet was last edited, but the date when the Data Studio Report was last edited.)
I've tried adding a scorecard and messing around with the fields and formulas to display the date, but I'm only able to show the current date and not the date when the report was last edited.
I'm guessing maybe there's a way to connect to Google Analytics to make this possible, I'm not really sure how. Although, if there's a way without using Google Analytics, that would be wonderful.
I'm not a Data Studio expert, so there might be a way.
But from what I gather from https://support.google.com/datastudio/answer/9265174, easy access to version history requires report edit permissions:
Limits of version history
In order to see version history, you must have edit permission to the report or data source .

Create automated reports from Google Analytics from multiple GA views

Does anyone know if you can created automated reports from multiple GA views? I have a different views in GA setup for different localised webpages.
For example: I want to create a report of bounce rates that is automated for multiple views - then show this report in a dashboard - maybe through Google Data Studio or Google Sheets?
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Mucho Appreciato
I would definitely use the Google Analytics spreadsheet addon for that, this will allow you to:
copy really easily the same report configuration for all view
aggregate data from each of these views in the separate spreadsheet
Depending on what you want to show in your dashboard, an efficient visualisation in Data Studio might be impossible, as you will not be able to mix data sources (your different views) in the same graphical element, table or scorecard.

Create dashboard views that are based off of current date (ie. show resource overview for next 2 months)

I'm attempting to create a report that is based off the current date. So, for example, creating a line graph that shows total work for all resources for the next 2 months. It would be very similar to the resource overview dashboard, but it wouldn't be pulling in data from the entire project.
The 'Resource Usage' view below has been very helpful, as it would be visual aids based on the hour allocations below.
We can create a graph like the one below in the reporting module, I would like the graph to only look at the next 2 months (instead of the entire project duration).
The goal is to look at capacity and future work allocation to easily look at resource availability to aid in assigning future tasks.
Thoughts? Tips? Advice?
You should be able to use the built-in Report capability in MS Project 2016. Try modifying the Progress Versus Cost chart in the Cost Overview report.

Aged Debt Report on Sage200 - LinqDataProvider

Im trying to pull sql script that builds Aged Debt Report on Sage200 Report Designer. This report is out of the box
I have a powerbi model which pulls data from Sage Datawarehouse, however I am struggled to replicate the above report into powerbi because I couldnt access sql behind this report. When open this report in Sage200 Report designer, I could see that the data source is of LinQProvider with the connection string
Data Model=Sage 200 Accounts;Root Path=\SERVERNAME\Sage\REPORTING;Report Types=\SERVERNAME\Sage\REPORTING\DEFAULT\REPORTS\Sage200Accounts.reporttypes;Default Report=\SERVERNAME\Sage\REPORTING\DEFAULT\DEFAULTS\Default.report;Timeout=1800
I couldnt locate where this data model lives or I have enough understanding of how this report connects to the data model.
Anyone with Sage200 experience I would be so grateful if you can advice please? Basically I have access to SQL server datawarehouse, but the above report has some "variables" that somehow were built and saved inside this Data Model.
Appreciate your help
The report designer is reading the datamodel from %userprofile%\appdata\local\sage\sage200\assembly in Sage.accounting.datamodel.dll
The model source is available on the server however in SLAgedTransaction.cs however it is protected by licence agreement so I can't post it.
In Sage 200 2011 it was possible to use the datamodel through LINQPad which may still work in the current version. With this in mind perhaps it would be a better idea to connect PowerBI to the datamodel rather than trying to extract SQL script? Also take a look at the good work Pan Intelligence are doing with regards to BI reporting

How can we generate Reports using flex bulider?

is it possiable we can bulid the reports using flex bulider ? or can we and any
frameworks for build the reports ? .
i don't know what way to bulid the reports
flex bulider have any build reports compoents there?
i want sorting reports order like
By Product Company Name Expected Close Month
Consultant Expected Revenue
this is are fields
Product 1 A May’10 X £1,000.00
B Jun’10 Y £2,000.00 C Jul’10
X £3,000.00 Sub Total
Product 2 etc
Grand Total £24,000.00
This is are data . How is it possiable ?
Could u give any gudiends me ?
Answer based on first revision.
Typically applications would give this responsibility to the server. Your Flex application passes parameters to the server with a request for a PDF document and the server puts together the appropriate one and seconds it back.
If you're using AIR to run your Flex application you could probably write a library to create a PDF file and then same it to the user's computer but I would stress that the kind of libraries you would need for your server already exist. For example: http://php.net/pdf
Report tends to be a rather generic term and as the other responder indicated that it meant PDF to him/her. The application I am working on is very report heavy. We have a requirement for a client side report ("Think Report in Flex") and PDF version of the same report.
When we originally looked 1yr back, there is no Report library that provides the equivalent of what lifecycle does on the server. Therefore we have had to build our own and it is based on a generic template mechanism.
So can it be done. Yes. But I would recommend developing a generic means to render your reports and it is not a easy task if you want to keep it generic so you can create multiple type of reports.
Also, avoid the trap of nesting your reports through VBOX, HBOX and containers to provide a flexible layout system as it will not perform well.
