Dnn Rich Text(Text editor) template manager doesn't load - asp.net

I've been working with DNN for the past weeks and now it's finnaly time to make my project to the production server, but I found an issue.
In the default Rich Text we have a "Template" option, witch we can save html presets, saving them works fine. But when I try to open the list of templates, the small popup opens and stays forever loading, no error displayed.
Ethernal loading image
I believe it's a config issue, since it works fine on my development eviroment. The server is running Windows Server 2008 R2(so, no IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool user to give permissions). Also I already gave permission to IIS_IUSRS and to IUSR.
If someone could help me, that would be awesome =)
Best Regards

do other dialogs fail as well, or just this one?
My guess is that the folder, which contains the templates, doesn't exist - or it does exist, but DNN doesn't know about it. So make sure you have it and that the the DNN files are synced with the DB (in the admin > files section)


No Icons in Kentico Admin Page

I'm very new to Kentico and just started using Kentico 11 for my companies CMS and have run into a lot of issues...most of which I've figured out by trial and error. The issue that comes up most often for me is that each time I create a new website with the wizard in the Admin page, no icons appear in either the dashboard or the applications list or on the top menu bar. It doesn't look like anyone has had this issue before, and I'm curious about how to fix it. I'm using IE 11.
Here is a screenshot:
As you can see from the screenshot, no icons appear anywhere in the dashboard, menu, or menu options. Please help with this issue.
these icons come from the font /App_Themes/Default/Fonts/Core-icons.woff. Check if it is loaded correctly.
A couple things can cause this:
Most common, Kentico caches static objects pretty heavy, so try a simple CTRL + F5 to see if it refreshes things.
If you have not granted access to the user running the website (granted on the app pool), there could be permissions issues with IIS not being able to get to the files it needs. Typically you grant at least read and execute permissions at the /CMS level to the IIS_IUSRS user in the file system on your machine.
Least common, the files weren't added during the install. To check this, run the installer again but in a different location like your Desktop, then spot check/compare a couple directories: /cms/cmsscripts and /cms/app_themes for any differences.
Thank you for all your help. I found the answer and it was very basic and simple. For me the problem was Internet Explorer options not being enabled.
Talking with Kentico support is what tipped me off to this fix:
In IE 11, Go to Internet Options > Security Tab > Click Custom level > Scroll down until you get to Downloads > Under Font download check Enabled.
That was it. Like I said very simple, but on a development server where everything is disabled, it made a huge difference in performance of the Kentico interface.
I hope this helps someone else.

IIS express suddenly not displaying web page

Perhaps someone can help me figure out what's going on.
I'm running VS 2013 and working on a Web Forms application (not an MVC app). I'm using the templates that came down, including all the cool FriendlyUrls functionality. I've been working on this website for several weeks without any problem.
Today, for no apparent reason, one of my pages stopped working. When I attempted to view it, I got an error message that the server was not configured to list directories. My web page does not attempt to list the contents of any directory. It just has some images and some relatively simple Javascript (which does not attempt to enumerate anything).
The error message suggested I run the following command in the IIS Express directory:
appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/directoryBrowse /enabled:true
Just for the sake of experimenting, I ran that command. Now when I attempt to view the page, I get something that looks like this (the page is named Menus.aspx)
localhost - /Menus/
[To Parent Directory]
Clicking on "To Parent Directory" takes me to the home page, as one might expect.
I created a new page, Menus2.aspx, and copied all of the code from Menus.aspx into Menus2.aspx, and Menus2 runs fine. In addition, when I upload the site to Azure, Menus works correctly (as does Menus2). So I think my code is innocent of any wrongdoing.
I then deleted Menus.aspx and renamed Menus2.aspx to Menus.aspx, and I'm back to the same problem.
I was working in a git branch, and reverted back to master to see if at least my original configuration would work, but now even in master I can't get the page to come up.
So it looks like the problem is that something got jacked up in my local configuration, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. I have exited VS and rebooted the machine in hopes that the problem will disappear as mysteriously as it started, but no luck.
Every other page in the site (6 so far) works fine. It's just this one, with this name.
So my options at this point are to simply not have a page named Menus.aspx in my project because the name has somehow become cursed, or do all of my testing by uploading to the server and seeing how it works up there, which is a pain and should not be necessary.
Can someone suggest how and where I should start looking for what happened here? This isn't the problem I expected to be working on today.
Thanks in advance.

An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator

When I tried to modify Microsoft forefront Unified access login.asp page and pages that comes with it ,
I prepared my custom files for css; inc files ; InstallAndDetect ..etc
but When i inserted those files under CustomUpdate folders i got this error :
" An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator. "
I tried files i prepared before by putting them in the place of the default files propvided by the system.
Ofc the naming is respecting when using customupdate files!!
Do you have any idea how can I solve this issue??
I'm afraid I don't have a proper picture of what exactly might have caused the problem in your case.
But I just went through resolving the same error message on my system (2012 R2, IIS 8) (while searching for the solution I came across your post)
And it turned out that what was causing my problems was the use of classic ASP parent paths (with "../" in them)
Switching to absolute and virtual paths solved the issue for me.
See here: http://www.iis.net/learn/application-frameworks/running-classic-asp-applications-on-iis-7-and-iis-8/classic-asp-parent-paths-are-disabled-by-default
Thank you for your answer.
Actually there was a bug with the product itself.
It didn't recognize the path to the CustomUpdate folder for any of custom folders in InternalSite folder.
I had to ask for a hot fix from Microsoft support to be able to use customized files (CSS , asp, images ).
Once the fix was installed, everything was working fine and I was able to see the customization I have done to the login page.

Dreamweaver CS6 Site Setup for Test Site with MAMP and WordPress NIGHTMARE

I have been trying to set-up a test site server on Dreamweaver CS6 IDE (which I hate) to try out the Dynamically-related files theming feature. I have been attempting to do this for hours and looked at more tutorials and blogs than I can remember attempting to set-up a test site so that I can simply try out this feature but nothing seems to work.
On the Site box I have:
Site Name: test site
Local Site Folder: users/myname/Sites/wordpress/
On the Servers I have:
Server Name: Apache
Connect using: Local/Network
Server Folder: users/myname/Sites/wordpress/
Web URL: http://localhost:80/wordpress/
Server Model: PHP MySQL
Yet I am receiving the an Error message:
Dynamically-related files could not be resolved because the site
definition is not correct for this server
Which makes no sense to me. Can anyone explain what am I doing wrong?
"i was under the impression that this feature would somehow convert PHP syntax into HTML so that it can be easily edited..."
What in God's name gave you that impression? PHP is server-side scripting; a way for the browser to communicate with the server and database and HTML is a way for the browser to communicate with the client (you) and render things in a form which is usable by humans. There is no "conversion", as they are two universally different languages, each serving unique functions.
In order to "easily edit" PHP, the only solution is to learn PHP scripting and syntax.
MAMP's sole purpose is to install an Apache server, PHP, and mySQL on your local computer for a server-side/database framework, such as WordPress, to store information and communicate with. Essentially like creating a mini web-host on your local machine, allowing you to check the functionality of PHP based applications.
These setting are working for me:
Open the Dreamweaver Site Setup window
Select "Servers"
Server Name: localhost
Connect Using: Local/Network
Server Folder: MAMP/ /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/your_directory_name/
Web URL: http://localhost:8888/your_directory_folder/
For a full explanation: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/dreamweaver/articles/setup_php.html#articlecontentAdobe_numberedheader_2
I have come across the same issue and found this thread.
The post that explains a bit what we want to hear is post #6 by David_Powers on 01-May-2010 at 05:31.
So to make the problem go away you can go to 'Edit -> Preferences' and disable 'Discover Dynamically-Related Files' while leaving 'Enable Related Files' activated.
Although this fixes the error display I don't quite understand what David_Powers says this function will do and if I actually want it turned on. If someone could help me realize what this option does I would appreciate it.
I don't know if this is relevant, but after many tries to figure out the Server not found error, I stumbled across MAMP Preferences on the start up page.
After clicking on Preferences, I noticed that the Document Root was pointing to username/Sites instead of MAMP/htdocs.
MAMP Preferences > Document Root > browse to select
After I set the Document Root folder to htdocs, I finally got Dreamweaver CS6 to display my php file when I clicked the Live button in split screen mode.
None of the other answers I searched mentioned setting MAMP preferences to the Document Root folder. I hope this helps.

No styles / images on asp.Net MVC 2 application

i have a little problem with my ASP MVC application.
On my local development server everything works just fine but when i try to publish the application to an IIS 7.0 server it just displays plain pages without any styles / markups / images.
I put all those things in the /Content/ subfolder but when i try to access that folder on the production server it just returns me a 404 not found error.
I set the IIS server up with .Net 4.0 and followed the deployment guide on here: http://www.asp.net/learn/mvc/tutorial-08-cs.aspx
All views / controllers / classes seem to work just fine, the only thing which does not is the content subfolder and i cant see why.
Anyone got a suggestion what i could have overlooked or does anyone know that problem?
I had the same issue, but I found the reason why it was forcing authentication on the Contents folder.
When a user is not logged in yet, they are classified as Anonymous Authentication. In IIS7 (which is what I am using, guessing it is the same in IIS6) you need to open the authentication window in features view. Then edit the Anonymous Authentication, to use your application pool identity, or the default one, just make sure that user has permissions to read in that folder.
That fixed it for me, hope it works for you.
Well, I added the IIS_IUSRs to the project directory and found the same problem:
CSS won't load and nothing from the content folder.
But it resolved the Unable to start debugging on the web server problem.
Then, I added the IUSR to the same folder and that fixed the problem. Now, I can see images, css styles and all that stuff.
This is because you are probably using a fixed path on the src, like: ../../Content/Styles/style.css. In MVC you should use the Url helper: Url.Content("~/Content/Styles/style.css").
Using the Url helper you should have no issues.
Been pulling my hair out all night with this one.
On W2K8, MVC2, .NET 4.0, and IIS 7 (using VS 2010)
Made sure that IIS_IUSRS had full rights to the root folder but still no go - css, js, images still not being accessed in rendering the page....
and then .... so simple:
In Features view for the site - defined MIME types for .js, .css, and .jpg - and voila!
p.s. my 1st mvc app - and I think I'm liking it...
Check the properties of your content folders...see if they are not 'copying locally' for some reason.
The folder that your virtual directory is pointing to gave to the user "All" reading properties.
