arcanist error with RocksDB on fresh install (Mac OS X) - phabricator

I have installed a fresh copy of arcanist on to Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11.4) into /usr/local/phabricator/arcanist.
If I first cd into /usr/local/phabricator/arcanist and run either bin/arc or just arc (as I added /usr/local/phabricator/arcanist/bin to my PATH) then all is fine. However if I try and run arc lint from my rocksdb directory on my system then I always get a fatal error, the output looks like this:
$ arc lint --trace
ARGV '/usr/local/phabricator/arcanist/bin/../scripts/arcanist.php' 'lint' '--trace'
LOAD Loaded "phutil" from "/usr/local/phabricator/libphutil/src".
LOAD Loaded "arcanist" from "/usr/local/phabricator/arcanist/src".
Config: Did not find user configuration at "/Users/aretter/.arcrc".
Config: Did not find system configuration at "/etc/arcconfig".
Working Copy: Reading .arcconfig from "/Users/aretter/code/rocksdb/.arcconfig".
Working Copy: Path "/Users/aretter/code/rocksdb" is part of `git` working copy "/Users/aretter/code/rocksdb".
Working Copy: Project root is at "/Users/aretter/code/rocksdb".
Config: Did not find local configuration at "/Users/aretter/code/rocksdb/.git/arc/config".
Loading phutil library from '/Users/aretter/code/rocksdb/arcanist_util'...
[2016-06-14 09:31:17] EXCEPTION: (PhutilMissingSymbolException) Failed to load class or interface 'ArcanistBaseWorkflow': the class or interface 'ArcanistBaseWorkflow' is not defined in the library map for any loaded phutil library.
If you are not a developer, this almost always means that a library is out of date. For example, you may have upgraded `phabricator` without upgrading `libphutil`, or vice versa. It might also mean that you need to restart Apache or PHP-FPM. Make sure all libraries are up to date and all services have been restarted.
If you are a developer and this symbol was recently added or moved, your library map may need to be rebuilt. You can rebuild the map by running 'arc liberate'. For more information, see: at [<phutil>/src/__phutil_library_init__.php:25]
arcanist(head=master, ref.master=c13e5a629535), arcanist_util(head=java-wb-save-restore-points, ref.master=fda098461b3f,, phutil(head=master, ref.master=fb1e159d3640)
#0 __phutil_autoload(string)
#1 spl_autoload_call(string) called at [<arcanist_util>/config/FacebookArcanistConfiguration.php:7]
#2 include_once(string) called at [<phutil>/src/moduleutils/PhutilBootloader.php:226]
#3 PhutilBootloader::executeInclude(string) called at [<phutil>/src/moduleutils/PhutilBootloader.php:216]
#4 PhutilBootloader::loadLibrarySource(string, string) called at [<phutil>/src/symbols/PhutilSymbolLoader.php:381]
#5 PhutilSymbolLoader::loadSymbol(array) called at [<phutil>/src/symbols/PhutilSymbolLoader.php:256]
#6 PhutilSymbolLoader::selectAndLoadSymbols() called at [<phutil>/src/__phutil_library_init__.php:22]
#7 __phutil_autoload(string)
#8 spl_autoload_call(string) called at [<arcanist>/scripts/arcanist.php:186]
Please note that I have tried reinstalling it and also running arc liberate, but neither has fixed the issue.
Can someone tell me what is wrong on my system?
I have also checked with Git that my arcanist is indeed correct and up-to-date:
$ cd /usr/local/phabricator/arcanist
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
$ git status
On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean
$ git pull
Already up-to-date.
I also tried reinstalling via this mechanism:
$ cd /usr/local/phabricator
$ rm -rf arcanist libphutil
$ git clone
$ git clone

arcanist_util(head=java-wb-save-restore-points, ref.master=fda098461b3f,
This doesn't look like a fresh copy of arcanist to me from source, at least the upstream isn't responsible for "arcanist_util". Where did you get it from? I would delete it, and pull directly from GitHub.


Unable to run deno task start with invalid source code error

I have a deno repository of my own. I have recently switched to a new machine, and I have git clone'd that repository to my new machine.
Now when I run deno task start, it fails with this error
❯ deno task start
Task start deno run -A --watch=static/,routes/ dev.ts
Watcher Process started.
The manifest has been generated for 3 routes and 2 islands.
error: The source code is invalid, as it does not match the expected hash in the lock file.
Lock file: /Users/john/my-project/deno.lock
I have read this page, but it is not telling me exactly what to do for my error
Based off of what that page says, the contents of one of your dependencies has changed since your original computer downloaded it for the first time, so the hash of the contents are different.
If you just want to ignore this, it says to use the flags
--lock=deno.lock --lock-write
which I assume means to run
deno task start --lock=deno.lock --lock-write
This will overwrite the current lock file with the new version of the code.
While this will work, the better option for the future is to specify the version in your dependency url.
For example, instead of
import { z } from "";
you should say
import { z } from "";
(the #v3.20.2 specfies the exact dependency version)

How to extract the maps via AC Dashboard?

I ran into the problem that everything went well with the compilation and the database. But when I start the worldserver, I get an error
Loading world information...
> RealmID: 1
> Version DB world: ACDB 335.6-dev
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir /azerothcore-wotlk/data/
WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:true, getHeight:true, indoorCheck:true PetLOS:true
Map file '/azerothcore-wotlk/data/maps/': does not exist!
exit code: 1
worldserver terminated, restarting...
worldserver Terminated after 1 seconds, termination count: : 6
worldserver Restarter exited. Infinite crash loop prevented. Please check your system
What could be the problem? I rechecked the permissions to the directory including the owner and everything is fine. Tried different paths DataDir, now it set to **DataDir = "/home/azcore/azerothcore-wotlk/data". I get an error, how to fix that?
First of all, if you only need to get latest maps compatible with AzerothCore you can download them from here.
Otherwise, change in your file CTOOLS_BUILD='all', afterwards, run again the build using
./ compiler build
This will generate the binaries to extract the data inside azerothcore-wotlk/env/dist/bin/.
Having the binaries you can follow the guide here to extract them manually, you only need to move the binaries into the WoW directory and run the binaries in the right order.

Error installing miniconda on GitHub Actions in an R project

I am trying to build and deploy this bookdown project with GitHub Actions. One of the chapters uses the keras R package, which means I need to install Conda (or set up a virtual environment). At the end of the Miniconda installation command, there is an error when trying to collect metadata.
2020-06-24T04:47:59.7495480Z * Miniconda has been successfully installed at '/Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda'.
2020-06-24T04:47:59.7496060Z [1] "/Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda"
2020-06-24T04:48:00.3909040Z * Project '~/runners/2.263.0/work/drake/drake' loaded. [renv 0.10.0]
2020-06-24T04:48:00.7964920Z * The project and lockfile are out of sync -- use `renv::status()` for more details.
2020-06-24T04:48:00.7968340Z Warning message:
2020-06-24T04:48:00.7969190Z Project requested R version '3.6.0' but '4.0.1' is currently being used
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2408080Z Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): ...working... failed
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2410820Z NotWritableError: The current user does not have write permissions to a required path.
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2411080Z path: /usr/local/miniconda/pkgs/cache/b89cf7bf.json
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2411230Z uid: 501
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2411350Z gid: 20
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2411690Z If you feel that permissions on this path are set incorrectly, you can manually
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2411940Z change them by executing
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2412260Z $ sudo chown 501:20 /usr/local/miniconda/pkgs/cache/b89cf7bf.json
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2413470Z In general, it's not advisable to use 'sudo conda'.
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2886400Z ##[error]Error: Error 1 occurred creating conda environment r-reticulate
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2890770Z Execution halted
2020-06-24T04:48:05.3050700Z ##[error]Process completed with exit code 1.
The full job log is here.
Depending on how R is set up, this post might be helpful for you. You might need to configure the .Renviron file.
Unable to change python path in reticulate (R)

Error importing SVN report to git using svn2git

I get the following error when importing an SVN repository to git with svn2git:
fatal: EOF in data (285 bytes remaining)
Does anyone know what this error means?
This is caused by a segmentation fault, there is a branch/tag/ in your repository that is causing it to core.
To get the core files you will need to enable cores:
Uncomment this line in /etc/security/limits.conf
soft core unlimited
Run svn2git, it may take up to 2 hours to get the segmentation fault. Install gdb:
yum install gdb
Analyse the core:
gdb svn2git/svn-all-fast-export core.NNNN
Get a back trace, type:
You should see the branch/tag which caused problems in the back trace. Exclude the branch from processing by updating your ruleset:
match /branches/broken_branch_name
end match
See issue opened with owner of svn2git here:
Or even easier, pstack <pid of svn2git> and you will see where it is stuck, then Ctrl + C, add the dud branch to your rule set and start svn2git again.

Phabricator Making Assumptions About Environment

I am attempting to get Phabricator running on Solaris over apache. The website is working, but all of the cli scripts are not. For example, phd.
The first problem, is that it is not passing arguments to the underling manage-daemons.php script that it invokes. Looking at the phd file, this does not surprise me:
$> cat phd
Now, given my default shell is bash, this isn't going to pass-through my arguments. To do this, I have modified the script:
#! /bin/bash
../scripts/daemon/manage_daemons.php $*
This will now pass-through the arguments, but it's now failing to find transative scripts it requires via relative path:
./phd start
Preparing to launch daemons.
NOTE: Logs will appear in '/var/tmp/phd/log/daemons.log'.
Launching daemon "PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon".
[2014-05-09 19:29:59] EXCEPTION: (CommandException) Command failed with error #127!
exec ./phd-daemon 'PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon' --daemonize --log='/var/tmp/phd/log/daemons.log' --phd='/var/tmp/phd/pid'
./phd-daemon: line 1: launch_daemon.php: not found
at [/XXX/XXX/libphutil/src/future/exec/ExecFuture.php:398]
#0 ExecFuture::resolvex() called at [/XXX/XXX/phabricator/src/applications/daemon/management/PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow.php:167]
#1 PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow::launchDaemon(PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon, Array , false) called at [/XXX/XXX/phabricator/src/applications/daemon/management/PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow.php:246]
#2 PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow::executeStartCommand() called at [/XXX/XXX/phabricator/src/applications/daemon/management/PhabricatorDaemonManagementStartWorkflow.php:18]
#3 PhabricatorDaemonManagementStartWorkflow::execute(Object PhutilArgumentParser) called at [/XXX/XXX/libphutil/src/parser/argument/PhutilArgumentParser.php:396]
#4 PhutilArgumentParser::parseWorkflowsFull(Array of size 9 starting with: { 0 => Object PhabricatorDaemonManagementListWorkflow }) called at [/XXX/XXX/libphutil/src/parser/argument/PhutilArgumentParser.php:292]
#5 PhutilArgumentParser::parseWorkflows(Array of size 9 starting with: { 0 => Object PhabricatorDaemonManagementListWorkflow }) called at [/XXX/XXX/phabricator/scripts/daemon/manage_daemons.php:30]
Note I have obscured my paths with XXX as they give away sensitive information.
Now, obviously I shouldn't be modifying these scripts. This is an indication that some prerequisite is not set up properly.
It's clear to me that Phabricator is making some (bold) assumption about my setup. But I'm not quite sure what...?
These are supposed to be symlinks. For example, if you look at "phd" in the repository on GitHub, you can see that the file type is "symbolic link":
Something in your environment is incorrectly turning the symlinks into normal files. I'm not aware of any Git configuration which can cause this, although it's possible there is something. One situation where I've seen this happen is when a working copy was cloned, then copied using something like rsync without appropriate flags to preserve symlinks.
