Does Dojo have a default CSS file with no theme applied? - css

I am trying to build a new design on an old system that is using DOJO, eventually we are going to move to AJAX to handle the data calls. Is there a default or minified CSS file so I don't have to use their themes? (i.e. Claro, which is the theme that was and still is applied)
It says you can make custom themes, but there has to be a bare bones version out there somewhere.
Thanks for your time.

The bare minium CSS is available in dijit.css
(you can see the file on the CDN:
As dojo team says about this file :
Essential styles that themes can inherit.
In other words, works but doesn't look great.
So be aware it will be ugly!
But you can build your own theme starting from that.

dojo comes with out of the box the following themes:
There is no really a default CSS a part of the CSS which is included in on of the listed theme. But as ben point out in his answer, there is a dijit.css which is a very essential base of CSS which other themes can in-heritage from.
You can apply them adding the following in your HTML file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dojo/dijit/themes/claro/claro.css" />
<body class="claro">
Or you can use a CDN, example for claro (just change the name for css file in order to get a different theme):
The CDN version is an unique file and easy to include in your app but it is not minified.
If you need to have a minified version, you could use the dojo build to compact all your project files and included CSS for your theme minified.
More info here:


Shopify styling isses

I am using shopify and the template (I believe) is baseline.
In the assets folder there is a theme.css and a theme.min.css. I am finding that the only new styles or over rides I can make are in the min.css file?
There doesnt seem to be a SCSS file. How does theme.css become minified because currently it isn't happening automatically.
Sometimes developers add two versions of the stylesheet (.css and min.css), this is just a good practice, but most of the time the minified version (min.css) is connected to theme.liquid. Same happens with .js files.
If you want to add custom styles I recommend to add a new file in the assets folder named "custom.css", for example, and connect it to theme.liquid using the liquid stylesheet tag, something like this:
{{ 'custom.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
is important to place this tag right under 'theme.min.css' stylesheet tag in the theme.liquid. This way it will override most of the theme.min.css styles.
I don't recommend to use SCSS in Shopify since it is deprecated.
I'm not exactly sure I understand what you're using or trying to do, but here's two bits of information that might help:
The style being used will be specified in the HTML; so look for tags like
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
On the page you're working with, you'll see that it probably points to a 'min' version of the css. Change that to change what stylesheet is loaded.
If you want to minify your css, there are a bunch of options, including standalone tools, websites, and packages. Here's a good resource for explaining what the process is, and for picking out a way to minify your css:
Shopify is deprecating Sass, and this article explains what to use instead
"As part of our ongoing initiatives, we've decided to deprecate Sass, with the aim of improving the user experience of storefronts, and paving the way for future advancements. In the short term, Sass will continue to work on Shopify themes, but we are actively migrating our themes to use only CSS stylesheets.
In this article we'll look at why we've decided to transition away from using Sass in themes and how developers can adjust their custom themes to adopt native CSS features and maintain functionality. We'll also look at what alternatives are available for developers who wish to continue using Sass in their development workflow. "

How do I know if my WordPress page was made with Bootstrap?

I'm trying to figure out whether it would pay off to use Bootstrap on my existing Wordpress site and while researching it, I came up with the idea that the template I'm using might actually already be using Bootstrap.
I can't see any signs of Bootstrap in my functions.php file or through the FTP, but the template is using classes like these: ".col-md-4", ".col-sm-4". Is that because it was created with Bootstrap or is it just a convention?
Sorry if this is complete nonsense.
That's a classic bootstrap class.
You shouldn't check the PHP files but the css ones or javascript.
It may be a sign.
You can check more bootstrap classes Like container, row, and ...
And for being sure you can check asset files like CSS and JS files, if you found bootstrap css and js files you may be sure of using bootstrap in your template.
You can open asset files it may wrote the bootstrap version in it even.

Twitter Bootstrap LESS css

I am wondering why I cant set variables within twitter bootstrap using LESS. I am using ruby on rails which has a bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less file. it has the following statement
// Your custom LESS stylesheets goes here
// Since bootstrap was imported above you have access to its mixins which
// you may use and inherit here
// If you'd like to override bootstrap's own variables, you can do so here as well
// See for their names and documentation
// Example:
// #linkColor: #ff0000;
So my understanding is that i can set my variables within here. So i set
#black: #333;
and then tried using it in my application.css calling #black file but it does not work? i.e. doesn’t render #333.
Am i understanding this incorrectly?, do all my variables and css styling go within the bootstrap and override file?
Any advice appreciated
Follow the instructions at to make sure your updated less is used, if you are using it client side.
Compile your updated less into CSS and then copy over the updated CSS.
Here's a list of tools that can do the compile.
For suggestions on how to organize your bootstrap modifications see the SO question Twitter Bootstrap Customization Best Practices
As an aside, I wouldn't recommend changing #black. Changing it would alter many, many things, including some you might not expect.
If I understood you correctly, you are modifying your bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less file, but the one being used is the application.css file.
If that was the case, of course it's is just natural not to reflect the changes you've made. You must compile your .less file first to .css. to reflect that changes to your .css file.
For a try, use LESS via the client-side and setup your environment like so:
For instance, in your index.html file, put
<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="application.less" />
in the document head. and below it add
<script src="less.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Download the less.js file from here. and put it inside your root directory, or you may of course customize the location and make the necessary path in the href attrib.
After doing the above, you're ready to modify your application.less file (not the application.css). You may copy you're existing custom styles from the application.css file.
application.less is where you should put your variables.
You may rename your bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less file into application.less and make sure it is the one linked to in the header tag.
For more info about LESS CSS checkout the wiki.

How to download latest version CSS files of a theme?

The problem is like this:
We're trying to implement a versioning scheme for our CSS and wherever we have accessed CSS through href (like \themes\ssss\abc.css) we append this link with a build number programatically (such as \themes\ssss\abc.css?1011) so that with new build the client gets the latest css files.
The problem is coming in themes. For e.g. under App_Themes we created a theme folder with the name MyTheme; now wherever this theme is used we need the CSS for this theme to be replaced by latest build files. How to do that?
why don't you create a new theme folder on each build/deploy?
Something similar to \themes\ssss-1011\abc.css.
Add some extra hash to your css url ("#somethingnew"). You can also you tools like SquishIt. It also can minify you css/js files.

DotNetNuke Skinning

I was reading this tutorial from the DNN website
I found the tutorial to be very useful, however there was an issue when I tried to apply the CSS style. For example after adding the content pane in the initial index.html I have no idea where to place the CSS. If I add it to the head section then the parser will remove it.
Where could I add or reference the css file on for the skin?
thank you.
Not a DNN specialist, but:
A skin normally contains a stylesheet file called "skin.css" in the skins\skin-name folder.
The reference to this stylesheet is provided for you by the DNN framework.
To reference multiple CSS files, or to add css files with different names, you normally #import them from the skin.css file.
