formula to map between two sequences - math

Given the 3 sequences below, I would like to be able to map seqN to seq0. seq1 maps to seq0 and seq2 to seq1 by:
seqN(i) = (seqN-1(i)*7)%27
For example,
seq1(i) = (seq0(i)*7)%27
seq0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
seq1 0 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27
seq2 0 22 17 12 7 2 24 19 14 9 4 26 21 16 11 6 1 23 18 13 8 3 25 20 15 10 5 27
Now, one way to do this will be to apply the function recursively. But that is not an option for me (this needs to be implemented in hardware). Nor can I save the values of the last sequence to calculate the value of the current sequence - I don't have space for it.
Is there a way to map seqN to seq0 using a mathematical equation (not recursive functions)?

Apart from what #Nitpick pointed out (27 % 27 = 0, so you have either to stop at 26 or use 28 instead), you should simply use a power:
seqN(i) = ( seq0(i) * 7N ) % 27
seqN(i) = ( seqN-1(i) * 7 ) % 27 = ( seqN-2(i) * 72 ) % 27 = ... = ( seqN-N(i) * 7N ) % 27

Not sure if this helps, but the transition of some seq_N(i) -> seq_/{N+/-1}(i) is completely determined by the following set of cycles:
List(1, 7, 22, 19, 25, 13, 10, 16, 4)
List(2, 14, 17, 11, 23, 26, 20, 5, 8)
List(3, 21, 12)
List(6, 15, 24)
such that 0 -> 0, 1 -> 7 -> 22 -> 19 -> 25 -> ..., etc.
Based on these cycles you could take a number's position and translate it by N % length_of_cycle (just handling cycle wrapping) and get the original number.
I found these cycles with the following code(written in Scala) :
val m = (0 to 26).map(x => (x, x * 7 % 27)).toMap
var cycles = (0 to 26).map(x => {
var x_i = x
val oot = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer(x)
while (m(x_i) != x)
x_i = m(x_i)
var filteredCycles = cycles.toArray
for (i <- (1 to 26))
val cycle = filteredCycles(i)
for (j <- (1 until cycle.size))
filteredCycles(cycle(j)) = List[Int]()
val uniqueCycles = filteredCycles.filter(_.size != 0)


Distributing value in a column to values in other columns given certain rules

I am currently working on a programming puzzle that sounds straightforward, but apparently it is pretty difficult if I want to do this efficiently in R without having to use for loop to go through a column with 100k+ rows within a data-frame. I am trying to apply dplyr (particularly group_by and mutate) or data.table, and -apply family, but it's quite tough. Could anyone give some help?
The problem is as follows: given a data-frame df with columns key ("string" data type), x, y, z (all are "numeric" data type). Some elements within column key might get repeated. The rule set is as follows: for every rows with the same value in key column, we determine whether their values in column x are smaller than the sum of elements in column y (for example, with key = aa_bb_1, there are 6 rows with this key, and all of these rows always have the same value in column x. Please see the Sample Output to see how the rule works). If it is, then keep that value in column x , while distributing the element in column x to elements in column y in a decreasing order based on corresponding values in column z. How do we effectively do this given that we need to go through all distinct elements in column key?
Sample Input
df <- data.frame(key = c('aa_bb_1', 'aa_bb_0', 'ab_ca_0', 'abc_bbb_1', 'abbbc_aa_1', 'aaa_ccc_1',
'aa_bb_1', 'aa_bb_1', 'ab_ca_0', 'abc_bbb_1', 'abbbc_aa_1', 'aaa_ccc_1',
'aa_bb_0', 'aa_bb_1', 'ab_ca_0', 'abc_bbb_0', 'abbbc_aa_0', 'aaa_ccc_1',
'aa_bb_0', 'aa_bb_1', 'ab_ca_1', 'abc_bbb_1', 'abbbc_aa_1', 'aaa_ccc_1',
'aa_bb_1', 'aa_bb_0', 'ab_ca_0', 'abc_bbb_1', 'abbbc_aa_1', 'aaa_ccc_1'),
x = c(20, 19, 30, 25, 37, 13, 20, 20, 30, 25, 37, 13, 19, 20, 30, 43,
71, 13, 19, 20, 10, 25, 37, 13, 20, 19, 30, 25, 37,13),
y = c(3, 10, 18, 15, 32, 4, 12, 29, 71, 92, 11, 7, 21, 19, 13,
26,28,11,8, 8, 5, 23, 3, 12, 19, 7, 9, 11, 7, 12),
z = c(8,13,15,16,10,10,25,21,32,15,45,8,10,50,12,10,35,
key x y z
1 aa_bb_1 20 3 8
2 aa_bb_0 19 10 13
3 ab_ca_0 30 18 15
4 abc_bbb_1 25 15 16
5 abbbc_aa_1 37 32 10
6 aaa_ccc_1 13 4 10
7 aa_bb_1 20 12 25
8 aa_bb_1 20 29 21
9 ab_ca_0 30 71 32
10 abc_bbb_1 25 92 15
11 abbbc_aa_1 37 11 45
12 aaa_ccc_1 13 7 8
13 aa_bb_0 19 21 10
14 aa_bb_1 20 19 50
15 ab_ca_0 30 13 12
16 abc_bbb_0 43 26 10
17 abbbc_aa_0 71 28 35
18 aaa_ccc_1 13 11 23
19 aa_bb_0 19 8 10
20 aa_bb_1 20 8 12
21 ab_ca_1 10 5 2
22 abc_bbb_1 25 23 40
23 abbbc_aa_1 37 3 45
24 aaa_ccc_1 13 12 57
25 aa_bb_1 20 19 66
26 aa_bb_0 19 7 49
27 ab_ca_0 30 9 100
28 abc_bbb_1 25 11 5
29 abbbc_aa_1 37 7 11
30 aaa_ccc_1 13 12 30
Sample Output for aa_bb_1 and aa_bb_0
key x y z
1 aa_bb_1 20 0 8
2 aa_bb_0 19 10 13 -- Second largest value of z among rows with same key aa_bb_0. Get second distribution equal to min(10,19-7)=min(10,12)=10.
7 aa_bb_1 20 0 25
8 aa_bb_1 20 0 21 -- Nothing left to be distributed => 0 in column y.
13 aa_bb_0 19 0 10 --- Nothing left so distribute 0
14 aa_bb_1 20 1 50 --- Second largest value of z among rows with same key aa_bb_1. So distribute min(19,20-19)=1 to column y.
19 aa_bb_0 19 2 10 --- Tie as third largest value of z among rows with same key aa_bb_0. Pick *randomly* for now (in reality, I would have another column to decide on which row would get distributed first). Since min(8,19-7-10)=min(8,2)=2, only 2 is distributed.
20 aa_bb_1 20 0 12
25 aa_bb_1 20 19 66 --- Largest value of z among rows with same key aa_bb_1. Get first distribution = min(20, 19)=19.
26 aa_bb_0 19 7 49 --- Largest value of z among rows with same key aa_bb_0. Get first distribution equal to min(7,19)=7.
Caveat. Only perform the above operations if the sum of all the elements in column z with the same key is greater than the value in column x of that key. Example includes aa_bb_1 where x = 20 < 3+19+8+19
Pretty much anything you can do with a for loop.
Here I apply a function to the data.frame split by key,
that function being a for loop. Then I assign the output to the ordered df, because the split data frame loop output is ordered by key.
df <- dplyr::arrange(df, key, desc(z))
df$y <- lapply(split(df, df$key), \(x) {
ndf <- x
base <- min(ndf$x)
#out values for y
yout = list(x$y)
if(sum(x$y) > min(x$x) {
for (i in seq(nrow(x))) {
##get the max
maxz <- which.max(ndf$z)
##get the minimum
minv <- min(base, ndf$y[maxz])
#add to yout
yout[[i]] <- minv
#new base
base <- base - minv
##update dataframe
ndf <- ndf[-maxz, ]
}) |> unlist()
key x y z
1 aa_bb_0 19 7 49
2 aa_bb_0 19 10 13
3 aa_bb_0 19 2 10
4 aa_bb_0 19 0 10
5 aa_bb_1 20 19 66
6 aa_bb_1 20 1 50
7 aa_bb_1 20 0 25
8 aa_bb_1 20 0 21
9 aa_bb_1 20 0 12
10 aa_bb_1 20 0 8
11 aaa_ccc_1 13 12 57
12 aaa_ccc_1 13 1 30
13 aaa_ccc_1 13 0 23
14 aaa_ccc_1 13 0 10

Function with a for loop to create a column with values 1:n conditioned by intervals matched by another column

I have a data frame like the following
my_df=data.frame(x=runif(100, min = 0,max = 60),
y=runif(100, min = 0,max = 60)) #x and y in cm
With this I need a new column with values from 1 to 36 that match x and y every 10 cm. For example, if 0<=x<=10 & 0<=y<=10, put 1, then if 10<=x<=20 & 0<=y<=10, put 2 and so on up to 6, then 0<=x<=10 & 10<=y<=20 starting with 7 up to 12, etc. I tried to make a function with an if repeating the interval for x 6 times, and increasing by 10 the interval for y every iteration. Here is the function
#my miscarried function 'zones'
>zones= function(x,y) {
i=vector(length = 6)
n=vector(length = 6)
z=vector(length = 36)
for (t in 1:6) {
if (0<=x & x<10 & i[t]<=y & y<i[t]+10) { z[t] = n[t]} else
if (10<=x & x<20 & i[t]<=y & y<i[t]+10) {z[t]=n[t]+1} else
if (20<=x & x<30 & i[t]<=y & y<i[t]+10) {z[t]=n[t]+2} else
if (30<=x & x<40 & i[t]<=y & y<i[t]+10) {z[t]=n[t]+3} else
if (40<=x & x<50 & i[t]<=y & y<i[t]+10) {z[t]=n[t]+4}else
if (50<=x & x<=60 & i[t]<=y & y<i[t]+10) {z[t]=n[t]+5}
else {i[t+1]=i[t]+10
and I got
There were 31 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
[1] 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Please,help me before I die alone!
I think think this does the trick.
a <- cut(my_df$x, (0:6) * 10)
b <- cut(my_df$y, (0:6) * 10)
z <- interaction(a, b)
[1] "(0,10].(0,10]" "(10,20].(0,10]" "(20,30].(0,10]" "(30,40].(0,10]"
[5] "(40,50].(0,10]" "(50,60].(0,10]" "(0,10].(10,20]" "(10,20].(10,20]"
[9] "(20,30].(10,20]" "(30,40].(10,20]" "(40,50].(10,20]" "(50,60].(10,20]"
[13] "(0,10].(20,30]" "(10,20].(20,30]" "(20,30].(20,30]" "(30,40].(20,30]"
[17] "(40,50].(20,30]" "(50,60].(20,30]" "(0,10].(30,40]" "(10,20].(30,40]"
[21] "(20,30].(30,40]" "(30,40].(30,40]" "(40,50].(30,40]" "(50,60].(30,40]"
[25] "(0,10].(40,50]" "(10,20].(40,50]" "(20,30].(40,50]" "(30,40].(40,50]"
[29] "(40,50].(40,50]" "(50,60].(40,50]" "(0,10].(50,60]" "(10,20].(50,60]"
[33] "(20,30].(50,60]" "(30,40].(50,60]" "(40,50].(50,60]" "(50,60].(50,60]"
If this types of levels aren't for your taste, then change as below:
levels(z) <- 1:36
Is this what you're after? The resulting numbers are in column res:
# Get bin index for x values and y values
my_df$bin1 <- as.numeric(cut(my_df$x, breaks = seq(0, max(my_df$x) + 10, by = 10)));
my_df$bin2 <- as.numeric(cut(my_df$y, breaks = seq(0, max(my_df$x) + 10, by = 10)));
# Multiply bin indices
my_df$res <- my_df$bin1 * my_df$bin2;
> head(my_df)
x y bin1 bin2 res
1 49.887499 47.302849 5 5 25
2 43.169773 50.931357 5 6 30
3 10.626466 43.673533 2 5 10
4 43.401454 3.397009 5 1 5
5 7.080386 22.870539 1 3 3
6 39.094724 24.672907 4 3 12
I've broken down the steps for illustration purposes; you probably don't want to keep the intermediate columns bin1 and bin2.
We probably need a table showing the relationship between x, y, and z. After that, we can define a function to do the join.
The solution is related and inspired by this post (R dplyr join by range or virtual column). You may also find other solutions are useful.
# Set seed for reproducibility
# Create example data frame
my_df <- data.frame(x=runif(100, min = 0,max = 60),
y=runif(100, min = 0,max = 60))
# Load the dplyr package
# Create a table to show the relationship between x, y, and z
r <- expand.grid(x_from = seq(0, 50, 10), y_from = seq(0, 50, 10)) %>%
mutate(x_to = x_from + 10, y_to = y_from + 10, z = 1:n())
# Define a function for dynamic join
dynamic_join <- function(d, r){
if (!("z" %in% colnames(d))){
d[["z"]] <- NA_integer_
d <- d %>%
mutate(z = ifelse(x >= r$x_from & x < r$x_to & y >= r$y_from & y < r$y_to,
r$z, z))
re_dynamic_join <- function(d, r){
r_list <- split(r, r$z)
for (i in 1:length(r_list)){
d <- dynamic_join(d, r_list[[i]])
# Apply the function
re_dynamic_join(my_df, r)
x y z
1 15.930520 39.2834357 20
2 22.327434 21.1918363 15
3 34.371202 16.2156088 10
4 54.492467 59.5610437 36
5 12.100916 38.0095959 20
6 53.903381 12.7924881 12
7 56.680516 7.7623409 6
8 39.647868 28.6870821 16
9 37.746843 55.4444682 34
10 3.707176 35.9256580 19
11 12.358474 58.5702417 32
12 10.593405 43.9075507 26
13 41.221371 21.4036147 17
14 23.046223 25.8884214 15
15 46.190485 8.8926936 5
16 29.861955 0.7846545 3
17 43.057110 42.9339640 29
18 59.514366 6.1910541 6
19 22.802111 26.7770609 15
20 46.646713 38.4060627 23
21 56.082314 59.5103172 36
22 12.728551 29.7356147 14
23 39.100426 29.0609715 16
24 7.533306 10.4065401 7
25 16.033240 45.2892567 26
26 23.166846 27.2337294 15
27 0.803420 30.6701870 19
28 22.943277 12.4527068 9
29 52.181451 13.7194886 12
30 20.420940 35.7427198 21
31 28.924807 34.4923319 21
32 35.973950 4.6238628 4
33 29.612478 2.1324348 3
34 11.173056 38.5677295 20
35 49.642399 55.7169120 35
36 40.108004 35.8855453 23
37 47.654392 33.6540449 23
38 6.476618 31.5616634 19
39 43.422657 59.1057134 35
40 24.676466 30.4585093 21
41 49.256778 40.9672847 29
42 38.823612 36.0924731 22
43 46.975966 14.3321207 11
44 33.182179 15.4899556 10
45 31.783175 43.7585774 28
46 47.361374 27.1542499 17
47 1.399872 10.5076061 7
48 28.633804 44.8018962 27
49 43.938824 6.2992584 5
50 41.563893 51.8726969 35
51 28.657177 36.8786983 21
52 51.672569 33.4295723 24
53 26.285826 19.7266391 9
54 14.687837 27.1878867 14
55 4.240743 30.0264584 19
56 5.967970 10.8519817 7
57 18.976302 31.7778362 20
58 31.118056 4.5165447 4
59 39.720305 16.6653560 10
60 24.409811 12.7619712 9
61 54.772555 17.0874289 12
62 17.616202 53.7056462 32
63 27.543944 26.7741194 15
64 19.943680 46.7990934 26
65 39.052228 52.8371421 34
66 15.481007 24.7874526 14
67 28.712715 3.8285088 3
68 45.978640 20.1292495 17
69 5.054815 43.4235568 25
70 52.519280 20.2569200 18
71 20.344376 37.8248473 21
72 50.366421 50.4368732 36
73 20.801009 51.3678999 33
74 20.026496 23.4815569 15
75 28.581075 22.8296331 15
76 53.531900 53.7267256 36
77 51.860368 38.6589458 24
78 23.399373 44.4647189 27
79 46.639242 36.3182068 23
80 57.637080 54.1848967 36
81 26.079569 17.6238093 9
82 42.750881 11.4756066 11
83 23.999662 53.1870566 33
84 19.521129 30.2003691 20
85 45.425229 52.6234526 35
86 12.161535 11.3516173 8
87 42.667273 45.4861831 29
88 7.301515 43.4699336 25
89 14.729311 56.6234891 32
90 8.598263 32.8587952 19
91 14.377765 42.7046321 26
92 3.536063 23.3343060 13
93 38.537296 6.0523876 4
94 52.576153 55.6381253 36
95 46.734881 16.9939500 11
96 47.838530 35.4343895 23
97 27.316467 6.6216363 3
98 24.605045 50.4304219 33
99 48.652215 19.0778211 11
100 36.295997 46.9710802 28

Storing the output from a loop as a list in R

I am running a small loop to randomly assign a list of numbers (1 to 30) to a subset of 4 groups. I would like to store the outputs of the loop (for 4 subsets) as a single line in one variable and use the results elsewhere. I am also getting some warnings, though the output is correctly displayed on the screen.
list = as.vector(c(6, 9, 3, 12)
start <- 1
end <- 6
i <- 1
print(sample(start:end, replace=T))
start <- start+list[i]
end <- end + list[i+1]
i <- i+1
[1] 3 5 6 1 5 6
[1] 9 13 12 7 11 12 14 11 14
[1] 16 17 17
[1] 28 22 26 21 28 26 22 28 26 30 21 19
Error in start:end : NA/NaN argument
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In while (i <= list) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
2: In while (i <= list) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
3: In while (i <= list) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
4: In while (i <= list) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
5: In while (i <= list) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
I am unable to find the reasons for this error. Please help. Thanks.
Works fine using for loop than while loop, no need of sub-setting i variable when we use seq function
list = c(6, 9, 3, 12)
start <- 1
end <- 6
for(i in seq(list)){
if(i <= list[i]){
start <- start+list[i]
end <- end + (list[i]+1)
print(sample(start:end, replace=T))
[1] 10 8 11 7 11 10 12
[1] 23 17 18 21 22 18 20 21
[1] 25 21 27 23 26 26 23 25 22
[1] 33 32 37 37 35 40 32 37 34 38

Print levels of a factor present within select criteria rather than all levels of the factor in R?

I am working with R version i386 3.1.1 and RStudio 0.99.442.
I have large datasets of tree species that I've collected from 7 plots, each of which are divided into 5 subplots (i.e. 35 distinct subplots). I am trying to get R to run through my dataset and print the species which are present within each plot.
I thought I could use "aggregate" to apply the "levels" function to the Species data column and have it return the Species present for each Plot and Subplot, however it returns the levels of the entire data frame (for 12 species, total) rather than the 3 or 4 species that are actually present in the Subplot.
To provide a reproducible example of what I'm trying to do, we can use the "warpbreaks" dataset that comes with R.
I convert the 'breaks' variable in warpbreaks to a factor variable to recreate the problem; It thus exemplifies my 'species' variable, whereas 'warpbreaks$wool' would represent 'plot', and 'warpbreaks$tension' would represent 'subplot'.
warpbreaks$breaks = as.factor(warpbreaks$breaks)
aggregate(breaks ~ wool + tension, data = warpbreaks, FUN="levels")
If we look at the warpbreaks data, then for "Plot" A (wool) and "Subplot" L (tension) - the desired script would print the species "26, 30, 54, 25, etc."
breaks wool tension
1 26 A L
2 30 A L
3 54 A L
4 25 A L
5 70 A L
6 52 A L
7 51 A L
8 26 A L
9 67 A L
10 18 A M
11 21 A M
12 29 A M
Instead, R returns something of this sort, where it is printing ALL of the levels of the factor variable for ALL of the plots:
wool tension breaks.1 breaks.2 breaks.3 breaks.4 breaks.5 breaks...
1 A L 10 12 13 14 15 ...
2 B L 10 12 13 14 15 ...
3 A M 10 12 13 14 15 ...
4 B M 10 12 13 14 15 ...
5 A H 10 12 13 14 15 ...
6 B H 10 12 13 14 15 ...
How do I get it to print only the factors that are present within that Plot/Subplot combination? Am I totally off in my use of "aggregate"? I'd imagine this is a relatively easy task for an experience R user...
First time stackoverflow post - would appreciate any help or nudges towards the right code!
Many kind thanks.
Try FUN=unique rather than FUN=levels. levels will return every level of the factor, as you have surmised already. unique(...) will only return the unique levels.
y <- aggregate(breaks ~ wool + tension, data = warpbreaks, FUN=unique)
wool tension breaks
1 A L 14, 18, 29, 13, 31, 28, 27, 30
2 B L 15, 4, 17, 9, 19, 23, 10, 26
3 A M 8, 11, 17, 7, 2, 20, 18, 21
4 B M 24, 14, 9, 6, 22, 16, 11, 17
5 A H 21, 11, 12, 8, 1, 25, 16, 5, 14
6 B H 10, 11, 12, 7, 3, 5, 6, 16
NOTE the breaks column is a little weird, as in each row of that column instead of having one value (which makes sense for a dataframe), you have a vector of values. i.e. each cell of that breaks column is NOT a string; it's a vector!
> class(y$wool)
[1] "factor"
> class(y$breaks) # list !!
[1] "list"
> y$breaks[[1]] # first row in breaks
[1] 26 30 54 25 70 52 51 67
Levels: 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 35 36 39 41 42 43 44 51 52 54 67 70
Note that to access the first element of the breaks column, instead of doing y$breaks[1] (like you would with the wool or tension column) you need to do y$breaks[[1]] because of this.
Data frames are not really meant to work like this; a single cell in a dataframe is supposed to have a single value, and most functions will expect a dataframe to conform to this, so just keep this in mind when doing future processing.
If you wanted to convert to a string, use (e.g.) FUN=function (x) paste(unique(x), collapse=', '); then y$breaks will be a column of strings and behaves as normal.

Regroup lines of a data frame for which a column value is inferior to x

I have this data frame :
> df
Z freq proba
1 17 1 0.0033289263
2 18 4 0.0055569026
3 19 2 0.0087878028
4 20 3 0.0132023556
5 21 16 0.0188900561
6 22 12 0.0257995234
7 23 30 0.0337042731
8 24 41 0.0421963455
9 25 56 0.0507149437
10 26 65 0.0586089198
11 27 65 0.0652230449
12 28 93 0.0699913154
13 29 82 0.0725182432
14 30 94 0.0726318551
15 31 72 0.0703990113
16 32 74 0.0661024717
17 33 58 0.0601873020
18 34 66 0.0531896431
19 35 38 0.0456625487
20 36 45 0.0381117389
21 37 27 0.0309498221
22 38 17 0.0244723502
23 39 15 0.0188543771
24 40 13 0.0141629367
25 41 4 0.0103793600
26 42 1 0.0074254435
27 43 2 0.0051886582
28 45 1 0.0023658767
29 46 1 0.0015453804
30 49 2 0.0003792308
# Here are my datas :
> dput(df)
structure(list(Z = c(17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
43, 45, 46, 49), freq = c(1, 4, 2, 3, 16, 12, 30, 41, 56, 65,
65, 93, 82, 94, 72, 74, 58, 66, 38, 45, 27, 17, 15, 13, 4, 1,
2, 1, 1, 2), proba = c(0.0033289262662263, 0.00555690264007235,
0.00878780282243439, 0.0132023555702843, 0.0188900560866825,
0.0257995234198431, 0.0337042730520012, 0.0421963455163949, 0.0507149437492447,
0.0586089198012906, 0.0652230449359029, 0.0699913153996099, 0.0725182432348992,
0.0726318551493006, 0.0703990113442269, 0.0661024716831246, 0.0601873020200862,
0.0531896430528685, 0.045662548708844, 0.0381117389181843, 0.030949822142559,
0.0244723501557229, 0.01885437705459, 0.0141629366839816, 0.0103793599644779,
0.00742544354411115, 0.00518865818999788, 0.00236587669133322,
0.00154538036835848, 0.000379230768851682)), .Names = c("Z",
"freq", "proba"), row.names = c(NA, -30L), class = "data.frame")
And I want to regroup lines for which the value "freq" is < 5 with the next line, and this while the next line is < 5.
Idk if I'm clear enough so this is the output I expect :
> df2
labels effectifs pi
1 17;20 10 0.03087599
2 21 16 0.01889006
3 22 12 0.02579952
4 23 30 0.03370427
5 24 41 0.04219635
6 25 56 0.05071494
7 26 65 0.05860892
8 27 65 0.06522304
9 28 93 0.06999132
10 29 82 0.07251824
11 30 94 0.07263186
12 31 72 0.07039901
13 32 74 0.06610247
14 33 58 0.06018730
15 34 66 0.05318964
16 35 38 0.04566255
17 36 45 0.03811174
18 37 27 0.03094982
19 38 17 0.02447235
20 39 15 0.01885438
21 40 13 0.01416294
22 41;49 11 0.02728395
I did it with nested while, but I find this solution very painful and so unoptimized.
i <- 1
freqs <- c()
labels <- c()
pi <- c()
while(i < nrow(df)) {
if (df$freq[i] >= 5) {
freqs <- c(freqs, df$freq[i])
labels <- c(labels, df$Z[i])
pi <- c(pi, df$proba[i])
i <- i + 1
else {
count <- df$freq[i]
countPi <- df$proba[i]
k <- i
j <- i
while(df$freq[i] < 5 & i < nrow(df)) {
if (df$freq[i+1] < 5) {
count <- count + df$freq[i+1]
countPi <- countPi + df$proba[i+1]
j <- i + 1
i <- i + 1
labels <- c(labels, paste0(df$Z[k], ";", df$Z[j]))
freqs <- c(freqs, count)
pi <- c(pi, countPi)
df2 <- data.frame(labels, freqs, pi)
I'm sure there is far better, maybe with dplyr. If you have a better solution.. Thanks !
We could use the "devel" version of "data.table" as new functions are introduced (rleid). Here, we convert the "data.frame" to "data.table" (setDT(df)), create a grouping variable ("gr") based on the logical index (freq <5) using rleid. 'Z' column is 'numeric/integer' class. Create a character column ("Z1") from the "Z". Grouped by 'gr', if the "freq" is less than 5 for all the elements of that group, summarise the rows to a single row by taking the first observation of columns (.SD[1L]), remove the unwanted columns (as .SD includes "Z1" which will result in duplicate columns), append it with the "Z1" that we get from pasting the min and max value of "Z" for that group. Otherwise, leave it unchanged (else .SD). Remove the columns that we don't need by assigning it to "NULL".
library(data.table) #data.table_1.9.5
res <- setDT(df)[, gr:=rleid(freq<5)][, Z1:= as.character(Z)][,
if(all(freq<5)) c(.SD[1L][,-4, with=FALSE],
list(Z1=toString(c(min(Z), max(Z)))))
else .SD, gr][,1:2 :=NULL][]
# freq proba Z1
#1: 1 0.003328926 17, 20
#2: 16 0.018890056 21
#3: 12 0.025799523 22
Since this is a dplyr question, here is a dplyr solution. First I used a grouping function in order to define the groups (similar to the rleid function in data.table). Then the summary and is fairly simple.
# grouping function
grouping <- function(condition){
# calculate runs for grouping
run <- rle((!condition) * 1:length(condition))
# revalue
run$values <- seq_along(run$values)
# invert to get grouping
# load dplyr
df %>%
mutate(group = grouping(freq<5)) %>% # add groups
group_by(group) %>% # group data
summarize(freq = sum(freq), # sum freq
proba = sum(proba), # sum proba
Z = toString(unique(range(Z)))) %>% # rename Z
mutate(group=NULL) # remove groups
## Source: local data table [22 x 3]
## freq proba Z
## 1 10 0.03087599 17, 20
## 2 16 0.01889006 21
## 3 12 0.02579952 22
## 4 30 0.03370427 23
## 5 41 0.04219635 24
## 6 56 0.05071494 25
## 7 65 0.05860892 26
## 8 65 0.06522304 27
## 9 93 0.06999132 28
## 10 82 0.07251824 29
## .. ... ... ...
