Xcode 8 Simulator crash - ios-simulator

I recently downloaded the Xcode 8 beta. When I try to open the simulator, it gets stuck on the black Apple screen and I get a crash message for "SpringBoard".
Any ideas? I'm happy to edit if I left out anything.
Thanks in advance!

This is a known issue that is mentioned in the release notes and is related to issues in the download and install process. If you don't follow the installation instructions exactly, you can trip over this issue.
The workaround is rather straight forward:
Using Finder, copy (DON'T MOVE) Xcode-beta.app from /Applications to ~/Desktop
Delete /Applications/Xcode-beta.app
Move Xcode-beta.app from Desktop back to /Applications

I had a similar problem which, with a bit of googling, I managed to solve as it happened with the Xcode 6 Betas too. First of all, make sure that your Xcode-Beta.app is in the Application folder of your computer. Then go Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations. In "Command Line Tools" you will probably find that you have Xcode 7 selected. This is a problem that occurs with having 2 Xcode versions installed. Change it to Xcode 8.
After this, the simulators were still broken for me, so I went to Xcode -> Window -> Devices and delete all of the simulators. Then try a full reboot of your computer. Reopen the devices page and add in the simulators that you would like, and then right click on the Xcode app in your dock, and go "Open Developer Tool -> Simulator". Check that it now boots correctly. If its working so far, then you should be good to run your application. Otherwise try yet another reboot, just to make sure Xcode is refreshed.
Hopefully this solves your problem like it did mine, let me know if not.

SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 0
If you get above issue make your simulator active window and follow step showed below in picture..
Note : It will delete all app from simulator..


The Simulator can't be launched because it is already in use. Every run

I know this is an issue that was already discussed here many times before, But there is now solution for my problem and its really serious.
Every second time I try to run the simulator i get get this bothering message:
"The Simulator can't be launched because it is already in use."
Closing the simulator does not help.
I need to quit Xcode every single time this happens!
I trying restarting my computer several times.
Please help me, I find my self restarting Xcode 50 times a day. This is totally frustrating.
Very simple, to avoid further problems we will do "complete" procedure.
On iOS Simulator, you must force quit.
In Xcode, press COMMAND + SHIFT + "K" (letter k) keys; to empty the cache of the application and ensure that all works out.
On then quit Xcode (I recommend that you restart your Mac after this procedure done, if the problem persists)
Good luck
I had the same issue. Turned out that the developer tools path was set to a different location than the Xcode I was using. So check with
xcode-select -p
that your dev tools path is set correctly. If not, fix with
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/
if you're using the current AppStore version of Xcode (or the appropriate path to your alternate Xcode).
I think it a bug in Xcode 5.1. Update your Xcode and it will resolve your issue
and i use this solution for this issue. "Close all application from background and then run"
To close application from background use
Select simulator then press "Ctrl+Shift+H+H" So it open background task screen in this close all application from background and then run your application from Xcode.
i hope this will solve you lots of time of restarting the Xcode.
Solution that seems to be working :
double press CMD+Shift+H (in simulator )
close All other apps on
Works for me. Let me know!:)

SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: -3

I'm getting an warning as 'SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: -3'. This happens when trying to run application in Xcode 5.
Finally...found solution!
Solution 1 : Just quit Simulator and clean Xcode. The fresh build will not show this Alert again. The possible reason for this might be switching between 64-bit simulator and 32-bit simulator.
Solution 2 : If the problem still persists then delete the App from Simulator and re-run the code. This will work since the app contents are freshly loaded.
Springboard (also known as Home Screen) is the standard application that manages the iOS home screen.
Also, these may be bug of Xcode 5.0.2. I haven't encountered any such error in Xcode 5.1 (Beta) version.
just close the simulator, clean it your project, built it again, and launch again. Its work on me.
It also works to clean your code and then go to iOS Simulator -> Reset Content and Settings. Just an alternative if you don't want to close and reopen your Simulator (mine takes forever to quit and reopen)
Just had the same problem.
After trying what evanhutomo failed for me, I tried a slight variation.
Install 6.1 simulator
Run in 6.1 simulator
When it fails you should be dropped on the spring board
Delete the application.
Try building again
Hope this helps.
Deleting the app from the simulator and then rebuilding and running helped me solve the problem.
I tried the other solutions here, but none worked. From another SO answer I tried setting App Support/iPhone Simulator directory recursively to 777 permissions.
$sudo chmod -R 777 "~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/"
I'm not recommending this, just saying it took care of the problem for me!

iOS Simulator failed to install the application

I have created a Cordova 2.1.0 app, It ran fine for the first 2-3 times. But now when I am trying to run it through terminal it is giving me the following error.I didn't change anything.
Ankurs-Mac-mini:~ ankur$ /Users/ankur/Desktop/CordovaSMS/cordova/emulate
Ankurs-Mac-mini:~ ankur$ 2012-10-17 16:11:08.695 ios-sim[7032:507] stderrPath:
2012-10-17 16:11:08.698 ios-sim[7032:507] stdoutPath:
[DEBUG] Session could not be started: Error Domain=DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain
Code=1 "iOS Simulator failed to install the application." UserInfo=0x7fc643902320
{NSLocalizedDescription=iOS Simulator failed to install the application.,
any help would be appreciated.
Solved the problem
Deleting contents of ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator and re-run the project solved this problem.
or you can simply reset content and setting of the simulator.
Try manually launch the iOS Simulator and from the "iOS Simulator" menu, click "Reset content and settings", then close and rebuild your app.
My solution is:
From menu, iOS Simulator, Reset Content and Settings.
Close XCode 5.0: close project and close it from Dock and re-open the project and launch again, like in Windows :)
I tried everything mentioned above and nothing worked. My problem was iOS 7 specific. I was finally able to resolve the issue by assigning a non-empty value to Bundle versions string, short (CFBundleShortVersionString) in the -Info.plist file. Looks like iOS 7 doesn't like an empty value for the build number. I had a script that auto increments the bundle number by 1 every time I build the project so this field was empty. I just assigned a dummy value there to get it working.
You can also remove the app from the simulator.
This worked for me in iOS6.1
Solved here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16279286/1927253
I copied a folder into XCode 4.6.2 with the name "Resources". When XCode asked, I created the folder references for any added folders.
Every time I did this, I would have to goto the Derived applications directory, and delete the build directory for my project to get it working again.
Solution: Do not copy a folder by reference into XCode with the name "Resources". Rename it to something else other than Resources.
Very annoying error.
just reset your simulator and re-run your project
Unfortunately none of these solutions solved my problem. I did everything, even restarting my mac but it was still failing. What actually did solve my problem was to go to the Organizer and delete the Derived Data and Snapshots.
Had the same problem after installing XCode 5. Had no iOS 6.1 Sim or SDK. Obtained these. Tried to run the App up under the iOS6.1 Sim and go the failed to install message. Having read through all of the above posts, I decided to simply remove the App from the Simulator and re-istall, re-run from the project window and that solved it for me.
I tried ALL these things and more including reinstalling Xcode 5 and nuking every xcode and simulator preference/application support file with no luck.
Then for the hell of it, I CHANGED my short bundle version string (it already had a value, it was not empty), and it fired right up.
3 hours gone but yeah
All the answers I looked for do not work for me!.
The only way to make it work is as follows
1.Check the version of titanium being used for the project in tiapp.xml
2.right click the prject in the project explorer window.
3.Select Properties
4.Choose project build path. Select Titanium Mobile SDk all versions of 3.* Tick all of them.
5.Now click apply and re run the project.
None of the above worked for me, I finally compared my info.plist to another project and found that I had somehow deleted the "Executable File = ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}" key/value pair, replacing it fixed the problem for me.
This error occurs on iOS 7.0 if you leave the "Build" empty.
Enter a build number!
What worked for me was to simply delete an old version of the app, which was made in a prior version of Xcode (likely 4, now running 5) from the simulator (tap-hold, jiggle, x).
I encountered this problem while trying to create a build for Facebook application approval. I found that for some reason, when I used the following command line:
xcodebuild -arch i386 -sdk iphonesimulator7.1 -scheme Mana -configuration Release
the files didn't end up in [project root]/build/... (as the instructions on Facebook suggest), but in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/[app name + unique identifier]/Build/Products.
I'm not sure exactly what's going on here (anyone who knows more please enlighten me!) but I was able to run the files in the DerivedData directory on the simulator. Hopefully they'll also work for Facebook!
I tried everything mentioned above and nothing worked.
Finally the only way to make it work was unsetting DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/libimckit.dylib
How I did this:
Open terminal and typing "sudo vi /etc/launchd.conf"
"setenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES /usr/lib/libimckit.dylib"
"unsetenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES /usr/lib/libimckit.dylib"
Save changes
Reboot your system
In this post [1] explain what DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES is for
[1] https://stackoverflow.com/a/26053165/2091181
On Mavericks 10.9.5 using Xcode Version 6.0.1 (6A317) with an iOS SDK supporting 8.0 originally had Simulators all version 8 all getting this error. All the advice above was not working for me. So went to Xcode->Preferences->Downloads and saw as installable (but not yot installed) in the Components section were iOS Simulators 7.1 and/or 7.0. Went ahead and installed the 7.1 Simulators and got extra designations on the Product->Destination list Simulators of version 8.0 and 7.1, and using the 8.0 still had the same error, but the 7.1 Simulators all worked.

Xcode 4.2: Error 0xC002 when trying to use a jailbroken iPhone 3G for development

I have this jailbroken iPhone 3G with iOS version 4.2.1 (the latest supported version). When I connect it to Xcode 4.2, Xcode starts copying the debug symbols. It stops copying towards the end of the process, and shows the following error:
Xcode has encountered an unexpected error (0xC002)
No such file or directory, at ‘/SourceCache/DTDeviceKit/DTDeviceKit-867/DTDeviceKit/DTDeviceKit_Utilities.m:864’
Anybody experiencing anything similar?
I know I should try and restore the phone, but I'm asking just in case anybody can come up with a solution that doesn't involve restoring it.
In this post on mactechnews.de, one guy reports the same problem -- with no solution, so far.
Alright, after a lot of testing and digging up the filesystem... I solved it.
It turns out that there are just a few files that are not downloaded from the device (for reasons still unknown). They are related to the dyld cache (don't really know what this is and what it's for). Here are the steps to make your 4.2.1 device debuggable in XCode 4.2 and 4.3.x:
Close Xcode
Go to: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/4.2.1 (8C148)/Symbols/System/Library/Caches/com.apple.dyld/ Note: if you don't have this folder, run Xcode, connect your device, and wait until the error 0xC002 appears in Organizer - the folder should be created by that time.
Create 3 empty files there called:
Run Xcode and enjoy the light next to your device eventually go green:)
Or, for the terminal lovers:
cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS\ DeviceSupport/4.2.1\ \(8C148\)/Symbols/System/Library/Caches/com.apple.dyld/
touch .copied_dyld_shared_cache_armv6
touch .processed_dyld_shared_cache_armv6
touch dyld_shared_cache_armv6
This is obviously a hack but it works perfectly for debugging and I haven't noticed any side-effects so far.
Small update:
I tested it on my snow leopard hackintosh, with the Xcode 4.2 (most recent to date) and although the device is active in the organizer and it is possible to run the app on the device, i get black screen on launch. It gets installed but apparently debugger cannot get attached. I had the same problem with 4.0.2, when the 0xC002 problem didn't yet occur so I think it's unrelated and might even not happen to others. Nevertheless, 0xC002 is still solved.
On my main development machine with Lion and Xcode 4.3.2, device is perfectly debuggable.
The answer above (https://stackoverflow.com/a/9944892/1390251) works, basically,
but for newer versions of Xcode you probably need to rename the files as follows,
having them end with '7' instead of '6':
touch .copied_dyld_shared_cache_armv7
touch .processed_dyld_shared_cache_armv7
touch dyld_shared_cache_armv7
If not sure, you can keep both sets of files (...6 and ...7)
in the relevant folder (can also be 5.1.1 for that matter)
and it should work.
(have tested it on iPhone 4 with iOS v5.1.1 genuine)
It seems that you cannot debug apps on iOS 4.2.1. I tried several restores to iOS 4.2.1 with same effect. Downgrading to iOS 4.0 was the only thing that worked.
The reason for whole problem is that iOS 4.2.1 is not supported in XCode, according to this website.
Error in Xcode getting debugging info from 5.0.1 iphone
solved, see the link to archive with iOS5.0.1 debug info
download & unpack to "~/Library/Developer/xCode/iOS DeviceSupport/" & be happy =)
I fixed this bug in![enter image description here][1] this way:
I duplicate the 5.1.1(9B206), rename it to 5.1.1(9A405)[my ios device is this version], then the error is gone.

Iphone simulator hangs while installing apps

I am using snow leopard, xcode 3.22, i first had this issue when i was using os 4 beta, i have removed the xcode software from my system and reinstalled. I can't get any app to load in the simulator, the app starts to install in the simulator then nothing, I can install the app to my device, but i can run anything in the simulator it just hangs, i am not sure what to do
any idea?
I had the same problem and it drove me nuts. I finally figured it out.
Make sure that "/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator" is owned by your user id and that it is also writable by you. All the subfolders should also be owned and be writable by you.
Once I changed ownership of "/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator" to me everything worked.
I've had a similar problem. The simulator launches but stays on a blank screen. Then when I press "stop" in Xcode it doesn't stop. I have to force quit Xcode. I've tried many solutions including reinstalling Xcode.
Ultimately, the only thing that worked was changing the debugger from LLDB to GDB in the scheme. I don't know why this works.
