Say I have a string of date like "3/23/2016" and just want to change the format to 3/23/2016. I try:
as.Date("3/23/2016, "%m%d%Y") but keeps giving me NA, as well as trying other methods. Anyone know a easy/fast way to do this? 03/23/2016 is ok too.
Try this:
b=as.Date(a, "%m/%d/%Y"),
It will give you the result then
to find the format.
Hope this helps :)
Another option is lubridate
#[1] "2016-03-23"
I required date as mentioned below in if condition.
if day('2019-12-23') <=15 then '2019-11-16' else '2019-12-01'.
I have tried writing codes in R, but output is not correct.
ifelse(day(Sys.Date()) <=15,
(ymd(Sys.Date()-day(Sys.Date()-1)) %m-% months(1))+15,
Required Output
Please help me with the solution.
Got the solutions thanks. forgot to convert into character.
updated query
ifelse(day(Sys.Date()) <=15,
as.character((ymd(Sys.Date()-(day(Sys.Date()-1))) %m-% months(1))+15),
Based on the structure of the data, I could not import the data by defining the types prior to upload/import.
So, doing that won't work. Anyway, it comes out as a number, below for examples:
I did try some methods. Below is the code I did use and it did sort of end up turning it into a date but the year is wrong (comes out 2089 instead of 2019). I did do trimws prior to the below.
Transactions_Combined$Trans_Date <- as.numeric(Transactions_Comvined$Trans_Date)
Transaction_Combined <- as.Date(Transactions_Combined$Trans_Date)
Comes out as:
Just want an accurate date and make sure I'm doing it right too. Thanks for your help!
Use the function readxl::read_excel() from the readxl-package to read in your excel-data.
Set the col_types-argument to "Date", and it will read the excel-dates to POSIXct-timestamp.
If this is not an option, you can try
as.POSIXct( colum_with_excel_times * 24 * 3600 + as.POSIXct( "1899-12-30 00:00" ) )
Another option could be janitor::excel_numeric_to_date()
I have dataset with column Date such
And I want to transform them to
I try
format(as.Date(d, "%d-%b-%y"), "%d/%m/%y")
but it doesn't work
UPD I found that my code doesn't work because system language of my PC is russian. When I try to transform 1-Апр-08, it works (Апрель = April).
When your d is a character, you can use:
format(as.Date(d, "%d-%b-%y"), "%d/%m/%y")
If not, then use
format(as.Date(as.character(d), "%d-%b-%y"), "%d/%m/%y")
My code was correct. It didn't work because system language of my PC was russian. For example, When I tried to transform 1-Апр-08, it worked routinely (Апрель is April in russian)
How to show date and time in one label?
lbldatetime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss");
I want it in 05-10-2013 9:47am format.
Use "tt" for the AM/PM designator:
lbldatetime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy h:mmtt");
See here for the complete reference.
You can format the date and time with the ToString() Method:
lbldatetime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy h:mmtt");
You can do that by using format provider to convert date time value in particular format
for more learn about format please review this link
Thank you.
i have date showing like the following
01-Nov-2012 12:00:00 AM
and i want to show the if the date is like above than
this comes for few data only not for all,
How to do this in Xquery.
Please help
This will work:
fn:replace("01-Nov-2012 12:00:00 AM", "\s.*", "")
It replaces the space and everything after with the empty string.
You could use either:
tokenize(/test,' ')[1]
substring-before(/test,' ')
With /test being replaced with the appropriate path to the date.
It is so simple.
thats it