how to format date using XQuery - xquery

i have date showing like the following
01-Nov-2012 12:00:00 AM
and i want to show the if the date is like above than
this comes for few data only not for all,
How to do this in Xquery.
Please help

This will work:
fn:replace("01-Nov-2012 12:00:00 AM", "\s.*", "")
It replaces the space and everything after with the empty string.

You could use either:
tokenize(/test,' ')[1]
substring-before(/test,' ')
With /test being replaced with the appropriate path to the date.

It is so simple.
thats it


If else condition works with days?

I required date as mentioned below in if condition.
if day('2019-12-23') <=15 then '2019-11-16' else '2019-12-01'.
I have tried writing codes in R, but output is not correct.
ifelse(day(Sys.Date()) <=15,
(ymd(Sys.Date()-day(Sys.Date()-1)) %m-% months(1))+15,
Required Output
Please help me with the solution.
Got the solutions thanks. forgot to convert into character.
updated query
ifelse(day(Sys.Date()) <=15,
as.character((ymd(Sys.Date()-(day(Sys.Date()-1))) %m-% months(1))+15),

R - String to Date Conversion

Say I have a string of date like "3/23/2016" and just want to change the format to 3/23/2016. I try:
as.Date("3/23/2016, "%m%d%Y") but keeps giving me NA, as well as trying other methods. Anyone know a easy/fast way to do this? 03/23/2016 is ok too.
Try this:
b=as.Date(a, "%m/%d/%Y"),
It will give you the result then
to find the format.
Hope this helps :)
Another option is lubridate
#[1] "2016-03-23"

Custom Expression Function: ParseDateTime

Given a DateTime of
10-OCT-2015 07:10 PM
How can one convert this? I've got the first part correct but it's the Time I'm having difficulty with.
ParseDateTime([column name],"dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm")
How can AM/PM be represented?
Figured it out!
ParseDateTime([Diary Date],"dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm tt","en-US")

C# format of date issue

My problem: I need to get date format as "mm/dd/yyyy"
I have declared DateBirth as nullable DateTime.
The value I get when I use:
AdvancedObj.DateBirth .Value.ToString()
is: "13/03/2013 00:00:00"
The value I get when I use
AdvancedObj.DateBirth .Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
is :"03/13/2013 00:00:00"//This is roughly correct but, I do not need 00:00:00
I have tried this as well, but the format is correct and value is incorrect.
Can anybody point me, what am I missing?
Use the right format string for months - it is MM. mm is for minutes:
Also, order them correctly as above - if you want months before days, use MM/dd/yyyy, if the other way around, dd/MM/yyyy.
I suggest you take a good long read of Custom Date and Time Format Strings on MSDN.
Month are 'M'. 'm' is for minutes.

Regular Expression for Date Format : dd-mm-yyyy

I want to check the date which must be in the format dd-mm-yyyy using a regular expression, and it also must check the leap year dates.
I am using RegularExpressionValidator for checking the date.
try this. It works for me!
Try this regular expression-
Got it from Here
This regex also handles leap year:
[29/02/2000], [30/04/2003], [01/01/2003]
[29/02/2001], [30-04-2003], [1/1/1899]
You can also check this link out:
You can javascript to check leap year for more info
isLeap = new Date(year, 1, 29).getMonth() == 1
Regular Expression
These allow but do not require a leading zero in single-digit months/days. If you don't want that, replace all instances of 0? with 0.
You could use a CustomValidator and have the client-side validation be simple and on the server-side use a DateTime.TryParse to get a definitive validation. Although I suspect you don't need your code to work all the way to the year 9999 (no, I couldn't immediately see if the supplied regexes work that far into the future).
from Microsoft DN but modified to work with years both 20xx and 19xx to used as DOB
for dd/MM/yyyy formate
