Host web cam in uwp app over website -

I have an web application and a universal windows platform application running on my laptop with a web cam.
I want to access the web cam from my web application.

If you want to access access camera from a web hosted UWP app, you can refer to Create your Hosted Web App. And you probably need to enable the WebCam and MicroPhone capabilities in UWP App's manifest file in some scenario.
If you want to make your web application can directly call the camera device without a UWP app, you can use some jQuery webcam plugin. For example, you can try this one. But this can not be used from your UWP app.
In this case, if you want to access web cam both from hosted uwp app and your web app, you need to implement two procedures in your web app, one for hosted UWP app using WinRT API to call the camera, the other one for web app only.


Add Platform in Application Registration Portal

I am trying to register a mobile app to the Application Registration Portal but whenever I click the App Platform I get the option of 1. Web 2. Native Application 3. Web API. But I do not see the option for mobile app.
But when I try the native app, two platforms are added. one for Web and the other for Native Application. Why the platform for Web is added.
I am very new to this development.
Because of this whenever I am running the Xamarin.Forms app on iPhone simulator, I am getting the message that "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid".
Native application is for both the PC's application and the mobile application.
When you choose native application, web application is added because you may need to use a web server as a back-end service for your native app.
I don't think this issue related to your problem with iPhone and Safari.

desktop application data send to web application

Work on .net application my application has one desktop(windows form) and web application(MVC5), in desktop application have one button, client on button want to display one image in my web application.
Is there any idea how to do ?
What about using SignalR.
You can make connection between your Desktop App and Web App
then you can call any method you need from Desktop to Web and vice versa.
ASP.NET SignalR is a library for ASP.NET developers that simplifies
the process of adding real-time web functionality to applications.
Real-time web functionality is the ability to have server code push
content to connected clients instantly as it becomes available, rather
than having the server wait for a client to request new data
Read more here: SignalR.
Through the webapi it will works.

Host a Web API under a Web Forms project

I have a ASP.NET Web APi project that uses an AngularJS as the front end. It is called "MyApiApp".
I would like to move this project under another project that is an ASP.NET web forms website. It is called "MyWebForms" app.
My goal is to move the "MyApiApp" under the Web Forms app and access the "MyApiApp" as
Is it possible to have an ASP.NET Web API hosted under an ASP.NET Web Forms project? I would like to be able to do this in Visual Studio where I could run that Web Forms application but have access to the "MyApiApp" app via the above URL.
Yes. You should be able to set it up as a virtual folder in IIS underneath the main website.
In the case of the VS Project, the built in web server doesn't support virtual folders, you'd have to set it up to run through actual IIS.
You should be able to have the WebAPI Controller as part of the main web forms project though.

Integrate Fingerprint Scanner with Web Application

I want to Develop a web application, which accept fingerprint from client machine using any mouse with fingerprint scanner whose SDK supports ASP.NET. And this fingerprint will be cross verified at server side database to authenticate the user.
Is it possible?
Do we need to Develop from the scratch?
Can my Web Application be integrate with existing any "fingerprint logon application" for PC Security at Server side?
You will have to develop a Browser plugin that will interact with the FringerPrint SDK... You may also have to develop different versions for the different Fingerprint scanners..
your Web application will then interact with the plugin...

Can we make facebook application using Adobe Air

I know that we can make application using Adobe air that will run on mobile, desktop and web environments. Can we deploy same application on facebook? like we do with other flash applications.
I know that we can make application
using Adobe air that will run on
mobile, desktop and web environments.
That is not accurate. Adobe AIR applications will not run in a web (AKA Browser) based environment. You can reuse the code you use to create an Adobe AIR application--often very easily--to also create a browser based application. But, that is not the same as running an Adobe AIR Application in a web environment.
Can we deploy same application on
facebook? like we do with other flash
Well, I do not expect you'd be able to deploy an AIR based application to facebook; as facebook is a web site. But, yes you can deploy a Flash Application (SWF) to Facebook.
