Integrate Fingerprint Scanner with Web Application -

I want to Develop a web application, which accept fingerprint from client machine using any mouse with fingerprint scanner whose SDK supports ASP.NET. And this fingerprint will be cross verified at server side database to authenticate the user.
Is it possible?
Do we need to Develop from the scratch?
Can my Web Application be integrate with existing any "fingerprint logon application" for PC Security at Server side?

You will have to develop a Browser plugin that will interact with the FringerPrint SDK... You may also have to develop different versions for the different Fingerprint scanners..
your Web application will then interact with the plugin...


how can I integrate video chat in application?

I need to do a video chat application (an application that enables video chat between android phone and pc). I have used "twilio" to do that. For that I installed node.js and git. The problem is my application runs on "http://localhost:50219/MedApp_Application/Home.aspx" and video application run on "http://localhost:3000/quickstart/". how can I include video chat to application.
this is the link for the sample twilio application that I used to built video chat application..
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The Node.js quickstart application you have there just creates an access token for the users of your application. You can see an example of creating an access token in ASP.NET here. You can also check out the documentation for creating access tokens for Video here.
If you generate the token in your C# application then you won't need to run the Node.js application at all. You can then follow the rest of the documentation to create your Video application.

Skype for business chat and call the user from my web application

We are developing a web application which is hosted in IIS with windows authentication enabled. (The authentication is done through Active directory)
The application is designed as a collaborative tool where all the organization users can interact with each others.
We are in a need to integrate SkypeforBusiness feature in our web application where as the user can see his collegue's presence, call or chat with him directly from the application.(The Skype for Business service is online but web application that need to consume is going to be in on-premise)
I am going through some articles from MSDN regarding SDKs and UCWA but could not get the solution for my needs.
Please help.

How do I implement DNN Authentication from external desktop application?

I need a way to authenticate users to a DNN site from an external desktop application, in my case a OS X MAC Application.
The Desktop app needs access to Web API service methods on the DNN Site. I think the JSON Web Token (JWT) would work for this, however, we are using DNN 7 and are unable to upgrade at this time. Is there another option to authenticate from outside of the framework? There does not appear to be a DNN API call to even check if a username and password are valid, as everything is strongly tied into .NET Identity. Is there a way to do this?
I want users to login to DNN directly from within a desktop app on MAC.
You could use basic auth with SSL. Here is an answer I gave on how to implement by authorizing web services with basic auth restricted by role.
Basic auth in DNN Web API service

Host web cam in uwp app over website

I have an web application and a universal windows platform application running on my laptop with a web cam.
I want to access the web cam from my web application.
If you want to access access camera from a web hosted UWP app, you can refer to Create your Hosted Web App. And you probably need to enable the WebCam and MicroPhone capabilities in UWP App's manifest file in some scenario.
If you want to make your web application can directly call the camera device without a UWP app, you can use some jQuery webcam plugin. For example, you can try this one. But this can not be used from your UWP app.
In this case, if you want to access web cam both from hosted uwp app and your web app, you need to implement two procedures in your web app, one for hosted UWP app using WinRT API to call the camera, the other one for web app only.

Can I host an ASP.NET application in a CAB WinForms application?

I have a .NET 2.0 WinForms application that was developed using the Composite Application Block and Smart Client Software Factory.
I'm considering the development of a module that would contain a browser control that would access the ASP.NET website using credentials established when the user logged into the WinForms client.
My goal is to use this strategy to transition all of the modules that are currently in the client to ASP.NET and retire the 'smart' client. Security for the WinForms client is currently implemented using the ASP.NET Membership functionality.
Is this possible? Sensible?
Yes, you can. Make a SmartPart that hosts the WebBrowser control, add some buttons for forward and backward navigation, and a url textbox; then point the WebBrowser control at your web application's URL.
It is sensible. We used CAB/SCSF to create an application we called "The Integrated Desktop". This application serves as the platform for all internal apps for the company; everything is integrated into this one desktop application. We added a foundational module, basically a beefy version of what I described in the above paragraph, to facilitate web browsing since a few pre-existing apps were web-based and our users wanted access to those at the same place they were doing all their other work. One cool thing was the use of the WebBrowser's ObjectForScripting property that allowed for somewhat seamless integration between the desktop app and the web app being hosted inside.
What are your requirements?
You would choose a web app over a smart client mainly
if you have to reach people that
are not on the Windows platform or
you have a need for a
zero-install app
By having your app users having to access the web app via the smart client (browser-control) you would be missing (1) and (2). In my opinion it would defeat its purpose.
