Docker and bower links - nginx

I'm using docker to run a simple static web project, using the nginx official image. As a bower dependence I have a ui lib that is mine and is shared among two of my projects. To facilitate the development process I created a volume to my local machine to serve local files through the /html folder inside the nginx container. It works fine this way.
But, if I try to use bower link to create a link between a local copy of my ui lib and the bower dependence the nginx web server is not able to find the folder, since the link points to my local machine.
I'm running the docker vm in a Mac.
Did someone experienced something similar and have an idea about how to solve it?

I just run into this issue and found a way to solve it nicely.
The problem is that when you mount as a volume the whole /html folder the symlinks created by bower link are copied into your container but not the actual folders they are pointing at. When nginx tries to serve the file, it follows the symlink but now INSIDE the container, where the route is invalid.
To fix this, create another volume that maps the symlink directly. This way, docker-compose will follow the symlink BEFORE mounting into the container, therefore copying the actual folder contents. The nice thing about this is that in your local file system you still have the folder and the symlink working, so you can work as usually :)
Practical example:
My folder structure
|--/packageB -> symlink to /foo/bar/packageB
My compose file:
version: '2'
- .:/foo
- ./bower_components/packageB:/foo/bower_components/packageB
Let me know if it worked, cheers!


Editing AWX CSS in Docker Container

I'm hoping someone has some expertise with AWX running as a Docker container. We've switched on the Azure AD authentication and I'd like to hide the local login modal via CSS. It seems that the CSS files are generated on startup and any changes to app.xxxxxxxx.css in /var/lib/awx/public/static/css don't seem to have any effect, and are newly generated upon restart anyway. I was wondering if there was a source CSS file I could edit so I can make changes and keep them through a reboot. Any help would be appreciated.
Docker image: ansible/awx_web
AWX Version:
Here was my solution to this.
I copied the static folder from the awx_web container:
docker cp id:/var/lib/awx/public/static/ /somefolder/static/
This will copy all of the HTML/CSS/JS elements of the web application to a local folder so that you can edit the files and keep your changes through a reboot.
This particular issue required me edit the app.xxxxxxx.css file in /static/css/ and find the styling for "btn LoginModal-signInButton" and change the visibility to hidden.
The next step was to mount the locally copied static folder from earlier to the static folder inside the container. I navigated to the 'awxcompose' directory (in my case it was /var/awxcompose) and added the following line to the docker-compose.yml file under awx_web > volumes:
- "somefolder/static/:/var/lib/awx/public/static/:ro"
Then once I was ready to push my changes, I re-made the container using docker-compose:
docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
And to make sure the containers remained in this state after a reboot, I added the following line to my crontab:
#reboot docker-compose -f /var/awxcompose/docker-compose.yml up -d

Dockerfile - Touch file at container path

docker-compose.yml file:
build: ./code
- "80:80"
- ./mount:/var/www/html
dockerfile in ./code:
FROM wordpress
WORKDIR /var/www/html
RUN touch test.txt
This is a production environment I'm using to set up a simple WordPress blog (omitted other services in docker-compose.yml & Dockerfile for simplicity).
Here's what I'm doing:
Bind mounting host directory at container destination /var/www/html
Create test.txt file during build time
What's NOT working:
When I inspect /www/var/html on the container, I don't find my test.txt file
What I DO understand:
Bind mounting happens at run-time
In this particular case file gets created, but the when you mount the host directory, commands in Dockerfile get overridden
When you use volume mount, It works
What I DON'T understand:
What are the ways in which you can get your latest code into the container which is using a bind mount to persist data?
How can one create a script that can let me achieve this in runtime?
How else can I achieve this considering I HAVE to use a bind mount (AWS ECS persists data only when you use a host directory path for a volume)
Your data will be persisted at runtime. Everything stored in /var/www/html at runtime will be persisted in the host ./mount directory.
At build time, everything happens at docker layer inside the container image.
If you want to do things before anything you could create a script, ADDit to your image and use CMD or ENTRYPOINT to run the script when the container starts.
In summary
What are the ways in which you can get your latest code into the container which is using a bind mount to persist data?
You add your latest code to the image (i.e. git clone, COPY, ADD, or what suits you). A container shouldn't be mutable, so you keep your code versioned and you define persist folder (e.g. for uploads)
How can one create a script that can let me achieve this in runtime?
If you want to do it at runtime, you add your shell script to the image and then you run it. Although, this is not the best approach for this use case.
How else can I achieve this considering I HAVE to use a bind mount (AWS ECS persists data only when you use a host directory path for a volume)
IMHO, you should use your images as your build of your code. Your image should not be mutable and must reflect an instance in your code lifecycle. Define paths with data and those paths would be your mounts at host level.

Capistrano deployment with Symfony 2 and Vagrant

So I have a cap file linked to my github and setup to deploy my project to my server. When I run
bundle exec cap prod deploy it all works without a hitch.
I can see my code being cloned from my repo, a new release folder is created and symlinked to the current folder. However any changes I've made to my code aren't reflected.
The repo being cloned is a fork of the original repo which I created when I began working on the project. I haven't made any changes to code base except adding a single line to a twig file.
I have updated the deploy.rb so that it pulls from my forked repo instead of the original one and can see the code change in my latest commit. However the change is not reflected on the site.
Any ideas why this might be happening?
Two possibilities come to mind other than using the incorrect URL to the forked git repository -
I occasionally try to deploy a new copy of my own site, but I have not yet pushed the latest code from my development server (and the local repo) to the live repo on Github, but it is from Github that the code is being fetched from during deployment.
As a final step, Capistrano changes the location that the 'current' symlink points to the newly deployed directory in the 'releases' directory. Your webserver (apache or Nginx must be set to use the 'current' symlink) as part of the base directory (it will probably be ..../current/web/, and then auto-load app.php from that directory, unless there a subdirectory/file exists, for .CSS/JS/images/etc). If the webserver config refers to the 'release' directory, and not the symlink, it will only be a specific, older, deployment.

Change Meteor Up template

Due to install Graphicsmagick at Meteor Up Docker, I need to edit the (link this: Meteor Up Docker and Graphicsmagick).
I done that at the server and works, but every time I run mupx deploy, my /opt/<appName>/config/ file change to original. I need to change the template, but I don't know how to do that, how can I change it?
You have to change the file from your local meteor-up template. not sure about mupx, it might be in your global .npm installation folder.
I'm using kadira meteor-up so mine is located at the git cloned folder.

Change the path of a symlinked directory in NGINX

Lets say that I have a directory /var/www/assets/ and within that directory I have a symlink which points to a folder which contains all the latest asset files for my website.
/var/www/assets/asssets -> /var/www/website/releases/xxxxxxx/public/assets
If I configure NGINX to serve asset files from /var/www/assets with the domain and asset files are prefixed with the directory /asset/ then when that /asset folder's symlink is changed then the updated link is not reflected in NGINX. The way that I see it, NGINX grabs the resolved path for that asset folder when it is started.
Is there any way to get around this?
Reloading nginx (sending a HUP signal to the master process) seems to solve this issue (probably because it starts new workers and shuts down the old ones, gracefully).
it seems like you're using Capistrano. You can override deploy:restart and put the nginx reloading there.
