Change Meteor Up template - meteor

Due to install Graphicsmagick at Meteor Up Docker, I need to edit the (link this: Meteor Up Docker and Graphicsmagick).
I done that at the server and works, but every time I run mupx deploy, my /opt/<appName>/config/ file change to original. I need to change the template, but I don't know how to do that, how can I change it?

You have to change the file from your local meteor-up template. not sure about mupx, it might be in your global .npm installation folder.
I'm using kadira meteor-up so mine is located at the git cloned folder.


Capistrano deployment with Symfony 2 and Vagrant

So I have a cap file linked to my github and setup to deploy my project to my server. When I run
bundle exec cap prod deploy it all works without a hitch.
I can see my code being cloned from my repo, a new release folder is created and symlinked to the current folder. However any changes I've made to my code aren't reflected.
The repo being cloned is a fork of the original repo which I created when I began working on the project. I haven't made any changes to code base except adding a single line to a twig file.
I have updated the deploy.rb so that it pulls from my forked repo instead of the original one and can see the code change in my latest commit. However the change is not reflected on the site.
Any ideas why this might be happening?
Two possibilities come to mind other than using the incorrect URL to the forked git repository -
I occasionally try to deploy a new copy of my own site, but I have not yet pushed the latest code from my development server (and the local repo) to the live repo on Github, but it is from Github that the code is being fetched from during deployment.
As a final step, Capistrano changes the location that the 'current' symlink points to the newly deployed directory in the 'releases' directory. Your webserver (apache or Nginx must be set to use the 'current' symlink) as part of the base directory (it will probably be ..../current/web/, and then auto-load app.php from that directory, unless there a subdirectory/file exists, for .CSS/JS/images/etc). If the webserver config refers to the 'release' directory, and not the symlink, it will only be a specific, older, deployment.

Meteor + PhantomJS how to make it work

im trying to install PhantomJS in a MeteorApp.
I have done those step:
Add the npm package
meteor add meteorhacks:npm
Run meteor to let the npm package to pre-initialise
A file packages.json has been created at the root. Edit it to:
"phantomjs": "1.9.13"
A this point everything seem to work. But i try to test with this exemple that ive found here :
But i dont understand where to put my phantomDriver.js
Why is phantomDriver.js is in assets/app/phantomDriver.js... but after, they say to create the file in ./private/phantomDriver.js...
Thank for clear explication :)
In development mode you create the file in /private/phantomDriver.js. When you build a meteor app it refactors everything into an application bundle which can be run.
After meteor builds your app it stores stuff from private into assets. For phantomjs to execute this file it needs to look in this directory. You don't have to create it. This is how meteor works internally.
If you look in your .meteor/local/build/programs/server directory the assets directory is there with anything you placed in private.
From the context of where your meteor code runs (the server directory above) the assets directory runs from this directory when your project is running.
Keep in mind when you deploy your app it loses its entire project structure and becomes something else. Gadi's phantomjs project is designed to work in production environments too.
TLDR; Don't worry about the assets directory, keep your file in /private/phantomDriver.js. Meteor should take care of the rest.

How can I clone / create a copy of my local meteor app?

How can I create a copy of my entire local meteor application? I was expecting a command like "meteor clone myapp" but couldn't find any documentation and simply copying the folder doesn't work.
You could use git to clone the whole thing.
If you aren't familiar with git see this reference.
In windows, you can copy and paste the entire project directory and go into .meteor/local directory and delete everything in that directory except the db directory. Then start the meteor server on the new project directory, with everything deleted in the .meteor/local directory, meteor will rebuild the project without altering the logic of your application.

custom theme to wordpress roots theme

I am new to roots theme and want to change my custom wordpress theme to roots theme.
What are the steps that i should follow so that finally m able to get my theme in roots.
I would be glad if there is such tutorials that help me getting started to roots and converting my theme to roots.
Any link please help
Roots has some dependencies, so you would need to use Grunt.
My answer is based on a Windows local environment.
Make sure you set your wp-config file for Roots for development or you’ll notice nothing changes in your css when you update: define('WP_ENV', 'development');.
Make a new folder in your WordPress theme directory.
Grab the latest ZIP from the Github for Roots and take the guts to set up in your theme.
Extract the zip. Contents should all be saved in the folder of your new theme. As you can see if you look around, some of the assets are missing because you really do need to use Grunt for this to work.
Download and install Node.js
Install grunt (go to the Node.js command prompt and type in npm install -g grunt-cli to install Grunt globally on your system so you can access from a project folder anywhere. You can use the command where grunt to make sure the path is under user > AppData > Roaming > npm.
Install Git Bash
Right click in your new roots theme folder and click Git Bash Here and then type in npm install.
Install Roots dependencies by running grunt dev. Run grunt watch to watch the folder for code changes. Edit your code to style accordingly and ass needed (assets/less is where the style mods should live (global, and in layouts folder) and lib/extras.php for function overrides).
Run grunt built command to create minified asses for a live environment (and then change your wp-config to define('WP_ENV', 'production'); so it uses those assets.
After that you can port the theme out (minus the node_modules folder since it's added bloat you don't need) and install.

Symfony2: How to update a bundle whose source files have been modified?

I am using the KNP Pagination Bundle. I customized the twig file in the bundle source. Then I found a better way of doing it without touching the bundle's files.
Unfortunately, now everytime that I do
bin/vendors install
I get the following error:-
"KNP Paginator Bundle" has local modifications. Please revert or commit/push before running this command again.
My .gitignore file has ignored /vendors
And my deps file has the bundle included too.
Is there a way to uninstall a bundle? So that I can reinstall it?
Or what is the best way to solve my problem?
./bin/vendors doesn't care about content of .gitignore. You can fork desired bundle, do your changes there and change deps file to point to your fork instead.
If you still want to use original bundle and just reinstall it, you can either run ./bin/vendors install --reinstall or just delete the bundle folder from vendor directory and run ./bin/vendors install again.
How about using git --reset? The vendors are fetched using git clone after all.
Can you explain what "git reset" does in plain english?
