How do I size a Firefox Add-on SDK popup/panel? Firefox Add-on SDK popup/panel too small - css

I followed the tutorial on creating a popup for an add-on in Firefox, and it worked great.
The issue I'm having now is that the popup it creates doesn't change size to fit the content I add to it. Instead, it adds scroll bars.
So, how do I change the size of a Firefox Add-on SDK popup to show all content?

You do have to deal with that yourself.
If you already know the desired size when creating the panel, you can pass the height and width as properties of the object to the Panel() constructor.
After a panel is created, its size can be changed by setting the height and width properties on it.
height and width values are numbers in pixels.
See for a full documentation of how to use panels.

Though the tutorial and docs never say it, the height and width of a panel always defaults to the same small size.
To change it you can use the height and width parameters for the panel class.
If you want it to change automatically you can use this code:
var panel = require("sdk/panel").Panel({
height: 200, //choose your default
width: 200,
contentURL: data.url("popup.html"),
contentScriptFile: data.url("auto_resize_popup.js")
panel.port.on("resize", function (size) {
panel.resize(size.width, size.height);
var content = document.body;
var size = {};
size.width = content.offsetWidth + 2; //2 extra pixels get rid of scroll bars
size.height = content.offsetHeight + 2;
self.port.emit("resize", size);


How to resized button in godot

Why when creating a button with a script in the function _ready, these buttons cannot be resized. (And position)
var pos
var siz
var yBut = 150
var but
func _ready():
siz = get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size
pos = get_viewport().get_visible_rect().position
but =
$sc/vb.add_child(but, true)
but.rect_position = pos/2
but.rect_size = Vector2(siz.x, 150)
ps. The buttons are placed in a ScrollContainer in which the vBoxContainer.
Container controls will auto resize and position children controls. Try using the Button's size flags to suggest it's size.
You can also compose ui with multiple levels of other Container controls such as V and HBoxContainer using size flags. This will give you finer control over the whole look of the ui. This will also make it easier to add controls later that will adaptively resize.
You can also set rect_min_size and the Container will not resize it any smaller than min size. However, that may break dynamic layout.
Hope this helps!

Disable width and height fields from image properties windows

Disable width and height fields from image properties I am using ckeditor 4
CKEDITOR.replace('<%=txtCkEditor.ClientID %>', {allowedContent:'img[!src,alt];'});
By using above method it shows only image properties with width and height hidden and rest of the controls also get visible false. Kindly suggest me a solution for disabling the width and height fields from image properties windows.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure I entirely understand your question. It seems you want to hide the fields that allow input of height and width. Your initial solution doesn't seem to affect the dialog box, but what content gets saved. These are very different kinds of solutions. My answer assumes you're seeking to alter the image properties dialog box fields.
Based on this earlier question, I recommend adding the following configuration:
CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', function(ev) {
var editor = ev.editor;
var dialogName =;
var dialogDefinition =;
if (dialogName == 'image') {
var infoTab = dialogDefinition.getContents( 'info' );
infoTab.remove( 'txtWidth' ); // Remove width element from Info tab
infoTab.remove( 'txtHeight' ); // Remove height element from Info tab

HTML5 Canvas fills windows with full resolution

I am trying to achieve a layout like this:
Navbar is just a bootstrap-like top menu, 60px of height, always on top
Pop-up menu is fixed in that position (not always visible), always on top
The entire free area (windows w.o. navbar) is filled with Canvas.
Live example: jsFiddle
I have a problem with Canvas. I currently have a simple style:
<canvas id="le_canvas">Y U NO CANVAS</canvas>
#le-canvas {
and the canvas is filling the background, but:
the resolution is very low
it doesn't maintain ratio during window resizes.
What I'd like (if it is possible):
full resolution of the area to fill (1:1 pixel on canvas and on screen)
set the ratio of the area to fill
bonus: update the above after window resize
Setting the canvas element in per-centage will not set the actual canvas size which must be set in absolute pixels. What happens here is that you get a canvas with a default size which then is stretched by the html-rendering giving the blurry look.
You therefor need to set the size by using f.ex. the window's sizes in absolute pixels.
You can do this like this (update of fiddle here: ) -
Create a function that sets the canvas size based on window size (you will of course need to subtract height of bars etc, but to show the principle):
function initCanvasArea(cnv) {
cnv.width = window.innerWidth;
cnv.height = window.innerHeight;
As the canvas content are cleared when the canvas is re-sized you need to render the content again for each time. Therefor it will be smart to extract the render content into a separate function like f.ex:
function renderCanvas(ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(200,0,0)";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 55, 50);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 200, 0.5)";
ctx.fillRect(20, 20, 55, 50);
Now, make the main function a self-invoking one where you also attach an event handler for windo.resize to update the canvas:
$(function () {
var canvas = $('#le_canvas')[0];
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
window.onresize = function(e) {
And finally edit the CSS-rule by removing the width/height set to 100%;
#le_canvas {
(Tip: a better approach here is to use the fixed attribute for position - plus use a wrapper element, padding, box-sizing.. but that is out of scope for this question).
Is this what you are after? I used $(document).width() and $(document).height() to get the width and height for the rectangle.

How can I autoscale the font size to fit the contents of a div?

I have a div with some text:
<div style="white-space:nowrap;overflow:none;width:50px;">
With some text in it
How can I scale the font size of the text so all of the text is visible?
Contrary-wise. You could wrap the text in an interior DIV, measure its width with JavaScript. Test if that width is wider than the parent DIV. Get the current font size, and incrementally move it down 1px at a time until inner DIV's width is less than or equal to the outer DIV's width.
I've been doing something like this, to set the text scale relative to the parent (or window) width / height. You can avoid jQuery by using offsetWidth and offsetHeight instead of width.
var setBodyScale = function () {
var scaleSource = $(window).width(), // could be any div
scaleFactor = 0.055,
maxScale = 500,
minScale = 75; //Tweak these values to taste
var fontSize = (scaleSource * scaleFactor) - 8; //Multiply the width of the body by the scaling factor:
if (fontSize > maxScale) fontSize = maxScale;
if (fontSize < minScale) fontSize = minScale; //Enforce the minimum and maximums
$('html').css('font-size', fontSize + '%'); // or em
Short Answer: You don't.
You would have to try a size, render it, see if it fits, try another size, render it see if it fits, etc. Then you have to handle the case where the calculated font size is so small no one can read the text.
There are other options, if the text doesn't fit, add an ellipsis (...) to the end of the text, when you mouse over it, the div could expand, you could use a popup window or tooltip with the full text, or put the full text in a larger area of the screen.
Find another way.
Came across this JQuery plugin in my quest to find the same.
Also came across this Jquery script when I was looking for the same thing. It has the added benefit over the others, as far as I quickly tell, is that it also adjusts for height as well as width.
Comes from here:
function adjustHeights(elem) {
var fontstep = 2;
if ($(elem).height()>$(elem).parent().height() || $(elem).width()>$(elem).parent().width()) {
$(elem).css('font-size',(($(elem).css('font-size').substr(0,2)-fontstep)) + 'px').css('line-height',(($(elem).css('font-size').substr(0,2))) + 'px');

How to Auto-resize font size to fit text box height / width?

I am trying to have text automatically size its font to fill an entire text component.
My current approach is to set font size as a function of the number of text characters and the text components height and width but I can't find the right coefficients to make this work nicely.
Is there a simpler or more elegant way?
Does truncateToFit work on Text? I read somewhere that it doesn't work well.
Edit: I forgot to mention that I would like it to scale beyond the max font size (which is 127 i believe). How is this done? scaleX?
AS3 sample function. You should call it anytime your TextField's content changes
function Autosize(txt:TextField):void
//You set this according to your TextField's dimensions
var maxTextWidth:int = 145;
var maxTextHeight:int = 30;
var f:TextFormat = txt.getTextFormat();
//decrease font size until the text fits
while (txt.textWidth > maxTextWidth || txt.textHeight > maxTextHeight) {
f.size = int(f.size) - 1;
