QToolButton Space Between Text and Icon - css

I have a QToolButton. I wanted text and icon to be on it. I set button style by setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon).
But icon and text are so close to each other. Is there a method to give some space between icon and text by css?

You can't. There is no such a property neither for QToolButton (nor for QPushButton). All the properties for these buttons are in the documentation.
One thing you can do is to create your own class inheriting from QToolButton and overriding the paintEvent(). In this function, you will manually place your icon.
This is the shortest solution, but if you're brave enough, there are longer paths, like creating your own button subclassing directly QWidget (but in this case, you will need to implement ALL its behavior).

You can achieve it although this is not the documented solution.
Just provide spaces in QPushButton text start. By Doing this, icon and text will automatically go far from each other.


Qlabel with image as the background overlaps other Qlabels

I have a Qlabel with image as rich text and some other Qlabels on top of that as in the picture:
although I sent the Qlabel with image to back but when I run they appear as follows:
is there anyway to fix this?
Make the text labels children of the label containing the fade. Also I can not see any layouts. Did you use layouts? You could also put the fade on the widget by implementing its paintEvent(). All other widgets will be displayed on top of that.
Try right clicking the image label and clicking the send-to-back option. That might work. That should send the QLabel behind the other elements even though they appear as though they are already in front.

Tooltips for QDockWidget close button & float button?

Is there a way to set a tool tip text for the close button & float button in a QDockWidget ?
As ixSci mentioned, using setTitleBarWidget() is a potential way of solving this problem. Having said that I was looking for a much simpler solution, ideally using QSS (Qt Style Sheets). So after digging into the source code of QDockWidget I found an alternative way which suits my requirement better.
I wanted to find the place these float and close buttons are created. That is inside QDockWidgetPrivate::init() method in QDockWidget.cpp.
As for an example, the float button is created like this:
QAbstractButton *button = new QDockWidgetTitleButton(q);
QObject::connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), q, SLOT(_q_toggleTopLevel()));
layout->setWidgetForRole(QDockWidgetLayout::FloatButton, button);
Now all I need is to use the flexibility of Qt Style Sheets, for that I need only the Object Name, in this case it's "qt_dockwidget_floatbutton"
So all you need to do, to set tooltips for Close and Float buttons of a QDockWidget, is to add following two lines of styles in your application style sheet
QAbstractButton#qt_dockwidget_closebutton{qproperty-toolTip: "Close";}
QAbstractButton#qt_dockwidget_floatbutton{qproperty-toolTip: "Restore";}
You can implement whatever title widget you want and set it with setTitleBarWidget(). In that widget you can add whatever buttons with tooltips you need.

Qt - How to change the direction of placeholder in a QLineEdit?

I am using Qt 4.7.4 and my application language in RTL.
I have set the application layout to RightToLeft.
So everything is now right to left except placeholders in QLineEdit.
I tried setAlignment method
but it changes the text and placeholder direction in reverse.
Then I tried setStylesheet but it does not work for
I think it is a bug, Is there any fix?
The changelog for version 4.7 reads as follows:
QWidget::setLayoutDirection no longer affects the text layout
direction (Qt::LeftToRight or Qt::RightToLeft) of QTextEdit, QLineEdit
and widgets based on them.
The default text layout direction
(Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto) is now detected from keyboard layout and
language of the text (conforms to Unicode standards).
programmatically force the text direction of a QTextEdit, you can
change the defaultTextOption of the QTextDocument associated with that
widget with a new QTextOption of different textDirection property.
For QLineEdit, the only way so far is sending a Qt::Key_Direction_L/R
keyboard event to that widget.
Hope that helps.

Flex text selection: does it have to be white on black?

When you select text in a Text or Label or TextArea (or other) control in a Flex application, the selection is shown in white text on a black background. Always.
I have a request to change that — and it seems to be a simple enough thing to want — but I can't find a style (or property) anywhere that permits that. Any ideas out there about how to do this, or reasons why it definitively can't be done?
Change TextField selection color in AS3

Individual QTreeWidgetItem indentation

Is it possible to have individual indentation of items in a QTreeWidget?
In specific, I have have a column containing both text, icon and for some of them a CheckBox. The items without a CheckBox gets shifted to the left so the indentation of the icon and the text is not inline with the others. Could maybe be fixed with a hidden CheckBox if that is possible?
Maybe the use of Delegates will give you a nice and proper implementation. You'll have the opportunity to re-implement the paint() and sizeHint() methods, and therefore, choose the way your QTreeWidgetItem are being drawn...
More documentation here : http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/model-view-delegate.html
An example : http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/itemviews-pixelator.html
Hope it helps a bit !
You can try using the QWidget::setContentMargins() on the widget returned by QTreeWidget::itemWidget().
