Query regarding Artifactory APIs - artifactory

I am trying to integrate with Artifactory using rest APIs and to do that need to be able to do the following:
Give a filter list of repositories based on tool type e.g I will like to only get repositories which are either nuget or npm based. I tried using https://user.jfrog.io/user/api/repositories but it doesn't return the type of repository so i cannot filter the list. I see that https://user.jfrog.io/user/api/storageinfo returns repositoriesSummaryList which includes the package type of repositories. Is it ok to use this APIs for getting the list of repositories and filtering?
Given a repository I want to get list of packages in that repository. The only way i could find out for this was making a POST call to https://user.jfrog.io/user/api/search/aql with the body
Is there any way to get this information using a GET call instead of POST?
In Artifactory different versions of same package are treated as different packages For Example: For the Query in 2 the result is something like this:
"repo": "myawesome-remotenugetrepo-cache",
"path": ".",
"name": "bootstrap.3.3.2.nupkg",
"type": "file",
"size": 264693,
"created": "2016-05-27T16:07:12.138Z",
"created_by": "admin",
"modified": "2015-12-03T12:57:47.000Z",
"modified_by": "admin",
"updated": "2016-05-27T16:07:12.166Z"
"repo": "myawesome-remotenugetrepo-cache",
"path": ".",
"name": "bootstrap.3.3.6.nupkg",
"type": "file",
"size": 290372,
"created": "2016-05-27T10:55:47.576Z",
"created_by": "admin",
"modified": "2015-12-03T12:57:48.000Z",
"modified_by": "admin",
"updated": "2016-05-27T10:55:47.613Z"
"repo": "myawesome-remotenugetrepo-cache",
"path": ".",
"name": "jQuery.1.9.1.nupkg",
"type": "file",
"size": 240271,
"created": "2016-05-27T10:55:43.895Z",
"created_by": "admin",
"modified": "2015-12-07T15:58:51.000Z",
"modified_by": "admin",
"updated": "2016-05-27T10:55:43.930Z"
As you can see the result includes entries for both versions of bootstrap 3.3.2 and 3.3.6. What I hoped was that the list of packages will just include bootstrap and jQuery, Is there anyway to get this list?
Also give the package bootstrap is there any way to query for different versions of it?

You can use the Folder Info GET request.
There are two questions there :)
Not really. You'll probably have to write a simple script to group by the common part of the artifact name.
You can get information about the version of the artifact once you have a repository layout set up. Then you can use queries like Artifact Version Search.


Can't get the desired properties via JsonPath evaluate method

I have a json schema that marks special properties in need of processing and I want to query those via JsonPath.Evaluate.
Here's a part of the schema to illustrate the issue
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"period": {
"description": "The period in which the rule applies",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"start": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"end": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"required": [
"x-updateIndicatorProperties": [
"productType": {
"type": "string"
"x-updateIndicatorProperties": [
I want to get the the JsonPath of the "x-updateIndicatorProperties" properties, so that I can then query the actual properties to process.
For this example, the expected result would be
I've been trying for a while to get a JsonPath expression that would query these properties.
Currently I'm just iterating all properties and filter them manually :
I've also tried using :
This works. But it returns a lot of duplicates. For the example above, I get 5 results instead of the expected 2. Can be demonstrated here : https://json-everything.net/json-path
Assuming I can't influence the schema itself, only the code that traverses it,
can anybody help with an expression to get the expected results or any other way to achieve the same outcome?
The stack is JsonPath 0.2.0, .net 6 and system.text.json.
This was a bug in the library when parsing paths that use a recursive descent (..) into a quoted-property-name selector (['foo']). So it would happen for any path in the form $..['foo'].
I've fixed the issue and released version 0.2.1.

Artifactory: how can I obtain a complete dump of all fields for an artifact?

I'm interested in the value of one field (Module ID) but there seems to be no way of obtaining this specifically. A complete dump of all field values would also suffice but I haven't succeeded in finding a way to do that either. I've looked at and tried the searches available within the documentation here: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Artifactory+REST+API#ArtifactoryRESTAPI-SEARCHES
If it helps, I'm trying to query an on-premise installation of Artifactory.
More fields can be added to the AQL using the "include" element.
For example - to list all artifacts under "libs-release-local" repository, including their module names, run the following query:
Response example:
"results": [
"repo": "libs-release-local",
"path": "org/jfrog/test/multi2/2.17.0",
"name": "multi2-2.17.0.jar",
"type": "file",
"size": 1022,
"created": "2021-09-11T13:51:33.878Z",
"created_by": "deployer",
"modified": "2021-09-11T13:51:33.631Z",
"modified_by": "deployer",
"updated": "2021-09-11T13:51:33.881Z",
"artifacts": [
"modules": [
"module.name": "org.jfrog.test:multi2:2.17.0"
You can find all of the required information under AQL documentation.

How to retrive full Wikidata info of an entity

I'm using different kind of queries to retrive wikidata info of an entity like, for Berlin:
but all of these did not include the full information.
As an example, i'm not able to find the official language or population data.
How can I get all data?
Both of the shown URLs / APIs do should you the full data for the entity that you are looking at, Q64 being Berlin.
In Wikidata the official language is represented by the Property P37 and the population by Property P1082.
You will find references to these properties in the JSON output.
For example for the language:
"mainsnak": {
"snaktype": "value",
"property": "P37",
"hash": "b8dce904caadeef339763625b903974aa4c83c6a",
"datavalue": {
"value": {
"entity-type": "item",
"numeric-id": 188,
"id": "Q188"
"type": "wikibase-entityid"
"datatype": "wikibase-item"
"type": "statement",
"id": "Q64$9AEBFCE4-EC53-4A97-B20B-4579FBD32CE7",
"rank": "normal"
This refers to Q188 which is German.

How to retrieve versioned document's content in Alfresco by REST API?

Is there a way to retrieve versioned content of document? Possibly by native Alfresco's REST API.
The answer given by Matteo Calò is technically correct. That API does exist and it does what he says. However, that endpoint is marked with "limited support" which means you should be cautious when using it. Instead, you should prefer API's marked "PUBLIC" or use standards-based API's like CMIS, which Alfresco supports.
The CMIS browser binding can be used to get an object's content like this:
Its properties like this:
And its versions like this:
In this example I'm retrieving the object by path. My test object is in a folder called test and my object's name is test.txt. If, on the other hand, you know the object's ID, you could get its versions like this:
Any time you can use a CMIS URL to give you what you need, you should use it, especially if the alternative is a web script that may not be fully public.
There is follow API:
it returns a list of versions with metadata of NODEREF like this:
"nodeRef": "versionStore://version2Store/60d3d217-e80b-4066-9e43-6361bb573462",
"name": "prova1.json",
"label": "1.11",
"description": "",
"createdDate": "08 lug 2016 12:21:49 GMT+0200 (CEST)",
"createdDateISO": "2016-07-08T12:21:49.843+02:00",
"creator": {
"userName": "admin",
"firstName": "Administrator",
"lastName": ""
"nodeRef": "versionStore://version2Store/a1b38d5e-2556-416a-908e-180687d3ff8c",
"name": "prova1.json",
"label": "1.10",
"description": "",
"createdDate": "07 lug 2016 13:20:44 GMT+0200 (CEST)",
"createdDateISO": "2016-07-07T13:20:44.804+02:00",
"creator": {
"userName": "admin",
"firstName": "Administrator",
"lastName": ""

use PHPExcel with composer and Symfony2.2

I found this on SO: How to use PHPExcel correctly with Symfony 2
This works, but I want to use it with composer.
The first part I already solved: to load PHPExcel for a special tag (the last stable release)
I don't find out how to fetch a tag with this syntax:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/umpirsky/SyliusAssortmentBundle"
So I use the Package notation:
I found out, the reference should be the tag name on github.
And the version cannot be the same value (PHPExcel_1.7.8). Seems that alphabetical characters are not allowed, so it's only the version as a number (1.7.8)
"repositories": [{
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "PHPOffice/PHPExcel",
"version": "1.7.8",
"source": {
"url": "https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPExcel.git",
"type": "git",
"reference": "PHPExcel_1.7.8"
The next step I didn't solve. I tried out every combination for the autoloading: psr-0, classmap, different paths, relative to project/vendor/phpexcel, update composer everytime, but nothing worked.
It only works, if I put this line
$loader->add('PHPExcel', __DIR__.'/../vendor/PHPOffice/PHPExcel/Classes');
into the app/autoload.php. I found out, that the first string (PHPExcel) can also be an empty string: ''.
Is there a differnece if I use PHPExcel or ''?
So my primary question is, how can I avoid to write this line into the autoload.php, put the equivalent commands into my project's composer.json?
Regarding your primary question, the problem is that once the package is installed, if you update the definition and add autoload stuff, then running composer update will not change anything. Composer still has the old package that was already installed in its "cache", so it uses that to generate the autoload and that fails.
To resolve this you should remove the vendor/PHPOffice/PHPExcel directly and run composer update, which will reinstall it with the latest information from your composer.json, including autoload, etc. You should specify autoloading as such:
"repositories": [{
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "PHPOffice/PHPExcel",
"version": "1.8.0",
"source": {
"url": "https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPExcel.git",
"type": "git",
"reference": "1.8.0"
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"PHPExcel": "Classes/"
"require": {
"PHPOffice/PHPExcel": "1.8.*",
Regarding the secondary question and '' vs 'PHPExcel': '' just says that any namespace can be found in this directory. That means the autoloader will always scan this directory to find classes, which is convenient but slower than mapping namespaces to directories explicitly. So both work, but the more specific form is preferred, especially in packages you publish publicly.
