Blocks Got Swapped in Drupal - drupal

I m using drupal 7 for my project. I created 2 blocks in lower region.
Block name "Testimonials - home page" Another Block name "Video - home page".
The order was correct yesterday. But today Both blocks got swapped. It showing Video block first then Testimonial second.
Since i m new to drupal system, can you suggest to how fix the right order permanently.

It may be because the two blocks have the same weight (position number). To check this go to admin/structure/blocks and click "Show row weights" at the top right. If they both have the same number in the drop-down, change one of them - the lower the number block will appear first.


How can you add a view to a specific area in a Drupal page?

hope someone can help me. I created my own collapse panel on the following page:
It's at the bottom of the above page where the blue box is and the word empty... is.
Also please note on the above page the Donald Stories and the links on the right sidebar. That is a view I created and any time you write a new page and select the correct tag, the new page's link will populate in that Donald Stories section.
But here's what I really want to happen - I want that Donald Stories view to appear where the word "empty..." is so that it's inside of that collapse panel (for demo purposes, the collapse panel is permanently open to show what's inside of it).
I know I could set up a new region for the "content" portion of the theme, but if I do, and then add Donald Stories block to that region, it will just show up in the page's body at the bottom but won't be where the word "empty..." is. How would I specifically tell that new region to appear where "empty..." is, since I created that collapse panel myself and it's not another view or block?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
You can display block/view in specific page following below steps.
1) Go to block list & click 'configure'
2) REGION SETTINGS - Choose the region that where you want to display block.
3) Visibility settings - Show block on specific pages -> select 'Only the listed pages' and enter page list below textarea.
Know more
Note: You can place block/view only in theme regions. So you should have region to display block/view. You cannot place block anywhere in the page.

Can't add more menu in wordpress site

I am stuck with wordpress menu. Can't add more menu in one of my site. Don't know why. I think it's riced it's limit. Do u have any solution. I would like to add more than 500 menu / submenu item in my menu.
Thank you
Long Answer
Each menu item contains several elements (11-12), all of which are posted when the menu form is submitted, everything from the menu id, the order, the menu title, the associated item, the nonce, etc. So, when you submit a menu with 100 items, you're actually submitting about 1100 separate values. Generally, that size is limited by the max_input_vars setting in php.ini. So, when you attempt to submit the menu form that contains more POSTed values that is allowed, the extras are not submitted, and thus the extra items you added to your menu are lost. This is an intentional setting so that people cannot bring your server to its knees by submitting a massive post with millions and millions of pieces of data that is then processed.
Increase the max_input_vars value in your php.ini to something like 10,000, I bet it's right around 5,000 now.
The WordPress Menu (Appearance -> Menus) feature, itself, does not limit the number of menus or menu items you can have.
It's possible that the Theme you're using limits the number of items in a single Menu, but that's not likely (common practice) unless you have multiple levels of sub menus beyond 2 or 3.
A Menu of Pages that exceeds a couple dozen is unusual and an indication you're using Pages and the respective Menu feature improperly. In other words: why do you have 500 Pages? In such cases it's usually best to use the wp_list_pages() PHP Function in your Theme (assuming you're a programmer) because you have more control over placement and filtering of it's output.
However, I agree with the comment on your thread that your details are vaugue. If this answer isn't helpful then you should explain what "menu" feature you're referring to, where you're seeing this limit, and why you have so many Pages.

Drupal 7 menu limit

I seem to have reached some limit with Drupal 7 Menu system. I just added a menu item using the menu system at admin/structure/menu/manage/menu-main-menu. I added a new entry and it is not appearing on the List Links page. Believing there was an error, I added it 3 more times, none have displayed on the List Links page.
I examined the database table for menu_links and the table shows the presence of the 4 entries. I have no idea if all related tables are set up correctly, or if the menu system aborted setting up all related table entries correctly, but, menu_links definitely displays the name of the entry 4 times, and they are displayed as entries 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204.
Is 1200 the limit for creating menu links??? If there is no limit, is there some way I can recover from what is happening? Do I need to adjust some variable to increase the number of links that can be displayed on a menu LIST LINKS page? Currently, I have 107 entries one this one LIST LINKS page. Other links (of the 1200) are scattered around in small menus for administration and my application.
For those needing the information, I have identified the answer to my problem.
Drupal's menu system allows you to create new menu links via the administrator's menu setup, but, the menu link will not display in the administrative menu list if the page has not been published.
Setting the page to published added the links to the menu list.

how to display the first/ second .... nth latest nodes in panel/ views?

in the panel context from existing (single)nodes? what do i put in there to retrieve only one node content, query from the latest, eg: the first latest, or the second latest or the third and so on.
Also how to do so with the views module?
if you just want to show latest first, second and third node content in different areas of your page what you would do is create 3 different displays in a new view -
first latest node content block
order by post data DESC and in your block under Basic Settings > Items per page > change limit to 1 and leave offset at 0
second latest node content block
order by post data DESC and in your block under Basic Settings > Items per page > change limit to 1 and leave offset at 1
third latest node content block
order by post data DESC and in your block under Basic Settings > Items per page > change limit to 1 and leave offset at 2
this should work fine - might not be best way to go about it but will give you what you want - also don't forget the rest of your filters such as node type. etc

Add a Flash video

I have been trying to figure this out for days. Hope someone can help.
I am implementing a new theme for a site. I added the html to a page.tpl.php file, populated it with the appropriate variables, and it works OK so far.
It consists of a header, footer, and a left and right div. The left div successfully displays the output of the $content variable.
The right div is supposed to show a flash video followed by two images, all displayed vertically, which vary with each page. And here I'm really stuck.
How do I go about adding these?
Depending on how much you want to program you're probably going to use blocks. I you don't want to program a lot create a bunch of blocks with each image/video combo you want. If you don't mind programming you can create a block in a module with all the code necessary to pull up the right images/videos on the right page.
But the most basic way will be at /admin/build/block/add then associate the block with the right area on /admin/build/block. You can control which pages these blocks wind up on on the block edit form.
This link may be handy for you.
The first thing you need to do is add the files to each page. You can do that with CCK and filefield.
Once you have the files in the pages, you need to get them out of $content, where they'll show up by default. You can do this by turning the fields off under Display Fields in CCK.
Now that the files are no longer in $content, you need to put it in something else. Most themes have a $right region you can use for that. So put $right in your right div. You can populate $sidebar with blocks, so you need a block containing the files for the given page.
You can make this with Views. Create a new node view, add an argument for node ID, and give it a default value from the URL. This basically tells the view to look at the current node/page. Under Fields, choose "Content" and find the file fields you added with CCK. Finally, add a display of type "Block." Save.
Now you have a block with the files on the current page, and you have the $right region on every page, so just go to the Blocks admin page and put this block in that region.
Scott and Chuck have already provided the details for this question, but I thought I would just point out scenarios when each answer may be appropriate.
If you want those video and photo blocks to display on pages which are NOT node pages, then you will probably need to go with a solution similar to the answer Chuck provided.
Most likely, it sounds like you do want the the video and photos to be related to the content shown on the left. If that is the case, then Scott told you what you need to know.
One final piece to the advice from those above was the following:
"How (where) do I set it up so that the view recognizes that it is on Node 3 and displays only the images for Node 3." -- you can do this by clicking on the settings for the Nid argument in Views. Under Action to take if argument is not present: choose Provide Default Argument. In that, choose Node ID from URL
Position your block in the appropriate region (left sidebar, right sidebar etc). Make sure the visibility settings of the block are such that it only appears at paths that match node/*
Thanks, all!
