What's the fastest way to cast Vector{T} (T<:A) to Vector{A}? - julia

Suppose A is an abstract type, I have a function f{T<:A}(x::Vector{A}). So x could be type Vector{A} or Vector{B} where B <: A. In the middle of the function I would like to cast x to Vector{A} so it can be consumed by another function that requires that signature.
What's the best way to do that? At the moment I am doing x = collect(A, x). Is there a way to avoid copying if possible?

If at all possible, I'd just change your second function definition to be parametric like f. Enforcing this kind of container structure in method signatures is a big performance bug that doesn't gain you any functionality… and just makes them much harder to use.
That said, the best way to do this kind of conversion where you don't care if the output aliases the input is with convert(Vector{A}, x). This will be a no-op if x already isa Vector{A}, but otherwise it'll be just like collect. That's as good as it gets.
Here's why: two containers of types Vector{A} and Vector{B} cannot share the same memory if A !== B since it'd be possible to corrupt the data in the Vector{B} by assigning a non-B element to the array through the Vector{A}.


Guidelines for choosing Array of Struct or Multiple Arrays

This question has been asked for other languages. I would like to ask this in relation to Julia.
What are the general guidelines for choosing between an array of struct e.g.
struct vertex
and multiple arrays.
Are there any performance considerations? Or is it just a style/readability issue.
Your struct as it currently stands will perform poorly. From the Performance Tips you should always:
Avoid fields with abstract type
Similarly, you should always prefer Vector{<:Real} to Vector{Real}.
The Julian way to approach this is to parameterize your struct as follows:
struct Vertex{T<:Real}
Given the above, the two approaches discussed in the question will now have roughly similar performance. In practice, it really depends on what kind of operations you want to perform. For example, if you frequently need a vector of just the x fields, then having multiple arrays will probably be a better approach, since any time you need a vector of x fields from a Vector{Vertex} you will need to loop over the structs to allocate it:
xvec = [ v.x for v in vertexvec ]
On the other hand, if your application lends itself to functions called over all four fields of the struct, then your code will be significantly cleaner if you use a Vector{Vertex} and will be just as performant as looping over 4 arrays. Broadcasting in particular will make for nice clean code here. For example, if you have some function:
f(x, y, gradient_x, gradient_y)
then just add the method:
f(v::Vertex) = f(v.x, v.y, v.gradient_x, v.gradient_y)
Now if you want to apply it to vv::Vector{Vertex}, you can just use:
Remember, user-defined types in Julia are just as performant as "in-built" types. In fact, many types that you might think of as in-built are just defined in Julia itself, much as you are doing here.
So the short summary is: both approaches are performant, so use whichever makes more sense in the context of your application.

How can I retrieve an object by id in Julia

In Julia, say I have an object_id for a variable but have forgotten its name, how can I retrieve the object using the id?
I.e. I want the inverse of some_id = object_id(some_object).
As #DanGetz says in the comments, object_id is a hash function and is designed not to be invertible. #phg is also correct that ObjectIdDict is intended precisely for this purpose (it is documented although not discussed much in the manual):
ObjectIdDict() constructs a hash table where the keys are (always)
object identities. Unlike Dict it is not parameterized on its key and
value type and thus its eltype is always Pair{Any,Any}.
See Dict for further help.
In other words, it hashes objects by === using object_id as a hash function. If you have an ObjectIdDict and you use the objects you encounter as the keys into it, then you can keep them around and recover those objects later by taking them out of the ObjectIdDict.
However, it sounds like you want to do this without the explicit ObjectIdDict just by asking which object ever created has a given object_id. If so, consider this thought experiment: if every object were always recoverable from its object_id, then the system could never discard any object, since it would always be possible for a program to ask for that object by ID. So you would never be able to collect any garbage, and the memory usage of every program would rapidly expand to use all of your RAM and disk space. This is equivalent to having a single global ObjectIdDict which you put every object ever created into. So inverting the object_id function that way would require never deallocating any objects, which means you'd need unbounded memory.
Even if we had infinite memory, there are deeper problems. What does it mean for an object to exist? In the presence of an optimizing compiler, this question doesn't have a clear-cut answer. It is often the case that an object appears, from the programmer's perspective, to be created and operated on, but in reality – i.e. from the hardware's perspective – it is never created. Consider this function which constructs a complex number and then uses it for a simple computation:
julia> function f(y::Real)
z = Complex(0,y)
w = 2z*im
return real(w)
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo(123)
From the programmer's perspective, this constructs the complex number z and then constructs 2z, then 2z*im, and finally constructs real(2z*im) and returns that value. So all of those values should be inserted into the "Great ObjectIdDict in the Sky". But are they really constructed? Here's the LLVM code for this function applied to an Int:
julia> #code_llvm foo(123)
define i64 #julia_foo_60833(i64) #0 !dbg !5 {
%1 = shl i64 %0, 1
%2 = sub i64 0, %1
ret i64 %2
No Complex values are constructed at all! Instead, all of the work is inlined and eliminated instead of actually being done. The whole computation boils down to just doubling the argument (by shifting it left one bit) and negating it (by subtracting it from zero). This optimization can be done first and foremost because the intermediate steps have no observable side effects. The compiler knows that there's no way to tell the difference between actually constructing complex values and operating on them and just doing a couple of integer ops – as long as the end result is always the same. Implicit in the idea of a "Great ObjectIdDict in the Sky" is the assumption that all objects that seem to be constructed actually are constructed and inserted into a large, permanent data structure – which is a massive side effect. So not only is recovering objects from their IDs incompatible with garbage collection, it's also incompatible with almost every conceivable program optimization.
The only other way one could conceive of inverting object_id would be to compute its inverse image on demand instead of saving objects as they are created. That would solve both the memory and optimization problems. Of course, it isn't possible since there are infinitely many possible objects but only a finite number of object IDs. You are vanishingly unlikely to actually encounter two objects with the same ID in a program, but the finiteness of the ID space means that inverting the hash function is impossible in principle since the preimage of each ID value contains an infinite number of potential objects.
I've probably refuted the possibility of an inverse object_id function far more thoroughly than necessary, but it led to some interesting thought experiments, and I hope it's been helpful – or at least thought provoking. The practical answer is that there is no way to get around explicitly stashing every object you might want to get back later in an ObjectIdDict.

How can I dispatch on traits relating two types, where the second type that co-satisfies the trait is uniquely determined by the first?

Say I have a Julia trait that relates to two types: one type is a sort of "base" type that may satisfy a sort of partial trait, the other is an associated type that is uniquely determined by the base type. (That is, the relation from BaseType -> AssociatedType is a function.) Together, these types satisfy a composite trait that is the one of interest to me.
For example:
using Traits
#traitdef IsProduct{X} begin
isnew(X) -> Bool
coolness(X) -> Float64
#traitdef IsProductWithMeasurement{X,M} begin
#constraints begin
measurements(X) -> M
#Maybe some other stuff that dispatches on (X,M), e.g.
#fits_in(X,M) -> Bool
#how_many_fit_in(X,M) -> Int64
#But I don't want to implement these now
Now here are a couple of example types. Please ignore the particulars of the examples; they are just meant as MWEs and there is nothing relevant in the details:
type Rope
type Paper
function isnew(x::Rope)
(x.age_in_years < 10.0)::Bool
function coolness(x::Rope)
if x.color=="Orange"
return 2.0::Float64
elseif x.color!="Taupe"
return 1.0::Float64
return 0.0::Float64
function isnew(x::Paper)
(x.age_in_years < 1.0)::Bool
function coolness(x::Paper)
(x.content=="StackOverflow Answers" ? 1000.0 : 0.0)::Float64
Since I've defined these functions, I can do
#assert istrait(IsProduct{Rope})
#assert istrait(IsProduct{Paper})
And now if I define
function measurements(x::Rope)
function measurements(x::Paper)
Then I can do
#assert istrait(IsProductWithMeasurement{Rope,Float64})
#assert istrait(IsProductWithMeasurement{Paper,Tuple{Float64,Float64}})
So far so good; these run without error. Now, what I want to do is write a function like the following:
#traitfn function get_measurements{X,M;IsProductWithMeasurement{X,M}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
Generically, this function is meant to be an example of "I want to use the fact that I, as the programmer, know that BaseType is always associated to AssociatedType to help the compiler with type inference. I know that whenever I do a certain task [in this case, get_measurements, but generically this could work in a bunch of cases] then I want the compiler to infer the output type of that function in a consistently patterned way."
That is, e.g.
will always spit out Array{AssociatedType}, and
will always spit out Tuple{Int64,BaseType,AssociatedType}.
AND, one such relationship holds for all pairs of <BaseType,AssociatedType>; e.g. if BatmanType is the base type to which RobinType is associated, and SupermanType is the base type to which LexLutherType is always associated, then
will always output Tuple{Int64,BatmanType,RobinType}, and
will always output Tuple{Int64,SupermanType,LexLutherType}.
So, I understand this relationship, and I want the compiler to understand it for the sake of speed.
Now, back to the function example. If this makes sense, you will have realized that while the function definition I gave as an example is 'correct' in the sense that it satisfies this relationship and does compile, it is un-callable because the compiler doesn't understand the relationship between X and M, even though I do. In particular, since M doesn't appear in the method signature, there is no way for Julia to dispatch on the function.
So far, the only thing I have thought to do to solve this problem is to create a sort of workaround where I "compute" the associated type on the fly, and I can still use method dispatch to do this computation. Consider:
function get_measurement_type_of_product(x::Rope)
function get_measurement_type_of_product(x::Paper)
#traitfn function get_measurements{X;IsProduct{X}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
M = get_measurement_type_of_product(similar_items[1]::X)
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
Then indeed this compiles and is callable:
julia> get_measurements(Array{Rope,1}([Rope("blue",1.0,1.0,1.0),Rope("red",2.0,2.0,2.0)]))
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
But this is not ideal, because (a) I have to redefine this map each time, even though I feel as though I already told the compiler about the relationship between X and M by making them satisfy the trait, and (b) as far as I can guess--maybe this is wrong; I don't have direct evidence for this--the compiler won't necessarily be able to optimize as well as I want, since the relationship between X and M is "hidden" inside the return value of the function call.
One last thought: if I had the ability, what I would ideally do is something like this:
#traitdef IsProduct{X} begin
isnew(X) -> Bool
coolness(X) -> Float64
∃ ! M s.t. measurements(X) -> M
and then have some way of referring to the type that uniquely witnesses the existence relationship, so e.g.
#traitfn function get_measurements{X;IsProduct{X},IsWitnessType{IsProduct{X},M}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
because this would be somehow dispatchable.
So: what is my specific question? I am asking, given that you presumably by this point understand that my goals are
Have my code exhibit this sort of structure generically, so that
I can effectively repeat this design pattern across a lot of cases
and then program in the abstract at the high-level of X and M,
do (1) in such a way that the compiler can still optimize to the best of its ability / is as aware of the relationship among
types as I, the coder, am
then, how should I do this? I think the answer is
Use Traits.jl
Do something pretty similar to what you've done so far
Also do ____some clever thing____ that the answerer will indicate,
but I'm open to the idea that in fact the correct answer is
Abandon this approach, you're thinking about the problem the wrong way
Instead, think about it this way: ____MWE____
I'd also be perfectly satisfied by answers of the form
What you are asking for is a "sophisticated" feature of Julia that is still under development, and is expected to be included in v0.x.y, so just wait...
and I'm less enthusiastic about (but still curious to hear) an answer such as
Abandon Julia; instead use the language ________ that is designed for this type of thing
I also think this might be related to the question of typing Julia's function outputs, which as I take it is also under consideration, though I haven't been able to puzzle out the exact representation of this problem in terms of that one.

"Adding" a value to a tuple?

I am attempting to represent dice rolls in Julia. I am generating all the rolls of a ndsides with
sort(collect(product(repeated(1:sides, n)...)), by=sum)
This produces something like:
[(1,1),(2,1),(1,2),(3,1),(2,2),(1,3),(4,1),(3,2),(2,3),(1,4) … (6,3),(5,4),(4,5),(3,6),(6,4),(5,5),(4,6),(6,5),(5,6),(6,6)]
I then want to be able to reasonably modify those tuples to represent things like dropping the lowest value in the roll or adding a constant number, etc., e.g., converting (2,5) into (10,2,5) or (5,).
Does Julia provide nice functions to easily modify (not necessarily in-place) n-tuples or will it be simpler to move to a different structure to represent the rolls?
Tuples are immutable, so you can't modify them in-place. There is very good support for other mutable data structures, so there aren't many methods that take a tuple and return a new, slightly modified copy. One way to do this is by splatting a section of the old tuple into a new tuple, so, for example, to create a new tuple like an existing tuple t but with the first element set to 5, you would write: tuple(5, t[2:end]...). But that's awkward, and there are much better solutions.
As spencerlyon2 suggests in his comment, a one dimensional Array{Int,1} is a great place to start. You can take a look at the Data Structures manual page to get an idea of the kinds of operations you can use; one-dimensional Arrays are iterable, indexable, and support the dequeue interface.
Depending upon how important performance is and how much work you're doing, it may be worthwhile to create your own data structure. You'll be able to add your own, specific methods (e.g., reroll!) for that type. And by taking advantage of some of the domain restrictions (e.g., if you only ever want to have a limited number of dice rolls), you may be able to beat the performance of the general Array.
You can construct a new tuple based on spreading or slicing another:
julia> b = (2,5)
(2, 5)
julia> (10, b...)
(10, 2, 5)
julia> b[2:end]

How to use a vector as a type parameter in Julia

This is similar to my previous question, but a bit more complicated.
Before I was defining a type with an associated integer as a parameter, Intp{p}. Now I would like to define a type using a vector as a parameter.
The following is the closest I can write to what I want:
type Extp{g::Vector{T}}
In other words, Extp should be defined with respect to a Vector, g, and I want the contents, c, to be another Vector, whose entries should be the of the same type as the entries of g.
Well, this does not work.
Problem 1: I don't think I can use :: in the type parameter.
Problem 2: I could work around that by making the types of g and c arbitary and just making sure the types in the vectors match up in the constructor. But, even if I completely take everything out and use
type Extp{g}
it still doesn't seem to like this. When I try to use it the way I want to,
julia> Extp{[1,1,1]}([0,0,1])
ERROR: type: apply_type: in Extp, expected Type{T<:Top}, got Array{Int64,1}
So, does Julia just not like particular Vectors being associated with types? Does what I'm trying to do only work with integers, like in my Intp question?
EDIT: In the documentation I see that type parameters "can be any type at all (or an integer, actually, although here it’s clearly used as a type)." Does that mean that what I'm asking is impossible, and that that only types and integers work for Type parameters? If so, why? (what makes integers special over other types in Julia in this way?)
In Julia 0.4, you can use any "bitstype" as a parameter of a type. However, a vector is not a bitstype, so this is not going to work. The closest analog is to use a tuple: for example, (3.2, 1.5) is a perfectly valid type parameter.
In a sense vectors (or any mutable object) are antithetical to types, which cannot change at runtime.
Here is the relevant quote:
Both abstract and concrete types can be parameterized by other types
and by certain other values (currently integers, symbols, bools, and
tuples thereof).
So, your EDIT is correct. Widening this has come up on the Julia issues page (e.g., #5102 and #6081 were two related issues I found with some discussion), so this may change in the future - I'm guessing not in v0.4 though. It'd have to be an immutable type really to make any sense, so not Vector. I'm not sure I understand your application, but would a Tuple work?
