Page sequence number - google-analytics

Is there a way in google analytics reports to check the sequence in which a user viewed.
Let says I have a website with 10 pages (Page1, Page2, .... Page10).
User1 sequence - Page1, Page3, Page5
User2 sequence - Page1, Page6, Page2

Individual users can be viewed in this manner using the newly added 'Audience > User Explorer' feature.
For a more general look at how users flow through your website, you can either use the 'Audience > Users Flow' report (see what I did there?), which provides a visualization of common first steps into your website.
However, my favorite way to look at site flows is to go to 'Behavior > Site Content > 'All Pages', pick a page, and select 'Navigation Summary'.


"Iteration ID" for a CustomVision Project (for use in MSFlow action)?

I'm building an MSFlow which sends a SharePoint pic lib pic to a just-trained CustomVision Classifier, which then sends back a label (eg "Green", "Red", etc);
My MSFlow "CustomVision" action is failing, stating "there's no default iteration for this project. please provide an Iteration ID"
There is nowhere on the CustomVision project's settings page which displays this IterationID !
How / where to find this iteration ID (appears to be a GUID) ???
Turns out the IterationID can be found as follows:
Browse to your custom vision projects page URL
=> browser will display a set of "tiles" - one for each of your existing projects;
Navigate (click) on your particular project for which you seek the IterationID;
=> browser will redirect to the "manage" page (note: defaults to Training Images page) for your project;
It will look something like this:<project GUID here>#/manage
Navigate (click) on the Performance tab of this project
=> browser will direct to the "performance" page, something like this:<project GUID here>#/performance
Note: all of the "iterations" (ie training iterations) will be tabbed along the left side
Select the (training) iteration you wish to use as the "web service" for actually classifiying incoming images;
=> browser will display details/metrics for that (training) iteration
Click on the "PredictionURL" tab in the upper left region of the page
=> a pop-up window will display all the settings-related data you'll need to consume the underlying web service ("API") wrapped around this classifier!
In particular, you'll see 2 different URLs:
For ImageURL-as-input:<projectGUIDhere>/url?iterationId=g9fc4e82-3f95-4ec1-acf2-9b12bba2b409
For ImageFILE-as-input:<projectGUIDhere>/image?iterationId=g9fc4e82-3f95-4ec1-acf2-9b12bba2b409
No matter which URL you inspect, you'll see the same value for IterationID - and there you have it!
Copy & paste this IterationID GUID into your MSFlow CustomVision Action, and it should work!
In the custom vision portal home, Select the project you are using, then select the Performance Tab. On the left side of the page you would see Iterations. Select the Iteration that you want and select Prediction URL. This will open a new dialog which gives the URL's for image URL and image file. In this URL the iteration id is a parameter that is passed, Copy the id and use it in your application.
If you choose any iteration as default the iteration id would not be required in the image URL.

Google analytics user explorer get user report

How do I get user report from user explorer, using GA API. Didn't manage to find any information about it here For instance in user explorer (audiences section) you can see a list of records having ids like 11111111111.2222222222 and I want to get information about user activity on the website for record with id 11111111111.2222222222 using GA API
While the latest GA release notes says the client ids have been "surfaced" (i.e. made visible) it is (at least currently) not available as a dimension via the API. So if you want to use it you'd have to add the client id as a custom dimension to your reports yourself. Off the top of my hat this should look something like this:
ga(function() {
var trackers = ga.getAll();
trackers.forEach(function(tracker) {
Put before the pageview this would write the client id to your custom dimension with the index 1 (which you need to create in advance via the interface in properties->custom definitions). Should also work with multiple trackers on the same page.
This will of course not help you with data that's already been collected.

How do I pass a parameter from my site into google analytics?

Let's say I have a site and the user comes into it with a parameter:
How do I go about passing along the url value from the parameter into Google Analytics?
1) User comes to the page with a url in the params
2) User clicks a download link with a ga tracking code attached to it which was generated from ga account like this:
You have to create a custom Dimension and a metric for that.
About custom Dimensions and metrics:
After you have created a Dimension, you can add metrics to it by view, in example.
Follow the steps here for Universal Analytics:
Note that due to not have 10 point of reputation, I wrote the a "_" in http like "ht_tp"
I think what you want to know is the number os visitors that clicks a download link in your site that comes from, lets say "blahblahblah" as web origin or other methods.
For that, you have the param utm_source that you can receive directly in the url.
So instead of ht_tp:// you should receive ht_tp://
In this way, you have no care about it. Analytics is going to take care for you so you can get a report of clicks by source.
Or, just use the referer in case all the incoming visitors are from webs:
ga('set', 'referrer', 'ht_tp://');
And a final option, to use Events:
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'ReferencedVisitors', jsVarWhereYouHaveTheOrigin]);

Tracking a conversion funnel that changes subdomains

I am trying to set up Google Analytics (Universal/analytics.js) to track a user account set-up funnel on a single website with many subdomains. On each subdomain, a user can express interest in creating an account, and then create the account. Once the account is created, they leave the subdomain and arrive on the main domain.
For the subdomain foo, the flow is like this: - register interest - enter account set-up details - info is supplied - goal end point reached
I have set up a View for each subdomain e.g 'Viewing', and each View has a Filter that accurately shows visits to &
I don't know how to go about tracking traffic through this whole funnel. My ideal end-goal would be to track this funnel for all subdomains combined, but I would be satisfied for now with getting a Goal or Funnel that worked for each subdomain individually.
Inside my 'Viewing' View, I have attempted to create a Goal to track this. I can capture the first two steps by creating:
Goal Type > Destination
Destination: /inv/
Funnel: /
This gives a 20% conversion rate, which matches up with my server data for account creations. But if I try to change the Destination to, and add /inv/ as another step in the Funnel, it no longer works ("Verify this Goal" returns 0).
How can I create a Goal that captures all of these steps?
Make sure you are using the same UA code on every subdomain.
You should then just be able to see all the subdomains in the standard view out of the box - UA tracks across subdomains automatically. See the Google documentation for details
You don't need to set up a view for each subdomain if you don't need it.
Name your master View "Rollup" if you like.
You can see all subdomains in your "Hostname" report for that view.
You may want to overwrite your pageview names so they also incude the subdomain, so you can tell them apart (if say and exist, in the standard pagetracking they will be aggregated) - this can be done via filters:
Filter Type: Custom filter > Advanced
Field A: Hostname Extract A: (.*)
Field B: Request URI Extract: (.*)
Output To: Request URI Constructor: $A1$B1

Measuring goals for users who have never logged into my site before

I have a web app. The home page has two main actions:
Sign up to the application
Log into the application
I have a goal set up for sign-ups. I am trying to track the goal conversion rate of users who have never logged into the application before.
The problem I have at the moment is that the conversion rate is being skewed by users who are visiting the homepage simply to log in.
Is there a simple way of doing this?
Thanks very much,
For the kind of tracking you are looking for, there should be some coding on both your system and Google Analytics.
First, I would recommend you place into your system the intelligence to know the number of log-ins the user has made (As an example, a counter on your database).
Now, to implement that, you will need to set a Custom Var in Google Analytics in a visit level, to segment the users from the non-users, in that CustomVar, you can store both the user ID and the number of logins he has made.
This is the on the login page:
Your Code Should Look Like:
'Member Login',
2 //VISIT LEVEL Custom Var
Remember that this code should go before tracking the pageview.
After setting this up, you should use Advanced Segments to check those specific users, one case could be: (Using the example above)
Setup an Advanced Segment that "Excludes" the Custom Variable (Key 1) - Mathing RegExp : .*
This will give you all the never-loged user access.
Something else you could do is set up Adv Segments to check on a specific number of logins
Setup an Advanced Segment that "Excludes" the Custom Variable (Key 1) - Mathing RegExp : [^1]
This will give you all the users that loged-in more than once.
You can find more info on Custom Vars here.
