wordpress mindig theme not displaying website in localhost - wordpress

I have installed wordpress in my localhost. And imported the content folder and other. The admin panel is ok. But when i open the website, it displayed the below
As i am new to wordpress, please anybody help me how to make the site to work?

Are you sure you installed the theme correctly?


How to apply Wordpress header/footer in Prestashop

I have created a Wordpress site and I want to implement Prestashop in my website. I don't want to use plugins. I placed Prestashop folder inside the directory of my Wordpress site and installed it. Now, my problem is how to apply the header of my Wordpress site in Prestashop. Please help me. Thanks.
Make backups.
You should copy CSS and some HTML from header.php (WP) but whithout any wordpress-shortcodes, simple HTML and paste/overite in header.tpl in your Prestashop theme. And do similar actions whith footer.php in footer.tpl

Run Magento inside a Wordpress

I have the next problem
My site have a wordpress running ( http://www.example.com ) and how im implementing magento, i wanna have http://www.example.com/magento.
I tried to do this but when i go to mysite/magento, it shows the 404 error page from wordpress. Im sure that one of .htaccess may be the problem, but i don't know how to configure it... or if the problem is something else. basically.. Help! hahaha
you can use Magento WordPress Integration plugin and use magento stuff in your wordpress site https://wordpress.org/plugins/magento-wordpress-integration/.

Get working dir from wordpress.com site

I'm not a WordPress expert here but I got a account and a preminum version with a template but I want to download the entire directory so I can modify php files, styles etc.
How do I do this and also how do I upload it to the wordpress site itself since it's live.
Unfortunately, you cannot do that on wordpress.com site.
But you can edit some files from within your wordpress admin panel editor.

Wordpress Multisite theme upload

I am new in wordpress. I am trying to build multisite using single wordpress installation. In that how I can change theme of every site? Please give me some idea.
Once you setup your multisite, you will see a new menu option where all your sites are listed. You can change such settings from there. Here is a screenshot
To change themes you can check Themes section here

How can I check the wordpress theme on my system?

I have doubt in using the wordpress theme. I had downloaded a wordpress theme for my website from wordpress.org. I need to know how do i test it. The theme name is "pagelines". When i run it on my server it shows me webpage not found. How will i be able to test it out.
Please help....
First of all you need to unzip the theme file you have downloaded and place in your themes folder then go to admin panel
admin ->appearance -> Themes
there the themes will be displayed
you can view the new theme here and activate the theme
now your theme will be enabled on your wordpress, you can check your home page
Have you read the Wordpress' Using Themes guide? Read this guide first http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes. It will clarify a lot of your questions.
