Why does OS need Fork()? - unix

I am learning by myself introduction of OS, I have the following two questions:
(1) Since Fork() system call is used to duplicate the current process for the sake of multitasking, I'd like to see a example that shows without forking, we will not have such multitasking? In other word, I would like to see an example (or an external link) that shows how important Fork() is.
(2) DoesZombie process exist because of the child's process crash?
Thank you very much

There is no need for fork, fork is just the Unix way of creating process. Older and different systems used something different as spawn (Vax/VMS) for example.
Zombies are just traces of died processes, this is useful for parents to be aware of died children after having been busy. Remember that in Unix, a process that terminates let its parents be aware of the cause of its termination. So there is a need to let died process store that information somewhere, Unix way is to maintain a process entry named zombie as that process is reduced to this small entry and no other resources are linked to.


Why do OpenMPI programs have to be executed using `mpirun`?

Why can MPI(by which I will mean OpenMPI throughout this post) programs not be executed like any other, and instead have to be executed using mpirun?
In other words, why does MPI not simply provide headers/packages/... that you can import and then let you be master in your own house, by letting you use MPI when and where you want, in your sourcecode, and allowing you to compile your own parallel-processing-included-executables?
I'm really a novice, but for example, I feel like the -np argument passed to mpirun could easily be fixed in the sourcecode, or could be prompted for by the program itself, or could be read in from a configuration file, or could be simply configured to use all available cores, whose number will be determined by a surrounding scheduler script anyway, or ....
(Of course, you can argue that there is a certain convenience in having mpirun do this automatically in some sense, but that hardly justifies, in my view, taking away the coder's possibility to write his own executable.)
For example, I really have little experience, but in Python you can do multiprocessing by simply calling functions of the multiprocessing module and then running your script like any other. Of course, MPI provides more than Python's multiprocessing, but if MPI for example has to start a background service, then I still don't understand why it can't do so automatically upon calls of MPI functions in the source.
For another possibly stupid example, CUDA programs do not require cudarun. And for a good reason, since if they did, and if you used both CUDA and MPI in parts of your program, you would now have to execute cudarun mpirun ./foo (or possibly mpirun cudarun ./foo) and if every package worked like this, you would soon have to have a degree in computer science to simply execute a program.
All of this is maybe super important, as you can simply ship each of your MPI executables with a corresponding wrapper script, but this is kind of annoying and I would still be interested in why this design choice was made.
You can spin up processes however you like, you'll need to have some channel to send port information between processes, a command line arg works. I've had to spin up processes manually, but it's far easier and less painful to use a preconstructed communicator. If you have a good reason, you can do it though.
I have a question where I edited a minimal complete example into the question. The key calls are MPI_Open_port, MPI_Comm_accept, MPI_Comm_connect, and MPI_Intercomm_merge. You have to merge the connecting nodes one at a time. If you want to go after this, be sure you have a good idea about the difference between an inter and intracommunicator. Here's the example for you:
Trying to start another process and join it via MPI but getting access violation

How to see the process table in unix?

What's the UNIX command to see the processes table, remember that table contains:
process status
process size
user ids
process ids
event descriptors
The "process table" as such lives in the kernel's memory. Some systems (such as AIX, Solaris and Linux--which is not "unix") have a /proc filesystem which makes those tables visible to ordinary programs. Without that, programs such as ps (on very old systems such as SunOS 4) required elevated privileges to read the /dev/kmem (kernel memory) special device, as well as having detailed knowledge about the kernel memory layout.
Your question is open ended, and an answer to a specific question you may have had can be looked up in any man page as #Alfasin suggests in his answer. A lot depends on what you are trying to do.
As #ThomasDickey points out in his response, in UNIX and most of its' derivatives, the command for viewing processes being run in the background or foreground is in fact the ps command.
ps stands for 'process status', answering your first bullet item. But the command uses over 30 options and depending on what information you seek, and permissions granted to you by the systems administrator, you can get various types of information from the command.
For example, for the second bullet item on your list above, depending on what you are looking for, you can get information on 3 different types of pointers - the session pointer (with option 'sess'), the terminal session pointer (tsess), and the process pointer (uprocp).
The rest of your items that you have listed are mostly available as standard output of the command.
Some UNIX variants implement a view of the system process table inside of the file system to support the running of programs such as ps. This is normally mounted on /proc (see #ThomasDickey response above)
Typical reasons for understanding the working of the command include system-administration responsibilities such as tracking the origin of the initiated processes, killing runaway or orphaned processes, examining the file size of the process and setting limits where necessary, etc. UNIX developers can also use it in conjunction with ipc features, etc. An understanding of the process table and status will help with associated UNIX features such as the kvm interface to examine crash dump, etc. or to get or set the kernal state.
Hope this helps

Confusion as to how fork() and exec() work

Consider the following:
Where I'm getting confused is in the step "child duplicate of parent". If you're running a process such as say, skype, if it forks, is it copying skype, then overwriting that process copy with some other program? Moreover, what if the child process has memory requirements far different from the parent process? Wouldn't assigning the same address space as the parent be a problem?
I feel like I'm thinking about this all wrong, perhaps because I'm imagining the processes to be entire programs in execution rather than some simple instruction like "copy data from X to Y".
All modern Unix implementations use virtual memory. That allows them to get away with not actually copying much when forking. Instead, their memory map contains pointers to the parent's memory until they start modifying it.
When a child process exec's a program, that program is copied into memory (if it wasn't already there) and the process's memory map is updated to point to the new program.
fork(2) is difficult to understand. It is explained a lot, read also fork (system call) wikipage and several chapters of Advanced Linux Programming. Notice that fork does not copy the running program (i.e. the /usr/bin/skype ELF executable file), but it is lazily copying (using copy-on-write techniques - by configuring the MMU) the address space (in virtual memory) of the forking process. Each process has its address space (but might share some segments with some other processes, see mmap(2) and execve(2) ....). Since each process has its own address space, changes in the address space of one process does not (usually) affect the parent process. However, processes may have shared memory but then need to synchronize: see shm_overview(7) & sem_overview(7)...
By definition of fork, just after the fork syscall the parent and child processes have nearly equal state (in particular the address space of the child is a copy of the address space of the parent). The only difference being the return value of fork.
And execve is overwriting the address space and registers of the current process.
Notice that on Linux all processes (with a few exceptions, like kernel started processes such as /sbin/modprobe etc) are obtained by fork-ing -from the initial /sbin/init process of pid 1.
At last, system calls -listed in syscalls(2)- like fork are an elementary operation from the application's point of view, since the real processing is done inside the Linux kernel. Play with strace(1). See also this answer and that one.
A process is often some machine state (registers) + its address space + some kernel state (e.g. file descriptors), etc... (but read about zombie processes).
Take time to follow all the links I gave you.

How to monitor child process output and exit status without adversely affecting child?

I want my program to monitor some processes that it has started. These are the most important requirements I know of:
Record the exit status of the child processes (unless they exit after my program has exited).
Record the stderr and stdout output. Ideally within a few seconds of its being written, but that is not a hard requirement: it would probably be enough to read it only when a user requests it.
Sometimes, the child processes will outlive my program. Other times, they will not. It's important that my program doesn't make the child processes more likely to exit in a way that might inconvenience my users -- for example, Unix signals sent to my program shouldn't kill the child processes as a side-effect. If the parent exits, the children should continue running unaffected.
Ideally, the parent would track forks of the children so they can be monitored and perhaps signalled. This is not a hard requirement, though.
The scheme needs to work on both Linux and OS X.
My resolution is to do all of the standard operations required to daemonize a process, except for the second fork. Before doing that, I redirect output to a temporary log file, then monitor the log file using inotify (on Linux) or kqueues (on OS X).
As far as I know, the only loss to my stability requirement (3.) of omitting the second fork is if the child process obtains a controlling tty.
Is this solution a good one for these requirements? What bad things could happen to the child processes that I haven't considered?

Hot plugging an additional node in OpenMPI cluster

Is it possible to hot plug an additional node (host) into a working OpenMPI app? We're talking about production environment where we cannot afford even a 5 second downtime.
There are two scenarios I'm interested in:
We just would like to enhance the computing power by adding one more broadcast listener.
A node died, the master node handles it well and reassigns the task to somebody else. The system administrator comes in, restarts the dead node and plugs it back into the cluster.
Which platform independent MPI implementation would be best for the scenario above? OpenMPI is not a must here.
MPI-2 -- any implementation -- does allow dynamic processes, and in fact adding processes is currently much more feasible than removing processes. You can use MPI_COMM_SPAWN to launch a new process with a given executable, and that returns an intracommunicator that can be used to communicate between the old (original) processes.
The tricks here are -- nothing will automatically detect the new node. You'll have to have some process keeping an eye out for them, SPAWN something on them. If the new nodes will just be listeners to the master node, that's probably the best case, as only the master node really needs to know about it. The invocation to ensure the spawn happens on the new node and not somewhere else will be done through the info argument to spawn, and may be implementation dependant.
