Hot plugging an additional node in OpenMPI cluster - mpi

Is it possible to hot plug an additional node (host) into a working OpenMPI app? We're talking about production environment where we cannot afford even a 5 second downtime.
There are two scenarios I'm interested in:
We just would like to enhance the computing power by adding one more broadcast listener.
A node died, the master node handles it well and reassigns the task to somebody else. The system administrator comes in, restarts the dead node and plugs it back into the cluster.
Which platform independent MPI implementation would be best for the scenario above? OpenMPI is not a must here.

MPI-2 -- any implementation -- does allow dynamic processes, and in fact adding processes is currently much more feasible than removing processes. You can use MPI_COMM_SPAWN to launch a new process with a given executable, and that returns an intracommunicator that can be used to communicate between the old (original) processes.
The tricks here are -- nothing will automatically detect the new node. You'll have to have some process keeping an eye out for them, SPAWN something on them. If the new nodes will just be listeners to the master node, that's probably the best case, as only the master node really needs to know about it. The invocation to ensure the spawn happens on the new node and not somewhere else will be done through the info argument to spawn, and may be implementation dependant.


Why does OS need Fork()?

I am learning by myself introduction of OS, I have the following two questions:
(1) Since Fork() system call is used to duplicate the current process for the sake of multitasking, I'd like to see a example that shows without forking, we will not have such multitasking? In other word, I would like to see an example (or an external link) that shows how important Fork() is.
(2) DoesZombie process exist because of the child's process crash?
Thank you very much
There is no need for fork, fork is just the Unix way of creating process. Older and different systems used something different as spawn (Vax/VMS) for example.
Zombies are just traces of died processes, this is useful for parents to be aware of died children after having been busy. Remember that in Unix, a process that terminates let its parents be aware of the cause of its termination. So there is a need to let died process store that information somewhere, Unix way is to maintain a process entry named zombie as that process is reduced to this small entry and no other resources are linked to.

MPI - Add/remove node while program is running

Is there an MPI implementation that allows nodes to be dynamically added/removed at runtime? Do any recover from complete hardware failure of a node, allowing the node to be repaired and relaunched without restarting the program?
Is there an MPI implementation that allows nodes to be dynamically added/removed at runtime?
This is actually two questions. Nodes usually can be dynamically added at runtime using calls like MPI_Comm_spawn. As #Hristo pointed out in the comments, you should set the correct info key in Open MPI. It may also be possible in other implementations. As for removing nodes, that's a big area of research at the moment. Most MPI implementations currently have varying levels of success surviving a total node failure. In the current releases of Open MPI, I don't believe there is any support for that sort of failure [citation needed], though there is work to improve that ongoing. In the current version of MPICH, you can pass the flag -disable-auto-cleanup to mpiexec and it will not automatically clean up your application after a process/node failure. However, you'll still have to modify your MPI application to handle this situation. The various derivatives of MPICH (Intel MPI, Cray MPI, IBM MPI, MVAPICH, etc.) all don't support this feature AFAIK. There are other research implementations that are also available to extend the support of the MPI Standard. User Level Failure Mitigation is currently being considered by the standardization body as a way of letting the user handle process failures. There is a research implementation based on Open MPI available at the website linked, and an experimental prototype will also be in the next version of MPICH (3.2).
Do any recover from complete hardware failure of a node, allowing the node to be repaired and relaunched without restarting the program?
This is essentially the same process as above. You would need to use the APIs to remove a process and then somehow find out that it's available and add it back using spawn. These calls have to be made from inside the application though, not externally.

Single node, multiple MPI tasks

I need to debug an MPI code for which I only have access to a single node/machine. The problem is the bug I am looking for only arises when running on more than node but it doesn't when running, for example, two MPI tasks in the same node, everything goes fine. I assume that my MPI implementation (mviapich2) cleverly treats tasks running on the same node by, for example, replacing network communications by IPC strategies or even memcpy.
So my question is: how could I run two MPI tasks on a single node but making MPI treat them as tasks on different nodes? Is that possible?
You can disable the MVAPICH2 shared memory device by setting the MV2_USE_SHARED_MEM environment variable to 0:
mpiexec ... -env MV2_USE_SHARED_MEM 0 ... ./executable
Make sure that your MVAPICH2 was built with the TCP/IP device, otherwise your ranks won't be able to communicate with shared memory support turned off.

MPI alterate order of execution of master and slaves

I have two programs master and slave. My master does data decomposition and slaves do computation on the part of decomposed data. MPI scaterv is implemented for distribution of work.I execute my master program first then it dynamically spawns child or slave processes and slave executes different code ie.computation. Now again master has to collect results from slaves and executes next level of decomposition. how do I do that using MPI? I actually wanted to execute my master and slave code alternately.. How can I implement this?
Thank you in advance..
MPI-2 (if I remember correctly) introduced mechanisms for dynamic process management, you might care to search for mpi_comm_spawn to start learning about those mechanisms. So it is certainly possible to write an MPI program which alternates between one process running the master task and multiple processes running the worker tasks (the term slave is deprecated). It's even possible to design your computation so that one program runs the master task and another program runs the (multiple) worker tasks and to use MPI for passing messages between the two.
BUT (that's a big but) I don't think that many resource managers (either the humans who manage parallel computer systems or the operating system and systems software such as job managers) support such dynamic process management. Imagine the complexities of scheduling, and managing, two or more programs with the basic design that you propose. Just as program A tries to fire up 2^10 worker processes so too does program B, and program C, while program D tries to drop 2^8 worker processes; all this on a cluster with only 2^10 processors (or cores). It's probably not too difficult to construct scenarios where the throughput of jobs on the cluster falls towards zero as multiple jobs contend for scarce resources.
If your platform supports dynamic process management, go right ahead. In the far more likely case that your platform does not you have at least two choices, which one you choose depends on the ratio of master:worker time and probably other factors too. You could:
Do what most of us have always done and continue to do and request a total number of processors for the entire job, leaving all but one of them idle during the master-only phases. Wasteful perhaps but easy for the resource managers to cope with. Relatively easy to program too.
If the master does a lot of work between worker phases you could modify your program so that the master and worker are separate programs. First have the master execute on one process and, as it finishes, submit a request to the job management system to initiate the first phase of the worker computation. Have that, in turn, initiate the execution of the next master phase, and so on and so on.

Dynamic nodes in OpenMPI

In MPI, is it possible to add new nodes after it is started? For example, I have 2 computers already running a parallel MPI application. I start another instance of this application on a third computer and add it to the existing communicator. All computers are in a local network.
No, it's not currently possible to add new nodes to a running MPI application. MPI is designed to know the total number of nodes when the program starts.
Work is being done (on MPI-3, for example) on handling nodes that go down. Maybe if you can add faulty nodes back, then you can add new ones, but that's the closest thing I can think of. See this answer for more info on approaches to MPI fault tolerance.
It is possible for a MPI2 program to spawn new ranks. The function is MPI_Comm_spawn and it starts up children on a new MPI communicator. That is to say the new ranks have a different MPI_COMM_WORLD from the previously running ranks. It should be possible to make a new communicator that contains all of the current running ranks though.
