how can i display contact us page on front page drupal 8? - drupal

I am creating scratch theme in drupal 8. Problem is occurred now i want to show contact us block display front page in footer right corner. I had used contact form module but it opens new page. I also used Contact block but result is nothing my concern is that how to does this?
If any one knows, tell me i do not have more knowledge about drupal thanks.

You can use this:-
$block = module_invoke('module_name', 'block_view', 'block_delta');
print render($block['content']);

You define a path to your form admin/content/webform.
Then you define your home page in Site Information admin/config/system/site-information.

More easy, contact block + twig tweak module, get the frontpage node theme sugestion, in my case node 2, -> node--2--full.html.twig and theming it.
content.field_my_field for fields and
drupal_block('mymachinenamebock') -> drupal_block('contactblock') got by the twig tweaks module

You can include the contact form to the footer region by modifying your theme's your_theme_name.theme file.


add other then default footer in WordPress v6.0

I am new in WordPress,
I want to know how to add footer other then default footer
( example: Footer file name - home-footer.php and need to use for home page, same as contact-us-footer.php for contact us page ). let me how i can achieve this.
if you are adding your files in theme or WordPress core files then this will automatically remove when your WordPress will be updated unless you creat child theme so just better to create to footers with any page builder I recommend elementor and then hide that with page id you will find that in the body tag of every page like this
.page-id-111 .footer{
Let me know if you don't understand anything
You have to name the file footer-home.php. Then you can call this footer in the page template (i.e. page-home.php) using get_footer('home').
Wordpress will use the right file, if it is named correctly starting with footer-*.php.

creating wordpress custom php page

I'm trying my make my first theme for wordpress.
Is there any possibility to create custom php page to display custom content?
Pretty much adding to WordPress another copy of the likes of single.php, post.php or 404.php.
All I want just a page to display the custom content on it.
Every tutorial I found so far uses just creating new page within WordPress.
I want to avoid it and for custom page to be enabled straight after theme activation.
The Idea is to have something like my_custom_page.php and to be able link to it after.
Is there any way of doing it?
here is the solution to what I was looking for
To achieve custom page functionality you can use page template concept of wordpress. Creating a page template is extremely easy. Create any new file in your theme and start the file with a comment block like so:
Template Name: My Awesome Custom Page
<h1>Hello There</h1>
You need paste php code inside this template file. When you submit for then redirection action will be page with custom template page.
Referance :
Video :

Place an Edit Button on the view node page in Drupal 7

I don't use the Drupal Tabs because they interfere with my CSS but I need the functionality of the Edit tab to be on that screen so that a user can edit the node after reviewing it.
Any ideas on how to do this? Functions? tpl placement? Thanks!
You can do this in a custom module as follows.
In yourcustommodule.module you implement hook_preprocess_node(). In there you check if the user has permissions to edit the node and you set the edit link.
function yourcustommodule_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
if (node_access("update", $vars['node']) === TRUE) {
$vars['edit_link']['#markup'] = l(t('Edit'), 'node/' . $vars['nid'] . '/edit');
In the node.tpl.php template in the theme you print the edit link if it is available.
<?php if (isset($edit_link)) : ?>
<p><?php print render($edit_link); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
If you do not have a node.tpl.php template in your theme folder than copy the one from modules/node.
If you're using the Views Format "Fields", one of the fields that you can add is "Edit Link." It's pretty flexible; it will tell you what text to display in the link. That's probably the preferred option.
If you're not using the "Fields" format, it gets trickier, especially since you're already interfering with some basic drupal styling. I'd need more information about your View and your skill set to recommend a method that doesn't cause more problems.
As a sidenote: I learned Drupal theming from the outside in, and used to use CSS that would interfere with the underlying drupal mechanics like tabs and contextual links. I've moved away from that; I find very few cases where I need to interfere with native styling-- and for those I can use custom .tpl's to get around.
EDIT: Ah. If you're not using views, a custom page .tpl is probably the best way to go. If you're not familiar, the structure for any node edit link is '/node/<NID>/edit' (for clean URL's) or '/?q=node/<NID>/edit' for old-style URL's. Depending on how your path aliases are set up, '/<url-alias>/edit' may work as well but the previous ones are more reliable.
This link on gives a few options.
I think u can write a theme file(.tpl) for u specific case and theme page in whichever way u want

Using the $content variable in Drupal

While in page.tpl.php, what's the difference between the two?
Or am I just looking at this the wrong way?
Drupal 6 used $content to display the body content, and Drupal 7 prefers $page['content'].
See the API documentation for page.tpl.php (Drupal 6) and page.tpl.php (Drupal 7).
I'd stick with the preferred method for the version you're using to ensure you get the expected results.
I think that is the same, because $content is in the array $page['content'].
Also, do print_r($page['content']); to see whats going on
It is printing the label because you have not hidden the label in the content fields admin area. To hide it, go to structure -> content types -> manage display -> label (hidden).

Create an Iframe from a Drupal Website

I have a drupal website. I want to generate an Iframe with content from my drupal site, that other sites can embed.
How I think this can be achieved:
Method 1: Create a php script that is autonomous from the drupal engine.
Import the configuration file and hence gain access to the database. Generate the content as a standalone webpage. Distribute the url of this script as the iframe's source url.
Problems: cannot provide drupal functionality within the iframe such as interaction with logged in user.
Method 2: Create the iframe from within drupal.
Create a new module that defines a menu entry using hoom_menu (the url for the iframe). Define the content of the iframe from the callback function of the menu entry. Then Somehow assign a custom page.tpl.php theme for the desired iframe url so that only the content of the iframe is rendered without all the other page elements (blocks, menus, footer, etc.).
Any comments especially for method 2 will be greatly appreciated! :)
I have done exactly this, just this week!
I created a custom module that outputs only the content that I want (using hook_menu()). Then I created a page template (page-mycustommodule.tpl.php) that only has
<?php print $content; ?>
within the <body> tags.
That was basically all. To find out the name that your page template needs to have, use the devel and theme_devel modules, then just click on your page and it will tell you which templates it looked for.
One thing to look out for: any links in the iframe will only change the contents OF THAT FRAME, so when your module creates links, use the proper target to make the parent page jump to the new URL:
l('link text',
'node/' . $mynode->nid,
array('attributes' => array('target' => '_parent')));
I found the answer by Graham very useful. Unfortunately I don't have enough reputation on this site to add a comment so I will have to put my comment in an answer.
5 years on, the information has changed slightly:
The module theme_devel now seems to be called devel_themer instead.
In D7, the template naming pattern is slightly different with 2
hyphens: page--[front|internal/path].tpl.php (see docs)
D7 templates are slightly different based on render arrays, so the template will need to be something like print render($page['content']);
method 3
you can use this module that allows you to create IFRAME READY webpages
install it and go to the display settings of you content type that you want to use as iframe content admin/structure/types/manage/CONTENTTYPE/display
choose the IFRAME view mode and choose the fields you would like to be shown
and then use url like this and you will have a display with no extra headers footers etc ...
By default a sample EMBED/IFRAME code is provided to the admin under each node the settings
<iframe width="100%" height="300" src="" frameborder="0" class="entity_iframe entity_iframe_node" id="entity_iframe_node_96" allowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
The settings in admin/config/system/entity_iframe control some of the details of the embed code
For complete control of the theme used you can use in combination with
What do you exactly need to iframe?
A node? A block? Should it be static or dynamic?
You can simply create a node with a php filter and generate the iframe output.
Then you can put this output between <pre> tags to display it as code that users can copy/paste in their site.
