generating/emailing reports on analysis update on sonarqube - report

I am not able to find any plugin which can help in sending custom reports every time a sonar analysis. I see one PDF reports plugin which is paid. is there any free/opensource plugin to send email reports
Or is there a command line way to send email as part CI server(teamcity) build steps?

Attachments to email notifications are not currently supported in TeamCity. Please vote for the request:


How to send a PDF attachment using Peoplesoft AWE while sending Email notification

How to send a PDF attachment using Peoplesoft AWE while sending Email notification. Im trying to use the AWE features to send Email Notification once the request is approved. Along with the Email notification i should also send a generated PDF which gives information about the changes the Emplid, Salary changes and related infos. I am able to do this using the BI Publisher report generation and People code SendMail function but im looking for AWE options to send the attachment
I tried the custom code to send attachments after approval and it worked. But im not able to find any documentation using AWE to send PDF attachments. Any Suggestions will Help

Adding button to Slack Channel Message using Zapier Integration

Does anyone know of a way to add interactive buttons to a slack channel messages that are created using the Zapier slack channel message integration?
David here, from the Zapier Platform team. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's not currently possible. Because of the way button interactions are handled (centrally, to a single url for all buttons created with Zapier), we haven't come up with a good way for users to add buttons to their messages that would be in any way useful.
We track all feature requests that come in through tickets, so if you'd like to voice your support and get notified if/when this does get implemented, I'd suggest emailing in to
There is a way to add buttons, but you need a premium account. It works by using the Zapier webhook function to send a POST request directly to the Slack API.
You can follow this tutorial to prepare everything in Slack
Then you need to add a custom request step in Zapier:
Screenshot from Zapier
Select method "POST" and paste the URL from your Slack application management tool
Build your Slack message using the Slack Block Kit Builder
Paste the JSON from the Block Kit Builder into the data field in Zapier
Replace text from JSON with dynamic fields from Zapier where necessary
Likely if you want to have buttons, you would want to use them to trigger further Zapier events. For this, follow these steps:
Create new Zap triggered by Webhooks by Zapier
Select "Catch requests"
Copy Request URL
Navigate to your Zapier application management tool and find your app's Interactive Components section
Paste Request URL from Zapier

My UPS shipping method is not working in wordpress project

I have created one woocommerce project.I used three type shipping method plugins for that project.that are
Here Usps and FedEx are working fine.But ups is not working fine.when i give country,stare,zip code it's showing
There doesn‘t seem to be any available shipping methods. Please
double check your address, or contact us if you need any help
I got some values as an array. that showing
UPS post response
WooCommerce UPS packages1.00FailureHard10002The XML document is well formed
but the document is not validAccessRequest/AccessLicenseNumber
I would check to see if you have a SOAP client installed on your server. In WooCommerce click "System Status" and next to Soap Client you may see "Your server does not have the SOAP Client class enabled - some gateway plugins which use SOAP may not work as expected." . I recommend create a backup of your database and files firstly, then install soap client

Wordpress on a cloud, registration issue,

Hello world!
Heres my issue, Im running a site on a azure cloud network, since natively azure does not support SMTP and wordpress member registration is built around this (as well as most to all plugins) so when it comes time for members to register, it all works well up until its time they should receive their activation key through email... and they dont. If by obtaining a sendgrid account through host, parsing info from sendgrid host app to my WP sendgrid app setting, Will it the allow the delivery of "welcome" and delivery of mentioned activation keys through emails to members upon registering? Im stumped on how to fix this issue, Im quite sure this is the fix.
ALso, if this wold be the answer to my problem, where would meber info be sent... To my WP user tab or wold there be a third party involved in maintaning this database.
Thank you for yout ime,
Yes, I run sendgrid for my wordpress site it replaces the WP mail function make sure you read the installation instructions carefully it requires you to modify your user.ini file

How to test mass email script

I have more than 3000 members on a site built using wordpress. I am going to send mass emails like newsletters or notifications on a new post etc. How can I test my script to send mass emails ? I already have script that is sending emails but I wanna see its performance and limitations. Like How this will perform when tested with 5000 members. I don't want to send test emails to registered members. I am looking for a testing tool that can simulate this all and let me know if I am good to go. Thank you.
If you already have Amazon SES services, you should be able to point the script to the Sandbox settings and test away. No email gets delivered but SES and Wordpress will be stress tested.
