My UPS shipping method is not working in wordpress project - wordpress

I have created one woocommerce project.I used three type shipping method plugins for that project.that are
Here Usps and FedEx are working fine.But ups is not working fine.when i give country,stare,zip code it's showing
There doesn‘t seem to be any available shipping methods. Please
double check your address, or contact us if you need any help
I got some values as an array. that showing
UPS post response
WooCommerce UPS packages1.00FailureHard10002The XML document is well formed
but the document is not validAccessRequest/AccessLicenseNumber

I would check to see if you have a SOAP client installed on your server. In WooCommerce click "System Status" and next to Soap Client you may see "Your server does not have the SOAP Client class enabled - some gateway plugins which use SOAP may not work as expected." . I recommend create a backup of your database and files firstly, then install soap client


PayPal Smart Button: Get Transaction Details & Update into Database

Hi I am currently doing project that is creating a payment gateway for my webpage and currently I am using PayPal Smart Button for the payment gateway
For now, I have successfully doing the payment but I am unable to get the data that I decided to use for updating the database. I used the PayPal developer website as reference(code, methods etc.), but it doesn't work. Get Transaction <-- I am not sure where should I put the provided code in a Controller/Model
I am using ASP.NET MVC for my project.
Please help me.
Thank you.
Create two routes that return JSON, one for "Create an order" and one for "Capture an order", documented here:
Pair your two routes with Smart Button JS for approval. Here is a demo:
This way when an order is captured, you'll have an immediate API response on your server with all the transaction details. Update your database then.

PayPal Standard Payment On Hold or Pending

I am using PayPal standard to make transactions in a WordPress website. I've set the API credentials and works perfectly means the transactions are done perfectly. But when I open the SandBox buyer account, I can see the following with pending status and the payments don't appear in the seller's account:
I've seen the PayPal official site to check this out and they say, sometimes they put on hold for verification. I would like to know if anyone has faced it before and how will this be available or completed later?
I've one another thing to know - I've used the PayPal Express Checkout plugin for transactions. But in the dashboard, it says WooCommerce Gateway PayPal Express Checkout requires OpenSSL >= 1.0.1 to be installed on your server and doesn't show the feature in the WooCommerce checkout settings. So do I have to set SSL for that?
Note: I am doing the above in localhost using WAMP.
You can't use localhost it's not a valid URL, PayPal can't access your local enviornment.Local host cannot be resolved on distant machines in case Paypal server.
Best way upload to the web, there's a number of free PHP web hosts out there if you don't have one.

Gravity Forms and Feed

Is there a way to add additional items to the feed?
For example, on the feed page, the only options are the required fields for payment:
Billing Information
Payment Amount
Address 2
I would like to add some information to the transaction that is processed and sent to For example, (as found in the API docs)
Create Profile
It would also be awesome if I could also integrate with Authorize.nets new ApplePay API this way. I am comfortable adding/modifying code and would prefer if this functionality added fields or some sort of GUI in the settings page of the Gravity Forms backend.
The Gravity Forms documentation explains how to write your own addon using their payment addon framework. It's actually not that difficult. My first time, I used the addon as a guide.
Otherwise open up the addon and look for hooks you may can tie into to do what you want. There are a few but I've not used them. Search for do_action and apply_filters.
I should also mention that you can add to the feed using hooks but just adding to the feed will not send the data to You would still have to write the code to get the new feed data and do something with it.

How can I force Guest Checkout in Woocommerce using PayPal Express?

I'm trying to launch an online store using Wordpress, WooCommerce and the "Paypal for Woocommerce" Plugin.
On Paypal, Guest Checkout is only available on mobile, but it's not an option on desktop. I read somewhere that you need to add this lines to your SetExpressCheckout API Call but I don't know where to put them:
Can anyone using this plugin help me? Thank you.
it is true that if you add those parameters to the SetEC API call it will enable guest checkout and present the credit card form on the hosted page. To add these parameters, however, you have to alter the source code of the plugin. If you are using Angelleye's plugin there is a setting:
PayPal Account Optional – If your PayPal account is setup with PayPal Account Optional enabled (available in your PayPal account profile) then setting this option here will provide a better checkout flow for non-PayPal users. It will be more obvious that you do not need a PayPal account in order to complete payment, and this will typically increase conversion rates.
you can see complete documentation here.

usps credentials

i am developing shopping cart site in which i want to use USPS(united states postal service)for shipping.can anybody know the fields which are to be required for this service.
Full details on the USPS API can be found here:
USPS Web Tools
The fields that are required depend on which service you are using. The parcel tracking service, for example, requires only a username and tracking ID.
