Show Loading Screen Until Data Is Populated - React & Meteor - meteor

I'm trying to populate a table and only want to show the data when everything has been fetched. I'd like to show a basic "Loading..." text. Currently I have this:
getNames() {
return Names.find().fetch();
render() {
let mapData = this.getNames().map((name) => {
return <Name key={} name={name} />
if (!mapData) {
return (<h1>Loading...</h1>);
return (
This is just a basic example, but I'm grabbing alot of data from Names.find().fetch()... though it seems that once mapData starts getting populated, the data will partially load (showing possibly the first few items, then completing).
I know I'm not doing this correctly. I'm just wondering how other people deal with properly showing a progress bar in React.
I thought about just setting a delay in componentDidMount, but that doesn't seem to be a great solution.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Meteor.subscribe takes a callback that will be called once the subscription has loaded its data.


wordpress gutenberg validation error on save function

so i am playing with wordpress gutenberg block dev. and already made some simple one. now i am trying to make a more complicated one of a slider.
everything works untill the save function where i get validation error and a bizzare notice about EndTag which i do not get.
this is my save function , for now i am just trying to save the slides titles. if i console log within the map, i do get what i want.
save: function( props ) {
const { slides } = props.attributes;
const id =;
const displaySlides = => {
return (
return (
and here is the error i get in my dev tools:
notice that the titles are there but still i get validation error!!
what an i missing here? and what is it the EndTag thing?
best regards
Your edit function node list doesn't match up with save function node list. That's why you are getting this error. Look closely, there's a node list WP expected but it got a different node list.

Displaying dynamic content in Meteor using Dynamic Templates

I've read through the (somewhat sparse) documentation on Dynamic Templates but am still having trouble displaying dynamic content on a user dashboard based on a particular field.
My Meteor.users collection includes a status field and I want to return different content based on this status.
So, for example , if the user has a status of ‘current’, they would see the 'currentUser' template.
I’ve been using a dynamic template helper (but have also considered using template helper arguments which may still be the way to go) but it isn’t showing a different template for users with different statuses.
{{> Template.dynamic template=userStatus}}
And the helper returns a string to align with the required template as required
userStatus: function () {
if (Meteor.users.find({_id:Meteor.userId(), status: 'active'})){
return 'isCurrent'
else if (Meteor.users.find({_id:Meteor.userId(), status: ‘isIdle'})) {
return 'isIdle'
} else {
return ‘genericContent'
There may be much better ways to go about this but it seems a pretty common use case.
The few examples I've seen use Sessions or a click event but I’d rather use the cursor if possible. Does this mean what I’m missing is the re-computation to make it properly reactive? Or something else incredibly obvious that I’ve overlooked.
There is a shortcut for getting the current user object, Meteor.user(). I suggest you get this object and then check the value of the status.
userStatus: function () {
if(Meteor.user()) {
if (Meteor.user().status === 'active') {
return 'currentUserTemplate'; // this should be the template name
} else if (Meteor.user().status === 'isIdle') {
return 'idleUserTemplate'; // this should be the template name
} else {
return ‘notLoggedInTemplate'; // this should be the template name
Ended up using this approach discussed on the Meteor forums which seems a bit cleaner.
{{> Template.dynamic template=getTemplateName}}
And the helper then becomes:
getTemplateName: function() {
return "statusTemplate" + Meteor.user().status;
Which means you can then use template names based on the status:
<template name="statusTemplateActive">
Content for active users
(though keep in mind that Template helpers don't like hyphens and the data context needs to be set correctly)

ReactJS Meteor Pagination

I am creating application in Meteor using ReactJS for the UI. I ran into a problem. I am trying to read from a meteor collection and populate a grid with some data, this I have managed to achieve, but what I can't seem to figure out is how to do infinite scroll/pagination.
I stumbled across the paginate-subscriptions meteor package, but I can't seem to get it to work properly.
Here is my code:
Container = React.createClass({
mixins: [ReactMeteorData],
getMeteorData() {
var handle = Meteor.subscribeWithPagination('my-coll', 10);
return {
items: MyCollection.find({}).fetch()
render() {
return (
{ => {
Instead of rendering 10 items, it will render all the items in the collection, which is not what I want.
Help appreciated.
check Kurounin subscribe based pagination package. It works properly and no issues. Data tables also used. Check this link
You can use the Griddle Component for Grid it's good and provide all the functionality like Search sorting filter etc.

Angular JS: Detect when page content has rendered fully and is visible

My situation
I have a BIG list of people which all have their own profile pic and information. All items have some CSS3 styling/animations.
Im using:
<li ng-repeat="person in people">
Where people is an array with over 150 objects from an external JSON file that all have to show on the same page.
The page loads/renders slowly, and its not because of the $http GET function that gets the JSON data with people (which only takes about 100ms), but the rendering of the page and seemingly the rendering of all the css3 styling applied to each item (if i turn my CSS off it gets much faster).
My main problem
I can live with the page rendering slowly but what i really want is to detect whenever my heavy page has loaded its content in order to start and stop a loading indicator. Ive tried making a directive like this:
directive("peopleList", function () {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch("people", function (value) {
var val = value || null;
console.log("Loading started");
if (val){
console.log("Loading finished");
And put this directive on the wrapper div that is loading my list of people. But the loading appears to stop whenever my object with JSON data has been filled, which only takes around 100ms, but the actual visual rendering of the page takes more like 4-5s.
Ive also tried solutions like but i get the same result there.
What i need
When i navigate through my pages (which all have the same kind of lists) i need something that tells me whenever the page has fully loaded and is visible for the user so that i know when to hide my loading indicator.
Try adding this directive -- the magic is in the link function:
.directive('onFinishRender', function ($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
if (scope.$last === true) {
Add a loader as the first item:
<li ng-show="!isDoneLoading">
<div class="loading">Loading...</div>
Then in your li, add this:
<li ng-repeat="..." on-finish-render="isDoneLoading = true;"> ... </li> + Angular.js and updating a view after calling forge.ajax

Having a problem, and so far couldn't get any solutions for seemingly similar SO questions to work. Problem is this:
Using's forge.ajax, my Angular.js view is not updated after the data is returned. I realize this is because forge.ajax is an asychronous function, and the data is returned after the view has already been displayed. I have tried to update the view by using $rootScope.apply(), but it doesn't work for me as shown in the many examples I have seen.
See the Controller code below:
function OfferListCtrl($scope) {
$scope.offers = [];
$scope.fetchOffers = function(callback) {
$scope.offers = [];
var successCallback = function(odataResults) {
var rawJsonData = JSON.parse(odataResults);
var offers = rawJsonData.d;
var errorCallback = function (error){
alert("Failure:" + error.message);
type: 'GET',
url: '',
accepts: 'application/json;odata=verbose',
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
success: successCallback,
error: errorCallback
$scope.fetchOffers(function(offers) {
$scope.offers = offers;$scope.offers);
All the code there works fine, and $scope.offers gets populated with the Offer data from the database. The logging function shows the data is correct, and in the correct format.
I have tried using $rootScope.apply() in the logical places (and some illogical ones), but cannot get the view to update. If you have any ideas how I can get this to work, I would greatly appreciate it.
Edit: Added HTML
The HTML is below. Note the button with ng-click="refresh()". This is a just a workaround so I can at least see the data. It calls a one-line refresh function that executes $rootScope.apply(), which does update the view.
<div ng-controller="OfferListCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="offer in offers">
<p>Description: {{offer.Description}}<br />
Id: {{offer.Id}}<br />
Created On: {{offer.CreatedOn}}<br />
Published: {{offer.Published}}<br />
<input type="button" ng-click="refresh()" value="Refresh to show data" />
You need to change
$scope.fetchOffers(function(offers) {
$scope.offers = offers;
It is because all changes to the $scope has to be made within the angular scope, in this case since you are calling ajax request using forge the callback is not executing within the angular framework, that is why it is not working.
You can use $scope.$apply() in this case to execute the code within angular framework.
Look at the $apply() methods doc
$apply() is used to execute an expression in angular from outside of
the angular framework. (For example from browser DOM events,
setTimeout, XHR or third party libraries). Because we are calling into
the angular framework we need to perform proper scope life-cycle of
exception handling, executing watches.
do this
function MyController($scope, myService)
//assign your data here something like below or whateever
$offers = data
When I do that I have an error like : "$digest already in progress"...
I'm Working with $q...
Someone knwo how I can resolve this issue ?
yes, this is caused where ur data comes fast enough and angular has not finished his rendering so the update cant update "outside" angular yet.
so use events:
