prevent vertical jumps when scrolling and divs disappearing - css

In my prestashop site I have the following problem:
using my mobile phone, if I scroll the page
slowly, when f.e. the div with class="breadcrumbs" disappears, the page has a vertical jump that my customer doesn't want to see.
How can I do editing only my customcss.css?
Thanks in advance

So what happens is when the .navbar gets the position fixed, the height of the header.variant4 changes, which causes the jump. Thus, the breadcrumbs goes under the navbar.
To solve the issue, you may want to set the height to the header.variant4.
You may want to apply the following CSS and it will solve it for you:
header.variant4 {
height: 129px;


Elementor Footer does not stick to bottom of page

I'm currently working on a website using Elementor. I tried integrating a Footer using a separate plugin (Elementor Footer&Header), however, the footer didn't stick to the bottom of the page if there was only little or no content.
As this seems to be a common issue, I solved the problem by adding the following code:
div.footer-width-fixer {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
Now, the footer sticks to the bottom of the page, however, there 2 other problems:
The footer overlaps with the content in the bottom of the page (see attached image)
The footer is sticky, although I didn't set it up to be so. I only want the footer to appear at the bottom of the page, not while the visitor is scrolling.
Any ideas how to solve this? Thank you!
Best Regards,
Maurice ( :
Its tough to tell if the footer is actually overlapping another sentence (I only speak english so I cant tell if the sentence ends or read it at all). But it looks like its only overlapping the padding on the button and its just snug to the text content.
You could try to add either
padding-top: {desired pixel amount}px;
margin-top: {desired pixel amount}px;
to the footer and see if that does the trick.
As for the position sticky, If your familiar with the inspect element feature in google chrome; you can see what the class selector is that is applying the sticky to the element and then you should be able to write a bit of css to overwrite that fairly easily!
I have had the same problem a few times but I simply fix this by setting the height of the section to either "fit to screen" or the VH to 100 - the header height (If you use a transparent header). I hope this has helped you and if you have any questions don't mind asking!

Content flows over scrollbar

weird bug here. Searched on the internet for hours but no working solutions yet :(
It only happens on the page with parallax, a page without parallax is fine (biografie page).
What happens is that when you look closely, you will see that the white transparant-ish header flows OVER your scrollbar.
When taking a closer look you will see that the whole body is floating over my scrollbar.
Does anyone know a way to 100% fix this? I tried lots and lots of answers on the internet but none gave me a working solution.
Hope someone can explain to me what is happening and how to solve it.
Best regards
You can't place the menu below the scrollbar, because the scrollbar on pages with .parallax containers is not the <body>'s scrollbar, but .parallax's scrollbar.
And you can't place element A between element B and element B's scrollbar, unless element A is a descendant of element B.
However, the real problem is not placing the menu under the scrollbar. The real problem is being able to use the scrollbar (click its top arrow) through the menu, where they overlap.
Which is quite possible, using:
.menu {
pointer-events: none;
.menu-wrapper > * {
pointer-events: all;
(This makes the menu transparent to pointer events, except for children of .menu-wrapper, which do not overlap the scrollbar).

How can I stop a div that is scrolling over the navbar?

Recently I am working on a new website and I am creating it with bootstrap. Here is the bootply link that have my website.
According to that HTML in this Link, I have a trouble that i cant fix yet. When I am scrolling up, the text "Main Bodysssss..." is going over the navigation bar. I have tried to position it but no help. Just tell me how to fix this. Many Thanks.
A higher z-index for .navbar should fix this (working example):
.navbar {
z-index: 10;
From the documentation,
When elements overlap, z-order determines which one covers the other.
An element with a larger z-index generally covers an element with a
lower one.

My footer is not recognizing the div above it and is therefore stopping in the middle of the page

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to make my footer responsive (sticking to the bottom of the page, no matter what page). I finally figured out the code to make it do this:
position: absolute;
But now, certain pages have the footer stuck in the middle. What seems to be happening is that the footer div is not recognizing the wrapper (body) div above it on certain pages. So the footer just stops at a certain point and the body continues to keep expanding.
You will see what I mean at
I'm sure there is a simple line or two of CSS that will fix this issue. Please help!
You need to set position to fixed instead.
#footer-bottom {
That will stick it to the bottom of the page.
Fixed refers to it's position in regards to the browser window, absolute is it's place on the page itself.
By the way, that is not what responsive means in regards to web design. Responsive refers to the page responding to the width of the page. Just FYI to avoid confusion in any future questions.

CSS positioning change resulting from resizing brower window

I have one more problem to solve before I can call my first website done, and I would greatly appreicate the help of this community.
You can see my website for yourself at
The problem I am trying to solve occurs on the homescreen between the class artdesign and tumblr-wrapper.
Basically, the class "artdesign" contains the two circular buttons and the class "tumblr-wrapper" contains the black and white photos on the homescreen.
My problem occurs if you shrink the browers window and then try to scroll left and right. Instead of scrolling left and right across the entire page, only the black and white photos in the "tumblr-wrapper" class scroll left and right.
I am looking for a solution that would stop the tumblr-wrapper from being the only thing to scroll when the brower window is small, and would create full page left right scrolling.
I hope I have explained by problem adequately, but if I need to explain something differently please let me know.
On line 370 of style.css, you have a position:fixed applied to the .artdesign.
Im not sure what the logic was for putting it there exactly, but if you remove it, the page will scroll as you expect.
The fixed position means that div is fixed and will not move (even if you scroll), its mainly used to stick headers and footers to the top and bottom of pages. (Like the twitter bootstrap page [notice the black header menu along the top?.. thats fixed])
So basically:
.artdesign { /* Line 370 of style.css */
float: left;
padding: 200px 0 0 10px;
width: 579px;
list-style-type: none;
You have .artdesign set to "position: fixed" so this will always stay at the same window location. Change this to "position: absolute" and this should solve the problem.
