How can I stop a div that is scrolling over the navbar? - css

Recently I am working on a new website and I am creating it with bootstrap. Here is the bootply link that have my website.
According to that HTML in this Link, I have a trouble that i cant fix yet. When I am scrolling up, the text "Main Bodysssss..." is going over the navigation bar. I have tried to position it but no help. Just tell me how to fix this. Many Thanks.

A higher z-index for .navbar should fix this (working example):
.navbar {
z-index: 10;
From the documentation,
When elements overlap, z-order determines which one covers the other.
An element with a larger z-index generally covers an element with a
lower one.


Content flows over scrollbar

weird bug here. Searched on the internet for hours but no working solutions yet :(
It only happens on the page with parallax, a page without parallax is fine (biografie page).
What happens is that when you look closely, you will see that the white transparant-ish header flows OVER your scrollbar.
When taking a closer look you will see that the whole body is floating over my scrollbar.
Does anyone know a way to 100% fix this? I tried lots and lots of answers on the internet but none gave me a working solution.
Hope someone can explain to me what is happening and how to solve it.
Best regards
You can't place the menu below the scrollbar, because the scrollbar on pages with .parallax containers is not the <body>'s scrollbar, but .parallax's scrollbar.
And you can't place element A between element B and element B's scrollbar, unless element A is a descendant of element B.
However, the real problem is not placing the menu under the scrollbar. The real problem is being able to use the scrollbar (click its top arrow) through the menu, where they overlap.
Which is quite possible, using:
.menu {
pointer-events: none;
.menu-wrapper > * {
pointer-events: all;
(This makes the menu transparent to pointer events, except for children of .menu-wrapper, which do not overlap the scrollbar).

Bootstrap hamburger menu z-index and styling issues

I'm trying to design my first responsive site and am having issues with the navigation. I've got everything somewhat working up to point where the hamburger kicks in. At that point, the drop down menu goes behind the form elements and I don't understand enough at this point to change the styling without affecting the normal navigation.
It seems that most of the things I've looked at are using the standard BootStrap elements with little more than color changes. I need to change the height of the nav bar (along with the hamburger), center the nav but when the site goes mobile, the nav dropdown would need to change font and background colors and text alignment.
I've got a bootply running and will continue to research as I go. I know I have a long way to go but would appreciate a helping hand getting me over this hurdle.
The bootply is at Thanks in advance for any help.
You need z-index and background color.
Put z-index in .navbar and put background color in like below;
.navbar {
z-index: 10;

How can i bring this element to the front? (not z-index)

The logo element on the website:
was originally at the front. I didnt even update anything and one day i check the site and now the top 3rd is hidden behind the nav bar.
Ive tried z - index and have kinda worked out why this isnt working, but also havnt actually found the solution.
Is there a way to bring this to the front or anyway to show the full image via css?
A simple solution is to remove the solid background of the uppermost navigation bar...
.top_nav_out {
background-color: transparent;
border: none;
The problem is that class name .top_nav_out in your top navigation block applies a high z-index which causes the top-most nav block to overlap the lower navigation block (.top_nav) which hides your logo partially.
remove property:
from class:
and your logo will be displayed in full.
From what I have seen, the z-index property is redundant anyway in that class (layout stayed in good shape after removing it)
Hope it helps a bit!

Display submenus in regular textflow

In the past days I switched my menu to mobile friendly version. Is nearly done so far, only one issue remains: In the desktop version I've positioned the submenus absolutely so that they cover what is below when made visible. However, in the mobile version I would like to have them in regular textflow, so that what is below slides down when I make them visible. I'm using mediaqueries and have tried to set the position attribute to "static" but this didn't work:
#Navigation li ul {
position: static;
display: none;
My test page: (Resize the viewport to a small width until the menu has one column.) I've used this tutorial: where it works just as I want it to. However I cannot use this one-by-one as I wanted to keep the layout of my existing menu. Best regards - Ulrich
In the meantime I was able to solve this problem on my own: Apparently some CSS attributes cannot be changed when they are in a nested list and not on top level. In this case the attribute position. Afterwards I had the same problem with the attribute width which I could not change to 100% and the attribute padding-left which I could not change either. And some years ago when I implemented the initial version of this menu with the attribute height, which I could not change to auto on hover after setting it to 0 initially. Only setting to a fixed height worked.
How can this be? Is it intended or is it a bug in the browsers implementation? (I tested with firefox).
Anyway my menu works fine now, just as I figured it.

IE7 z-index not working because of layout order

I have the following website:
If you view the website in IE7 you will see that the drop-down menu in the top left does not appear above the main content area. This is because of the stupid IE7 z-index bug, however the normal fix of making the parent element have a high index to make it fix the child would not work in this instance as I need the parent header to sit under the main content...
Any ideas on how to fix this based on the layout structure I have? I've tried most of the IE fixes on the net, including a jquery solution that resets the z-indexes in a loop, but none of them have solved the problem.
You need to give your header a z-index less than your nav element.
IE7 is a pain with z-index, you need to habe a structure like this.
Header - z-index:2
Content - z-index:3
Nav - z-index:4
Along those lines, sorry I can't be more help.
I've found that when having problems with z-index in IE, that setting the elements you want to be affected by the z-index to have a relative position.
#block {
z-index: 1;
position: relative;
