Sign in with LinkedIn, SDK for Android, Sample application error - linkedin

I would like to try feature "integrate Sign In with LinkedIn".
I follow instructions and i download latest version ( Mobile SDK for Android 1.1.4) from:
Then i import and build project into Android Studio.
When i execute SDK for Android Sample App i obtain this screenshot:
Any help will be appreciated. Greetings

I answer myself.
The problem was i didn´t follow (ignore) step "Associate your Android app with your LinkedIn app"
1) Create an application
2) Signing Your Application, generating a debug key hash value.
3) Configure the values: In the Mobile->Android Settings->"Package Name & Package Hash" section of your LinkedIn application's configuration, add your application's package and hash values
That´s all. Sorry for such a dumb question... ;)


Firebase Authentication on Xamarin.Forms

I'm new to Xamarin.Forms and I'm looking for an updated tutorial link or document that shows how to get Firebase Authentication working with Xamarin.Form or if someone can supply a GitHub link with an example of how to get firebase auth working on Xamarin.forms with Visual Studios 2019?
Note: I've followed the tutorial from but it doesn't work.
I have this link for you.
Try it and let me know if it will be working or not.
this one really helped me, it is a perfect example
using nugget

ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs

We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "Steelpac Site" 26 ( Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs . See for more information.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application Loader to upload a new binary to App Store Connect.
Best regards,
The App Store Team
UIWebView is still in the iOS13 betas, so probably have until iOS14.
Apple UIWebView is only warning so this issue will be fixed after update code.
Please try:
1.Remove the Web View plugin:
cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-ionic-webview
2.Add Web View plugin:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ionic-webview#latest
3.Please check "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
Hope your problem will be fixed.

using Firebase Crashlytics in Xamarin iOS

Could anyone please help me in how to use Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Crashlytics nuget package for Xamarin iOS. I am getting SIGSEGV code error in my code at random places and I am not able to figure out the actual problem.
Have searched a lot regarding how to implement Crashlytics in Xamarin iOS , but I was not able to find any.
Have followed the steps given in the below two links, but I was only able to implement Crashlytics in xcode with the help of these two links.
Link 1 Link 2
not sure if you solved the problem already or not but I will give it a go since this post almost got me to the finish line. And there might be others out there looking for how to do this.
As of late 2018 the Crashlytics is going from Fabric to Firebase this has resulted in a lot of old posts that are not applicable any more.
To get nuGet package to work you will need to do the following:
Head over to the firebase console and create a project. Then add an app input a "bundle ID", this needs to be the same as what you have in your xamarin app. The nick and App Store ID is optional.
You will now get a GoogleService-Info.plist file, download this file. Now comes the the tricky part. To initialize the firebase app you need to create a dummy xCode project with the same bundle identifier as your project to do this:
Make a new xCode project and follow the instructions from firebase
Remember to use the .xcworkspace file to open the project after insatlling the pods.
Compile and run this app on a device in the firebase console you will hopefully see some reaction if everything has worked out correctly.
Now to add this to your visualStudio xamarin app first include the GoogleService-Info.plist to your project and change the build action to "Bundle Resource"
Then add the Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Core and Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Crashlytics packages to the iOS project.
Almost there, only two things left to do.
In the AppDelegate.cs file in the FinishedLaunching function add:
Fabric.Fabric.SharedSdk.Debug = true; // To enable debugging
and also remember to add the two namespaces Firebase.Core and Firebase.Crashlytics to the top of the file.
The last step is to run the app witout the debugger as the debugger will eat all the errors.
This should be it.
More info on the crashlytics nuGet see the github page
2019-08-03: updated link to getting started NuGet
For iOS:
Add GoogleService-Info.plist file to your app project.
Set GoogleService-Info.plist build action behaviour to Bundle Resource by Right-clicking/Build Action.
Add the Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Core NuGet to your iOS project:
Add the following lines of code somewhere in your app, typically in your AppDelegate’s FinishedLaunching method (don't forget to import Firebase.Core and Firebase.Crashlytics namespace):
App.Configure ();
Crashlytics.Configure ();
For Android:
Make sure you have a project set up in the Firebase Developer Console.
Download your project’s file and place it in the folder of your Xamarin.Android project.
Add the Xamarin.Android.Crashlytics NuGet package:
Restart your IDE
Add google-services.json to your Xamarin.Android app project.
Set the build action google-services.json to GoogleServicesJson
Create a string resource with the name The value can be whatever you want to uniquely identify a particular build with.
Clean and Rebuild your solution.
Fabric.Fabric.With(this, new Crashlytics.Crashlytics());
I had recently written a blog for integrating your Xamarin Apps with Firebase Crashlytics where I have gone in detail on how it can be configured which can be found here:
There are few steps needed to be performed in order to implement Firebase Crashlytics in Xamarin.
First of all you have to create a dummy project in Xcode with same bundle identifier.
You can follow this , to implement Crashlytics in Xcode.
Now for Xamarin, use the same Bundle Identifier, and in the info.plist file add the below lines
<string>Your api key</string>
Now import Fabric and Crashlytics in the AppDelegate , then initialize Fabric instance with:

API documentation for Android SDK is not working

For the last couple of days it is impossible to access any documentation about APIs for Android SDK.
There is an error page with information:
"Unfortunately, the page you're looking for doesn't seem to exist."
Example link
The links have been cleaned up a bit, please update your bookmarks to:

ODK, Formhub, Enketo pulldata command

I am attempting to create an xls form that uses the "pulldata" command to reference data uploaded in a csv document. ODK provides an example of this here: link.
When I try to upload their example to a website that allows for the hosting of xlsforms via Enketo ( or I get the message "Function "{}pulldata" does not exist." However, claims that they DO have this functionality in their blog: link 2.
It seems that "pulldata" and the related "search" commands are not supported by Enketo. I imagine they do work in ODK Collect on Android devices.
I would like to use these functions on web forms (not Android devices). Is there a way to get them to work in Enketo or an alternative for hosting xlsforms / x forms online?
Many thanks
Pulldata() is now supported in the new Enketo app (Enketo Express). It just requires the form to be transformed with a version of pyxform (XLSForm) after September 5th 2015.
