Moodle without stylesheet - css

I've just installed the latest version of moodle on my server but I get the moodle site with no styles as if it can't detect the css sheet.
During the installation process was all apparently well but once I finished I get my moodle site without styles, you can check here
If someone could help me I would appreciate it, thanks

I found the solution in this other post moodle not showing CSS and theme with linux server That works perfectly for me.
Thank you for all.

This might also happen if there is any error in scss files.
Check if you have missed any semi-colon at the end of any line.
Mostly the misspelled properties or values throws this error.
Turn on the theme designer mode to get to know the detailed error.

// Got to do this //
url : http://moodle.test/admin/settings.php?section=http
Use slash arguments slasharguments => uncheck the checkbox (Default: Yes)


How to solve CSS intellisense for VSCode not working?

Well, this is embarrassing, basically, the CSS Intellisense stopped working out of the blank, not sure if I can relate it with the installation of TailWind Intelissense extension, interestingly it works on SCSS files, but if I try it in a vanilla HTML + CSS project it does not work. I am using Fedora 35. I already tried restarting the editor as recommended on the official website.
I had the same issue. So, I solved it by adding
"files.associations": {
"*.css": "css",
"css": "css"
to my my settings.json file. Don't know is it is going to help you, but anyway. Good luck!
I know this is a little late for the answer, but I had the same issue when using tailwind.
Given that you are using tailwind, most likely there is a chance you are using postcss, which you can confirm by checking postcss.config file.
If that is the case, then install the postcss vscode extension, and follow the instructions:
Open the command palette and select Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)
Add the following configuration:
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"postcss": "css"
This should fix your css autocomplete, it is what worked for me.
When I'm using a basic style.css file, even after adding "postcss": "css" in "emmet.includeLanguages":{} CSS Intellisense still doesn't work.
Disabling the postcss VSCode extension allows CSS Intellisense to work properly for me.
if you install extension POSTcss try to disable
Another late answer but it seems this is still an issue when using the extension PostCSS Language Support.
Solved by uninstalling that extension and replacing with PostCSS Intellisense and Highlighting.
Here's what the official website says if IntelliSense isn't working:
Troubleshooting #
If you find IntelliSense has stopped working, the language service may not be running. Try restarting VS Code and this should solve the issue. If you are still missing IntelliSense features after installing a language extension, open an issue in the repository of the language extension.
A particular language extension may not support all the VS Code IntelliSense features. Review the extension's README to find out what is supported. If you think there are issues with a language extension, you can usually find the issue repository for an extension through the VS Code Marketplace. Navigate to the extension's Details page and select the Support link.
You should probably try:
Disabling any extensions that may be related to the issue. You mention that it may have to do with the TailWind Extension; try disabling or uninstalling that and see if the intellisense starts up again.
Restarting the editor again.
Filing an issue on their GitHub page if it's still not working.
I came to this question having a similar issue and found I just needed to manually change the language mode in the bottom right to CSS rather than Post-CSS. Obvious in hindsight, but just recording here in case anyone hasn't tried it.
I have installed this extension in vs code. CSS, HTML and Bootstrap intelligence showing up.
IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML
Follow these steps:
Click on Select Language Mode option in the Status Bar of VSCode
Click on Configure File associations for .css in the modal opened
Configure the language you want to associate your *.css files to. Here in our case, you need to select CSS
Reload VSCode window if changes don't get reflected


So I'm having an issue with a MAMP & Wordpress local install where frequently on reload I get a "No data received ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE" page. I also get the following in the console.
/deep/ combinator is deprecated. See for more
details. http://localhost:8888/xxx/:1 GET
http://localhost:8888/xxx/ net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
http://localhost:8888/xxx/:1 GET http://localhost:8888/xxx/
I've not been able to find anything that addresses these errors, except to restart the server. Not sure what else I need to do to trouble shoot this.
I've been getting this error constantly over the past few days. I found that if I switched themes back to the default twentyfifteen it solved the issue.
There was obviously an error somewhere in my custom theme, so I started to re-name files to find the culprit. It ended up being the functions.php file. There was this snippet of code in there:
'packages-nav' => _('Packages Nav'),
The single underscore was causing the issue.
Try a similar method on your theme to find the error. Not sure if this is any help, but I've been Googling the issue and couldn't find any solutions, so when I found a fix I wanted to share.

Troubles with Drupal IMCE image upload

I got some problems with Drupal's IMCE module. When I try to upload inline images from admin, it doesn't upload any images. I get this JS error on firebug:
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -"
If I go to that URL it gives me 404 not found page. If I go on my other Drupal that uses same system, it gives me JSON data result with same URL. Settings are same. And it has worked before on both systems. Now just it stopped on another one.
Also all the files folder should have correct rights. Is it some JS thing or? Anyone have had anything similar?
Yeah, I was having this issue too. For me it was a conflict with the Fast 404 module I had installed also. If you've got that module installed try disabling it to see if it fixes the problem. If it does then you'll want to look into using an advanced config for fast 404. Details of that are outlined in the readme.txt file in the fast_404 module dir.
I have had this problem too.
instead of disabling the module, I whitelisted the string jsop in sites/default/settings.php
$conf['fast_404_string_whitelisting'][] = 'jsop';
That fixed the problem.
Important: If you are editing sites/default/settings.php, first give write permission to that file first. edit it, and dont forget to set permission to 444 after editing.
Here is why
I fix my problem with this missing line in settings.php:
$conf['404_fast_paths_exclude'] = '/\/(?:styles|advagg_(cs|j)s)|(?:system\/files)\//';

'Dynamically-related files could not be resolved' error in Dreamweaver

I'm using Dreamweaver (CS5) to manipulate a Wordpress template, however when I try and use 'live view' on a themes index.php file I receive the error:
"Dynamically-related files could not be resolved because of an internal server error".
My local host however appears to be working fine and correctly displays the index.php file located on my top tier directory.
Many users have resolved this error by turning perma-links to default, however mine are already set this way.
Any help would be appreciated.
This isn't a solution, but merely a reference for someone else who is having a similar issue.
I had the same issue using the /%postname%/ permalink structure, but when I returned to the "Default" structure, it discovered the files fine.
If you're just testing a design before implementation, I suggest leaving it to "Default" on your testing server. Or, if you haven't already, create a testing server.
I had the same problem i fixed by changing Permalinks to custom structure and below there is Option ->category base give a name and try it. Dreamweaver knows all dynamically related files after all.
Selecting default permalinks structure also works on DW CS5. Hope this helps.

ASP.Net error: "Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory"

I'm seeing this error several times an hour on my production site and am not quite sure how to fix it. I've grepped the source code and I am not using "../" anywhere in my code to generate a path.
My application is running on IIS6 on Win2003 Server. It's using URLRewriter.Net to allow the site to have friendly URLs, and I'm wondering if this could be contributing to the problem.
I've already Googled for a solution and have found several possibilities but none have worked for me.
I've tried creating a new App_Browser file to force the tagwriter settings to use a specific HtmlTextWriter, as suggested in one of the most popular solutions, but that hasn't worked for me. I haven't seen any other likely solutions.
It's probably due to using "~/something", probably on a Hyperlink control. When the physical file is at a different directory level from the friendly URL, ASP.NET uses too many ../'s in the relative URL that it generates, giving this error. If you can't just use an absolute URL instead, I believe that you can use Page.ResolveUrl("~/foo/bar") to get the proper relative URL.
Just set the Enable Parent Paths to True in the ASP settings from your website
That solved the problem for me
Use reflector to dig into the URLRewriter.Net code.
I would give your rewrite paths another once through and see if maybe there is a path that contains a folder that either doesn't exist, has been flubbed or is in fact outside the web application. Can you post the rewrite rule here?
Are you sure that you are causing the error?. Some scripts (Code Red/Nimda) troll the internet looking for a URL traversal that looks like that error.
Is this internal or external? Is it possible that your machine is getting scanned?
I was able to resolve this issue by installing .NET 3.5 SP1.
