MAMP PRO - No Data Recived ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE - wordpress

So I'm having an issue with a MAMP & Wordpress local install where frequently on reload I get a "No data received ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE" page. I also get the following in the console.
/deep/ combinator is deprecated. See for more
details. http://localhost:8888/xxx/:1 GET
http://localhost:8888/xxx/ net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
http://localhost:8888/xxx/:1 GET http://localhost:8888/xxx/
I've not been able to find anything that addresses these errors, except to restart the server. Not sure what else I need to do to trouble shoot this.

I've been getting this error constantly over the past few days. I found that if I switched themes back to the default twentyfifteen it solved the issue.
There was obviously an error somewhere in my custom theme, so I started to re-name files to find the culprit. It ended up being the functions.php file. There was this snippet of code in there:
'packages-nav' => _('Packages Nav'),
The single underscore was causing the issue.
Try a similar method on your theme to find the error. Not sure if this is any help, but I've been Googling the issue and couldn't find any solutions, so when I found a fix I wanted to share.


Wordpress website Cannot redeclare noindex

My website stopped working and I just can't figure out why. The error message is:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare noindex() (previously declared in /var/sites/g/ in /var/sites/g/ on line 4155
It looks like something happened after an update.
deprecated.php on line 4155
I have deleted the .maintenance file but no luck. I have some important content on this website. Could you help me out how to make it work and recover it?
Thank you
I had the exactly same problem yesterday with one of the sites I've done for a client. I managed to restore the site by updating my local development version to Wordpress 5.7. and then manually replacing the general-template.php and deprecated.php on the server.
The site works now but unfortunately login screen still gives critical error.

2sxc: 404 Error after adding App module on the page. API is missing?

I have a problem when placing an App module(v 8.4.8) on a page. When I placed an App module on a page I got a pop up saying "Had an error talking to the server (status 404). if you are an advanced user you can learn more about what went wrong - discover how on".
This error happens on whatever action I try to do: trying to add and app, refresh page etc.
I checked a communication to the server using Firebug and seems that one of APIs are missing:
Referer: ~/desktopmodules/tosic_sexycontent/dist/dnn/ui.html?sxcver=
Did I missed something? Should I make some configuration after SexyContent module install (v 8.4.8)?
I just checked a video by Daniel Mettler where he showed how to install a module and seems that process is simple. Nothing to worry about.
Does anybody has any idea what might went wrong here?
The same actually happens when I install and Content module: Error about missing APIs:
Thanks a lot for your time
My best guess is that it's an issue with the dnn domain/path configuration. So basically my guess is that
you have multiple domains, and if this is configured incorrectly, the paths in the js-calls won't fully match the original one
you have sub-portal (with paths like /products/) or something, and this isn't configured correctly in dnn
languages in portal-paths are causing similar issues.
So please compare EXACTLY the full base path and see if that's the issue.

Moodle without stylesheet

I've just installed the latest version of moodle on my server but I get the moodle site with no styles as if it can't detect the css sheet.
During the installation process was all apparently well but once I finished I get my moodle site without styles, you can check here
If someone could help me I would appreciate it, thanks
I found the solution in this other post moodle not showing CSS and theme with linux server That works perfectly for me.
Thank you for all.
This might also happen if there is any error in scss files.
Check if you have missed any semi-colon at the end of any line.
Mostly the misspelled properties or values throws this error.
Turn on the theme designer mode to get to know the detailed error.
// Got to do this //
url : http://moodle.test/admin/settings.php?section=http
Use slash arguments slasharguments => uncheck the checkbox (Default: Yes)

finding out what is causing dreaded "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later." message

while doing a drupal 6 to 7 upgrade I am getting the not so helpful message
"The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later." everytime I go to certain pages.
ex) /admin/config
What is the best way to find out what is causing the fatal error so that I can fix it?
All I can think of right now is to start disabling contributed modules until that page works or looking through the logs.
If dlog/watchdog and php error log aren't working, try this:
go on /includes/
comment line line 245
print theme('maintenance_page', array('content' => t('The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.')));
and put this
print theme('maintenance_page', array('content' => t('The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.'.$fatal.' '.var_export($error,true))));
Very similar, you put var_export($error,true)) at end of error
By clearing the logs at /admin/reports/dblog then reloading the broken page I easily could identify the offending module when I rechecked the log.
Site is working fine now : )
You definitely should be disabling all contrib modules to perform the upgrade.
Then enable them a few at a time after they have been replaced with the D7 version. When replacing the module, be sure to clean out the entire module directory, just in case some old files remain.
This should help narrow down the problem and be sure to check the php error log in case you find something there. (Although that is usually in the case of the White Screen Of Death.)
As gyozo mentioned if you are not able to log into the site, then it might be difficult to debug.
Then probably you could try
Log into database and run delete from watchdog;
Refresh the page
Then execute the database query select variables from watchdog;
Look out for the text near message
Am replying on 8 years old thread. But wanted to share my inputs to fix this error. I am using Drupal 8.*
I faced the same error when I tried to clear the cache (From performance). I tried several things mentioned in most of the blogs or drupal help.
In the end I came to know that, there was some YML formatting issue in my Drupal 8 theme files. I removed tabs and validated my YML files from online YML validator.
In Drupal 8.7 you can do this in core/lib/Drupal/Core/EventSubscriber/FinalExceptionSubscriber.php line 126:
$content = $this->t('The website encountered an error. Please try again later.' . var_dump($error));

Drupal "page not found" error keeps getting logged in Recent Log Entries

Our website keeps logging a "page not found" error under the Drupal Recent Log Entries, but we do not know where it is coming from. When clicking into the detail of the error, the location is marked as "http:///*", user is "Guest", and severity is "warning". Does anybody have ideas on where we can find out what's causing these errors to log?
Page not found warnings like this can be caused every kind of code that triggers an http request, like loading a .js or .css file or an image. A way to debug this is the quick-and-dirty method described by Lullabot which means that you add a debug_backtrace() at the point where the warning is registered (in your case probably the watchdog() function, see the comment by Randy Fay).
PS. #Arvind: If you're using the Drupal API correctly, there shouldn't be too many drupal_goto calls in your code.
do you have atypo error in your code? check if you have mistakenly commented coz i see /* in the link.
This has to be a local error. I would check for my drupal_goto calls in my code.
this is my guess and i'm no drupal expert. let us know if it helps.
You might have an issue with your favicon like I did, although I don't recalling it generating errors in my watchdog.
It's what triggered a lot of page not founds on my setup.
Basically, you normally put your favicon in your root. However, some browsers ( I believe IE6 ) , don't check the root for your favicon, but your theme folder.
I just duplicated my favicon in my theme folder, and my problem was solved.
Worth a try.
