How can we archive/encrypt Robot Framework Test Reports - robotframework

My Robot reports contains sensitive information. I want to archive them for a security reason.
Anyone suggest me the way or process to archive/encrypt the robot reports??
Prasad Pasupuleti

use the --outputdir option to have the output files written to an empty directory. You can then zip/tar that whole directory into a single file that you can copy anywhere you want.
If you need the data encrypted you can use GnuPG or bcrypt, or any of the other standard encryption tools.


How to use LibTiff.NET Tiff2Pdf in .NET 6

I want to provide support to convert single-page and multi-page tiff files into PDFs. There is an executable in Bit Miracle's LibTiff.NET called Tiff2Pdf.
How do I use Tiff2Pdf in my application to convert tiff data stream (not a file) into a pdf data stream (not a file)?
I do not know if there is an API exposed because the documentation only lists Tiff2Pdf as a tool. I also do not see any examples in the examples folder using it in a programmatic way to determine if it can handle data streams or how to use it in my own program.
libtiff tools expect a filename so the background run shown below is simply from upper right X.tif to various destinations, first is default
tiff2pdf x.tif
and we can see it writes a tiff2pdf file stream to console (Standard Output) however it failed in memory without a directory to write to. However on second run we can redirect
tiff2pdf x.tif > a.pdf
or alternately specify a destination
tiff2pdf -o b.pdf x.tif
So in order to use those tools we need a File System to receive the file objects, The destination folder/file directory can be a Memory File System drive or folder.
Thus you need to initiate that first.
NuGet is a package manager simply bundling the lib and as I don't use .net your a bit out on a limb as BitMiricle are not offering free support (hence point you at Stack Overflow, a very common tech support PLOY, Pass Liability Over Yonder) however looking at
they suggest memory in some file names such as , perhaps get more ideas there?

Set directory for saving my result (report, log) in a specific folder before running robot framework script

I want to save my results in a specific folder for each running in robot framework.
I know there is a command call --outputdir which I also use.
But I want to know if there is any possibility to set the path for saving my results before in the robot script?
No, there is no way to do that.
The internal variables for paths are set as constants.
Also you should not have that approach because the test operations should be separated from the orchestration operations.

How to modify the target folder for generated pact files while doing Contract Driven Testing using ScalaPact

I am using scalapact for CDC test.
My tests are running fine and the pact file is generated under target>pacts folder.
I have another folder "files" where I want those pact files to be generated after running the pact tests.
Is there any way I configure the default path for pact files?
This is an area that needs some attention in Scala-Pact, however, someone kindly did a PR for us a while ago that lets you set an environment variable called pact.rootDir.
In practice, on linux/mac that variable is a bit tricky to set because of the ., so exporting it or just using -Dpact.rootDir="<my desired path>" in the command arguments doesn't seem to work. Instead, you need to do this:
env "pact.rootDir=<my desired path>" bash. I haven't tried this on Windows so I don't know if you'd have the same issue.
I've just raised an issue to try and make this easier in the future:
As an alternative, note that the pact directory is really kind of a scratch/tmp area to allow Scala-Pact to compile it's output. If you're running this as part of a build script, you may just want to add a step to copy the assets to a new location once they've been generated.
Also, for some reason we made reading from a directory way easier than writing to one. If you need to read from a dir such as during verification, you can just add --source <my desired path> on the command line.
Hope that helps.

How to lock a python variable file in robot framework?

I need to store my user id and password in a python variable file in robot framework. This credential will be utilized to login to website to test it. No other person should be able to view my credential (even in git also). Hence, I have to lock this variable file. Is there any way to lock this python variable file?
Due to their nature Source Code Repository systems are public in nature. So, either you lock the repository or it's open to everyone. This makes storing any type of sensitive data in such a system a bad idea.
For these types of information it is typically best to have a separate file and refer to that file when executing the run. In Robot Framework this can be done using Variable files. These can be referred to using the Variables myvariables.<ext>. There is support for Python and YAML files.
Securing these files can be as easy as placing them in a location that only few can access to setting up tools to store them encrypted and only make them available when having the right key. This is a separate topic on it's own with it's own challenges.

Robot Framework 'Output.xml' copy to different folder

When I am trying to copy the file 'Output.xml' from parent folder to target folder, it is not being copied properly i.e: the file size, in the target folder, is different. I am executing the keyword to copy files in my 'Suite Teardown'. Any solution for the issue.
Code written to copy files:
OperatingSystem.Copy Files ${sProjectPath}//output.xml ${sFinalFolder}
The problem is that while the test is running, the output file doesn't exist. It can't exist during suite teardown, because the result of the suite teardown must be part of the log.
If you need the log in another folder, the simplest solution is to tell robot to write it there initially, with the command line option --output or --outputdir.
If you cannot use --output, perhaps the simple solution is to create a script that runs your tests, and then copies the file after it runs. This is mentioned in the user guide in the section titled Creating start-up scripts.
A slightly more complex solution is to use a listener which copies the file in the done method.
Robot run reports are created at the end by robot-framework tool. Hence complete result/report files doesn't exist even in suite teardown.
Best practice would be providing --ouput argument with desired output dir.
More detail you can find from user guide
Robot framework user Guide under section 3.5.1
The command line option --output (-o) determines the path where the output file is created relative to the output directory. The default name for the output file, when tests are run, is output.xml.
Alternative way is use to rebot command and act on the output file generated by robot run.
When post-processing outputs with Rebot, new output files are not created unless the --output option is explicitly used.
Whether or not it can be done from Robot Framework script, the question is it should be done from Robot Script. These files could be locked and or changed by the current Robot Framework process. If not today, this could well be a part of any future change in this area.
With this perspective I can only recommend to copy these files prior to the start of Robot Framework, and not after. This ensures that the contents of these files are not changed and are fit for the purpose you have in mind.
As these types of actions are typically not part of a Test Case scenario I consider them to be part of the overarching Orchestration. This includes fetching the right version of the test script from version control software, starting Robot Framework, communicating results (ex. email) and safeguarding the test evidence (Log files and other files).
In general these are standard step functionality in a CI tool like Jenkins, Travis CI or Bamboo (to name a few). Even if you have only started on this path, separating this kind of logic from your test script will save you a lot of effort later on.
looks like that Copy Files Kw does not copy the content of output.xml during Teardown ,although it creates file with samename. As A.Kootstra suggested it could be a limitation currently.
in a separate robot script you can rename the file 'output.xml' generated from first script and then can run below command
Copy Files
${sProjectPath}//output.xml ${sFinalFolder}
This copies the whole content
