Some albums do not load using koken and I get this error INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING on Chrome. I'm using nginx 1.6.2, CentOS 7, Koken 0.22.4. I'm using graphicsMagick 1.3.23, ImageMagick 6.9.2, PHP 5.6.21 and MySQL 5.1.73.
Related issue

After checking some related issues about INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING like:
This on the apache help blog
Another one here
And finally this one
I solved it by changing the permissions on my /opt/nginx directory to the nginx user. It may be related with the last referenced post.
when you give a response too big for Nginx, it uses this directory to
write as a working directory for temporary files. If the worker
process cannot access it, Nginx will terminate the transmission before
it completes, thus the error INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING.


Can't Install DNN 6.2.9 - 302 Redirect Loop Timeout

I'm trying to install DNN version 6.2.9 (I have to use this version for the client I'm working with), but I'm not being able to get the installer to work. I've followed all the steps at this link:
When I get to the step where I'm supposed to go to the installation wizard on localhost, step 10, the browser-based installer isn't loading. When I investigated the network traffic, it appears the installer is trapped in a 302 redirect loop and the request to the server is timing out. Below are the two urls it keeps alternating between. Any thoughts on what could be causing this? I suspect some kind of permissions or maybe db access problem, but I haven't been able to find a solution yet.
Local host prefix: localhost/dotnetnuke
Two .aspx files it keeps alternating between:
Are any of the database tables, stored procedures, etc. created? This is often an issue reading the PortalAlias information - so I would check that you have DB access, write permissions (the installer should do that for you anyway). If everything is created, check the portal alias table.
I would also check relevant file permissions mentioned in the guide.

Troubling with wordbress nginx on ubuntu

I installed nginx, php5, and wordpress on ubuntu 12.04 (as well as other services).
I followed step by step digitalocean's tutorial, somewhere in the middle of the process i realised i want to switch from root user to 'foo' user and i chown-ed all relevant files and directories.
I finished the tutorials and straggling for many hours trying to figure why i get 403 forbidden error.
i launch the service with foo user using sudo.
all the workers are running under foo apart from the master which is running from root.
It seems i have a problem with the landing page which doesn't recognise it should look for index.php, when i type xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/index.php (as full path to the php file) i get this error:
The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.
Please try again later.
This error pops only on php files, on regular html / txt it works fine.
any suggestions why:
default landing is not directed to index.php
can not open php files
So apparently the tutorial in digitalocean had a minor misleading line, i solved the 2nd problem with this nice article: http://www.queryadmin.com/921/connect-unix-var-run-php5-fpm-sock-failed/
for some reason a few lines in the vhost file were commented out. rest of issues were solved as described above updates

PHP 5.4 APC/Session upload progress under php-fpm

I am running nginx with php5-fpm, I've installed APC and tried to use it and also tried session upload progress since my php 5.4.16 allows it. But I don't get any progress returning cached data (looks like it waits until php ends processing it). Does apc even work under php5-fpm? How to make this work uder fast-cgi?
Thanks in advance.
First of all yes it does work under php5-fpm, I have a website on my laptop with which uses nginx and php-fpm and it worked fine, but to make sure you can check the phpinfo().
Could you please explain the cycle of the data, how you set it and how it gets read ?, and just in case, apc data that's saved by php-cli can't be accessed by the web, and also the one that's set by a web page can't be accessed by cli.
As reading forums I've found, that APC on nginx works, just it will not buffer the download progress.
So the solution would be to use Nginx upload progress module.

How to PUT and POST image files to Apache2 using vhosts? (without PHP)

I want to simply POST and PUT image files to a server test.com, using apache2. This should result in storing the image file at the desired location. Lets say /srv/web/images/
What would be a working vhost configuration? Are there any modules that need to be activated? I am using apache2 on an ubuntu 12.04 server.
I think by default this is disabled in apache for obvious resons, nobdoy should be able to write to a server in the default configuration.
I want to simply secure it with http auth ("user1" / "pass1").
All the documentation and questions I find deal with PHP, but I thought should be possible using simply a REST URI and apache2 without PHP or cgi or a C program.
(Note: I am interessted in a solution without webdav (but I am not sure if the webdav module supports HTTP PUT which would be OK). And this question has got nothing to with forms or browsers, As an example the upload could use the program curl.)
Update: I found this message:
It seems there once was a module mod_put, which is no longer in the repos of ubuntu. And that webdav has built in the functionality of PUT and DELETE.
If so, I am still unable to understand how to do the right VHOST configuration for simple FILE PUT operations.
I think nowadays for this kind of stuff you configure apache with WebDAV.

Wordpress: "HTTP Error." When Uploading Files

I'm running WP 3.0.1 on a shared host using PHP5. I'm having issues uploading files that are a little larger via the media uploader in the admin section of WP.
Every time I try to upload a file thats over a few megabytes, it uploads, says its crunching, then gives me a big red "HTTP Error." - nothing more.
This only happens on files that are a little larger - ie a 20mb .mp3 file. A 5mb file seems to work fine. Whats weird is in the past we've uploaded 40mb files without a problem.
Here's the steps I've taken so far to try and remedy the situation:
Double checked php.ini to ensure increase upload, post and memory size were high enough.
Updated .htaccess to include filter the security mod I found elsewhere.
Double checked all file permissions via ftp to ensure they were 755.
Called the host - "They don't support 3rd party scripts" (I hate IPower)
Tried with different audio files of similar size.
Disabled all plugins
Do you guys have any more ideas regarding what might be causing the vague "HTTP Error." problem?
Thanks in advance.
I had a similar problem with Nginx and PHP5-FPM (and WordPress 4.1).
Symptoms: the file (< 5MB, so relatively small) is partway through the transfer, as indicated by the progress bar, when suddenly you get the HTTP error message.
Even if you've set upload_max_filesize in your php.ini, you should also check post_max_size is (at least) as big. Remember to restart php5-fpm.
If it still doesn't work, edit your nginx.conf file (in Debian/Ubuntu it's /etc/nginx/nginx.conf) and add this in the http block:
client_max_body_size 100m;
Then restart Nginx.
One of our clients, had the same issue.
Finally we found out that the wordpress "HTTP Error" when uploading images, was happening due to a change on the server side. The hosting comany, decided to add APC accelerate to the server in order to increase server's stability and speed. APC accelerate should work only with FastCGI and not with su, so they set PHP to run as FastCGI.
When using PHP as FastCGI, if you try to upload a file larger than 128KB, an error "mod_fcgid: HTTP request length 131388 (so far) exceeds MaxRequestLen (131072)" occurs and causes an 550 internal server error.
This happens because the value of MaxRequestLen directive is set to 131072 bytes (128KB) by default.
One way to correct this (if server uses Plesk), is to edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/fcgid.conf and set MaxRequestLen to a higher value, for example 15MB (MaxRequestLen 15728640).
If server uses cPanel, this change can be done via the WHM of the server.
So, if you can upload images up to 128KB, this is the solution to your problem.
Put this line in your wp-config file:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');
The problem, as you've already inferred, is in the size of your file upload. Just to remind you, HTTP isn't really built for transferring large files ... it can do it, but not always, and not very well. You're running into an issue where your host is cutting off the transfer because the file is too large. It's most likely a server setting somewhere that you don't have access to.
Since "they don't support 3rd party scripts" I'm guessing you're in a shared hosting environment, which is why something could change on your server without you doing anything. Possible solutions:
Get a different host
Use a dedicated server
Transfer your larger files via FTP rather than from within WordPress.
I had the same issue whenever I tried to upload media, except I got the "HTTP Error" on files larger than 124Kb! WP 3.3.1, PHP 5.2.
I called my host and they upped memory to 64M (also changed this in wp-config) and upload_limit to 8 MB (default was 2 MB). This didn't work so I resorted to almost everything else, from tampering with the .htaccess to reinstalling WP to installing a fresh WP on another server, but everything pointed to a server issue. I called the host again and spoke to another technician who increased the allowed HTTP Request Length setting.
For future readers, just managed to find the solution to this one after a tough day of searching.
There's a setting in the fcgid.conf file (for me in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled): FcgidMaxRequestLen. See https://httpd.apache.org/mod_fcgid/mod/mod_fcgid.html#fcgidmaxrequestlen
I set that in bytes to an appropriate length and everything works. It seems that apache have changed their thinking on the default value (which is now 131072 bytes):
Before 2.3.6, this defaulted to 1GB. Most users of earlier versions should use this directive to set a more reasonable limit.
server maybe have imagick installed as default library , for a fix for wordpress
I put the following code into my functions.php file. It works!
add_filter( 'wp_image_editors', 'change_graphic_lib' );
function change_graphic_lib($array) {
return array( 'WP_Image_Editor_GD', 'WP_Image_Editor_Imagick' );
For me, "http error" issue occurred when php is running in fast cgi mode.
"MaxRequestLen" from mod_fcgid was limiting file upload size and wordpress was throwing "http error".
You need to add the following configurations in your httpd.conf (apache2.conf on ubuntu 14) :
<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
# 20MB
MaxRequestLen 20000000
I tried all the commonly suggested php.ini changes as well as wp-config changes with no luck. Finally found someone suggesting to look at the XHR async-upload.php details in my browser and found out that our firewall was flagging the upload as a trojan (MalAgent.H_9218 to be specific) for some reason. So don't forget to check there, it could identify other possible upload issues as well.
Chrome instructions:
Hit F12 and select the network tab, then attempt an upload with WordPress, make sure the filter row is on either All or XHR, in the left bottom pane find and select async-upload.php, in the right bottom pane select preview.
In my case solved by switching off Adblocker extention in browser
Our problem was that our load balancer ran out of hard disk space. Be sure to setup a log rotation that deletes the oldest logs after a period.
Our problem actually was client side: people tried to upload via drag and drop from OneDrive, files that have not been locally synchronised but showed up in the OneDrive folder. Resulted in "-200" error message. If file is on local harddrive, it worked fine.
