Meteor: Count data from collection - meteor

anyone please i need you help. before this I have asking question but I cannit find this solution. I have create code to count variable in collection. I can get the result when count one by one but not by group. Thats my code, I want to count this but the code not given any resut to me. I want the result like this:
This my code:
<template name="laporankategori">
<table class="table">
<th>Jenis Peralatan</th>
{{#each profil}}
profil: function() {
return Profil.find({kategori: { $in: ['PTR', 'KOM'] } }).count();

<template name="laporankategori">
<table class="table">
<th>Jenis Peralatan</th>
{{#each profil}}
profil: function() {
var PTR = {
count: Profil.find({kategori: { $in: ['PTR'] } }).count()
var KOM = {
count : Profil.find({kategori: { $in: ['KOM'] } }).count()
var resultArr = [PTR, KOM];
return resultArr;

Whenever you're iterating with {{#each ...}} your helper should return either a cursor or an array. Your helper is returning a scalar: the count. In your {{#each }} block you refer to {{PTR}} and {{KOM}} but those won't exist.
I suspect that you weren't actually looking for the count in this case and your helper should just be:
profil: function() {
return Profil.find({kategori: { $in: ['PTR', 'KOM'] } });
Also you don't often need to count things in a helper since in a template you can refer to {{profil.count}} and get the count of the cursor directly.


Meteor - color highlight table row when date=today

i would like to highlight the date if match.datetime if equal to today, May I have some hints?
in .html
{{#each match in matches}}
<tr class="center aligned" bgcolor= "red">
in .js
matches() {
return Matches.find({}, {sort: {datetime: -1}});
You can write a helper for that:
{{#each match in matches}}
<tr class="center aligned" bgcolor= "red">
<td class="{{#if isToday match.datetime}}color-bg{{/if}}">
const now = new Date()
const isToday = (date) =>
date.getFullYear() === now.getFullYear() &&
date.getMonth() === now.getMonth() &&
date.getDate() === now.getDate()
matches() {
return Matches.find({}, {sort: {datetime: -1}});
isToday(date) {
return isToday(date)
If you have many places in your code, that require this check, you should rather use Template.registerHelper to avoid duplicate code in your templates:

Display row number using {{#each}}

I'm trying to count each row in a table. Each table row is a new collection. The code below counts the total number of collections and displays that. How do I change it to display the row number.
Path: calc.js
SalaryCalculator: function () {
return SalaryCalculator.find({});
SalaryCalculatorCount: function () {
return SalaryCalculator.find({}).count();
Path: calc.html
{{#each SalaryCalculator}}
<th scope="row">{{SalaryCalculatorCount}}</th>
Here's the helpers
SalaryCalculator: function () {
var count = 1;
var salCalDetails = SalaryCalculator.find({});
doc.rowCount = count;
return salCalDetails;
{{#each SalaryCalculator}}
<th scope="row">{{rowCount}} </th>
Or if you follow through the answer given by #Michel Floyd then you need this answer too as {{#index}} will give you starting number as 0

Pipe/Ajax plugin smart-table is not working

I just taked the default example from
but it doesn't work, I code copied from the example, and assigned in the code the app: ng-app="myApp", and a controller: ng-controller="pipeCtrl as mc" to make it work, no errors shown in console
I also added some console.log prints, to know when the specific code lines are executed, and I see the next in console:
pushed it
ctr init
here is the code:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['smart-table']);
app.controller('pipeCtrl', ['Resource', function (service) {
var ctrl = this;
console.log("ctr init");
this.displayed = [];
this.callServer = function callServer(tableState) {
ctrl.isLoading = true;
var pagination = tableState.pagination;
var start = pagination.start || 0; // This is NOT the page number, but the index of item in the list that you want to use to display the table.
var number = pagination.number || 10; // Number of entries showed per page.
service.getPage(start, number, tableState).then(function (result) {
ctrl.displayed =;
tableState.pagination.numberOfPages = result.numberOfPages;//set the number of pages so the pagination can update
ctrl.isLoading = false;
app.factory('Resource', ['$q', '$filter', '$timeout', function ($q, $filter, $timeout) {
var randomsItems = [];
function createRandomItem(id) {
var heroes = ['Batman', 'Superman', 'Robin', 'Thor', 'Hulk', 'Niki Larson', 'Stark', 'Bob Leponge'];
return {
id: id,
name: heroes[Math.floor(Math.random() * 7)],
age: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000),
saved: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
console.log("pushed it");
//fake call to the server, normally this service would serialize table state to send it to the server (with query parameters for example) and parse the response
//in our case, it actually performs the logic which would happened in the server
function getPage(start, number, params) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
console.log("getting p svc");
var filtered = ? $filter('filter')(randomsItems, : randomsItems;
if (params.sort.predicate) {
filtered = $filter('orderBy')(filtered, params.sort.predicate, params.sort.reverse);
var result = filtered.slice(start, start + number);
$timeout(function () {
//note, the server passes the information about the data set size
data: result,
numberOfPages: Math.ceil(filtered.length / number)
}, 1500);
return deferred.promise;
return {
getPage: getPage
The page html rendered in mvc:
#section scripts {
<script src="~/Scripts/angular.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/app1.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/smart-table.js"></script>
<div class="row" ng-app="myApp">
<div class="col-md-12">
<h2>Smart Ajax Data Tables</h2>
<p ng-controller="pipeCtrl as mc">
<table class="table" st-pipe="mc.callServer" st-table="mc.displayed">
<th st-sort="id">id</th>
<th st-sort="name">name</th>
<th st-sort="age">age</th>
<th st-sort="saved">saved people</th>
<th><input st-search="id" /></th>
<th><input st-search="name" /></th>
<th><input st-search="age" /></th>
<th><input st-search="saved" /></th>
<tbody ng-show="!mc.isLoading">
<tr ng-repeat="row in mc.displayed">
<tbody ng-show="mc.isLoading">
<td colspan="4" class="text-center">Loading ... </td>
<td class="text-center" st-pagination="" st-items-by-page="10" colspan="4"></td>

Auto-print the fields of a Meteor collection using helpers without specifying their name

Is it possible to auto-print the fields of a Meteor collection using helpers without specifying them?
Let's say I start having a helper that returns the collection of objects stored in a table, as follows:
{{ #each CollectionData }}
<Tr class="object-row">
<Td> {{code}} </ td>
<Td> {{description}} </ td>
Now i specify an "object schema" for each collection to set which field i want to auto-print, pseudo example:
// Items is the name of the possible collection
Schema.items var = {
fields {
code: {
columnName: "code",
show: false,
description: {
columnName: "description",
show: false,
otherField {
columnName: "foo",
show: false,
Now, I would make the helper to auto-generate the table columns and values ​​of a collection field where the show check is true, without having to manually specify {{code}}, {{description}} and so on, pseudo example:
{{ #each CollectionData }}
{{print each column where show check is == true, without manually specifing any name}}
<Tr class="object-row">
{{print the value of the column, for this record, where show check is == true, without specifing its name}}
Is there any way to do that?
The simpliest way would be to create a template for each TD, something like
{{#each fetchColumnHeaders}}
{{> columnHeader }}
{{ #each CollectionData }}
<Tr class="object-row">
{{#each fetchColumnItems}}
{{> columnItem}}
<template name="columnHeader">
<template name="columnItem">
And then you can write template helpers to return the column headers, and the various items based on your schema

MeteorJS: Put date in dynamic template

<tr> Today </tr>
//data from Mongo
<tr> Yesterday </tr>
//data from Mongo
{{#each posts}}
{{> postJobs}}
<template name="postJobs">
... // data from Mongo
I think that it is necessary to compare the date from Mongo documents and today date or something like this.
Any idea how to build this ?
I guess you are requesting how to get the documents from collections grouped by date.
So on Top to see today chat, next block Yesterday, next block Previous Chats
Just call 3 times the same template
<template name="main">
{{> list_posts posts=today}}
{{> list_posts posts=yesterday}}
{{> list_posts posts=previous}}
<template name="list_posts">
{{#each posts}}
And then you need this helpers
today: function() {
return Posts.find() // >= today
yesterday: function() {
return Posts.find() // < today and >= yesterday
previous: function() {
return Posts.find() // < yesterday
Good luck
I don't get what you exactly want to achieve. Comparing to today date would look like this, in an helper (that you can use in an {{#if compareDate}} statement:
compareDate: function(){
var today= new Date(new Date().getTime());
return < today// it will get you true is the date field of your mongo document is older than today
Extra info, if you need yesterday:
var yesterday = new Date(new Date().getTime() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
