MeteorJS: Put date in dynamic template - meteor

<tr> Today </tr>
//data from Mongo
<tr> Yesterday </tr>
//data from Mongo
{{#each posts}}
{{> postJobs}}
<template name="postJobs">
... // data from Mongo
I think that it is necessary to compare the date from Mongo documents and today date or something like this.
Any idea how to build this ?

I guess you are requesting how to get the documents from collections grouped by date.
So on Top to see today chat, next block Yesterday, next block Previous Chats
Just call 3 times the same template
<template name="main">
{{> list_posts posts=today}}
{{> list_posts posts=yesterday}}
{{> list_posts posts=previous}}
<template name="list_posts">
{{#each posts}}
And then you need this helpers
today: function() {
return Posts.find() // >= today
yesterday: function() {
return Posts.find() // < today and >= yesterday
previous: function() {
return Posts.find() // < yesterday
Good luck

I don't get what you exactly want to achieve. Comparing to today date would look like this, in an helper (that you can use in an {{#if compareDate}} statement:
compareDate: function(){
var today= new Date(new Date().getTime());
return < today// it will get you true is the date field of your mongo document is older than today
Extra info, if you need yesterday:
var yesterday = new Date(new Date().getTime() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));


Meteor: Count data from collection

anyone please i need you help. before this I have asking question but I cannit find this solution. I have create code to count variable in collection. I can get the result when count one by one but not by group. Thats my code, I want to count this but the code not given any resut to me. I want the result like this:
This my code:
<template name="laporankategori">
<table class="table">
<th>Jenis Peralatan</th>
{{#each profil}}
profil: function() {
return Profil.find({kategori: { $in: ['PTR', 'KOM'] } }).count();
<template name="laporankategori">
<table class="table">
<th>Jenis Peralatan</th>
{{#each profil}}
profil: function() {
var PTR = {
count: Profil.find({kategori: { $in: ['PTR'] } }).count()
var KOM = {
count : Profil.find({kategori: { $in: ['KOM'] } }).count()
var resultArr = [PTR, KOM];
return resultArr;
Whenever you're iterating with {{#each ...}} your helper should return either a cursor or an array. Your helper is returning a scalar: the count. In your {{#each }} block you refer to {{PTR}} and {{KOM}} but those won't exist.
I suspect that you weren't actually looking for the count in this case and your helper should just be:
profil: function() {
return Profil.find({kategori: { $in: ['PTR', 'KOM'] } });
Also you don't often need to count things in a helper since in a template you can refer to {{profil.count}} and get the count of the cursor directly.

Meteor {{#each in}} not scoping down correctly

I'm trying to use the feature {{#each test in calculation}} in a template, but am getting an error saying "No such function: test". Here is a link to my code and I was hoping someone could show me where my mistake would be.
Thank you!
You can either change your template helper to:
test: function() {
return Calculations.find();
Or your html {{#each}} to:
{{#each calculations}}
<td>{{#linkTo route="editCalculation"}}<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" aria-hidden="true"></span>{{/linkTo}}</td>
As #Michael Floyd mentioned, the in calculations is spurious.
Try editing the helpers to the following
'test': function() {
return Calculations.find();
and the template binding to this in the each loop
{{#each test}}
<td>{{#linkTo route="editCalculation"}}<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" aria-hidden="true"></span>{{/linkTo}}</td>

How to do foreach in Meteor with Mongo?

Have collection
Peoples = new Mongo.Collection('peoples');
name: ["Mark", "John", "Kate"]
I want to show all names in name
<template name="pTable">
<tr class="trJob">
{{#each names}}
{{> peopleName}}
<template name="peopleName">
What in my Temlate helpers
names: function(){
return Posts.tags;
name: function(){
return Posts.tags.find();
I know that i have sh*** code in my Template helpers, any idea how to make it good ?
It must look like (in DOM)
simple array example
names: function(){
return [1,2,3];
<template name="home">
{{#each names}}
will print:
1 2 3
each item becomes "this" inside the each loop. if you call another template within the loop, then its "this" will be populated by the item
Since you have different names for your collection, I will stick with the first one Peoples
Here is how I would proceed with your helpers:
names: function(){
return People.find({_id:yourId},{fields:{name:1}}).fetch();
And your peopleName template would be like this:
<template name="peopleName">
If you need to get all the names of all your documents, I need to nest your {{#each names}} into another {{#each doc}} where doc helper is like this (updated names as well) :
doc: function(){
return People.find().fetch();
names: function(){
return People.find({},{fields:{name:1}}).fetch();

Collections not showing on page

I have published a countries collection which I want to show in a table in the countriesList template. So I have added this to the router:
Router.route('/countries_list', {
name: 'countriesList',
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('countries');
data: function() {
return Countries.find();
And this is how the template looks like:
{{#each countries}}
But the page stays empty. However, the collection is filled on the client, if I check the browser console and do Countries.findOne();, I get this result:
Object {_id: "WWJhMBne4CiEdbbdg", name: "England"}
So what am I doing wrong here?
You template is making the assumption that the cursor is being stored in coutries. It isn't. It would be if your data hook looked like:
return {countries: Countries.find()};
As your code is written, the cursor is the context for your template so this should work:
{{#each this}}

Dynamically insert template into table row

I have a table with data coming from a collection. When user clicks on a row I want to replace the content of the row with a form to edit the content. What would be the meteor way to do it without jQuery, if possible?
<template name="table">
{{#each items}}
{{> showrow}}
<template name="showrow">
<template name="editrow">
… form html …
Essentially, it's about replacing the showrowtemplate witn the editrow for onw row, I think. Is that a reasonable approach? Any pointers?
You could use a logical helper
<template name="table">
{{#each items}}
{{#if editmode}}
{{> showrow}}
Then in your template helper
Template.table.editrow = function() {
return (this.editmode)
this lets you access the data context that would be in the collection for that particular item in the loop. So if you had a editmode:true for that item it would use the edit row instead.
Ok, that was easier than expected. 1:0 for Meteor:
I used the MongoDB _id as identifier of each row, in a data attribute: data-id="{{_id}}".
Then I set up a click event handler on <tr>-elements:{
'click tr': function(event, template) {
Session.set(editBookingId, event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-id'));
A template helper listens to incoming ids and returns true if the ids match:{
'isEdited': function(id) {
return Session.get(editBookingId) == id;
In the template, I decide with {{#if}} whether to display the normal row or an edit dialog:
{{#if isEdited _id}}EDIT{{/if}}
Very little code. Very nice. Thanks for the pointers.
