LED light stopped on my eZ430-F2013 development tool - msp430

I am trying to make morse code on the eZ430-F2013. All of the sudden my LED stopped blinking. I pulled USB out after running sample LED blinking code. Now it doesn't blink when I plug it in. Does it mean it broke? how do I reset it?


Arduino serial monitor does not show anything for AT command

I am a beginner to arduino and trying to follow one of the videos from youtube to make a project- Master And Slave using HC-05 modules. I followed every step from that video carefully. Here's the link to the video -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXXAcFOTnBo For Slave Module when I type AT commands in the serial monitor nothing shows up. I searched in Internet for the this problem and still didn't fix it. Here's What i have done:
tired restarting my pc
tried Changing arduino, At first i used arduino nano and then uno
I tried changing the baud rate to all other values and nothing happened
And there is no change in light blink, it stays on AT command mode until power is turned off and on again.
This is how is looks
Thank You For the Answer
Not responding to AT commands is common with cloned HC-05 modules. The biggest reason for this is that the ENABLED pin is not plugged in. Right next to the VCC pin, there is a pin called KEY that should be idle. When you feed that pin with 3.3V, you will see that you get a response to the AT commands. If you don't get any response, don't forget to press the button on the BT Module after making the connection. If that doesn't work, be sure to remove the EN pin and press the button again. You should try these ways until you get a response from the AT command. Every time you write AT on the serial port screen, the bluetooth module will also respond to these requests with the led on it.

Error "avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding" (macOS Monterey)

Recently, I started a project using an Arduino Uno. I am using the Arduino IDE on macOS v12.2 (Monterey). The IDE was compiling and uploading to the Arduino fine; however, recently it still compiles, but keeps sending me the "programmer is not responding error" when uploading.
Below is my code and the steps I have taken to debug so far.
void setup() {
void loop() {
Serial.print("Hello, World!");
First, I tried unplugging, replugging, and resetting my board.
I also made sure that the correct port and board were selected in the IDE.
Furthermore, I deleted the IDE completely and reinstalled it.
Lastly, I switched out the board and wire for other ones and the error still remained.
None of these seem to be the issue as I tested the same program and board on a Windows laptop and it uploaded fine. Additionally, the RX light flashes every couple of seconds and the L light is constantly on, showing proper connectivity. This leads me to believe that there is something wrong with the macOS and Arduino IDE specifically.

Arduino Relay Modulo stops working

I have an Arduino controlling a lamp through a relay module, everything works fine for some hours, but now it stops working. The led to on/off as expected, but i cant hear the "click" anymore, and now it is always on.
A relay module can burn out? My lamp is 250w/110V
Problem SOLVED: The issue was that i had others sensors connected to Arduino 5V output pin (the relays was already on a separated 5V), and that was getting current from arduino board causing arduino not able to turn on the relay coil.
After change sensor to use a separated 5V source (with more current) everything works fine again.
My advise: be careful to use arduino 5V or 3.3V as a source power because it has low current, causing errors or even restarting arduino.

How to prevent Arduino's digital pins goes high on bootup?

I have done my project finally :) , but i noticed that the arduino board on startup it's some digital pins goes high for a bit time 1 seconds or little more! and this causes problem in my project because i'm using it in starting dc motor.
I forgot to mention that i have 2 relays connected with arduino and they are triggered on arduino startup or with resetting it, then my code works perfectly. I tried doing pull up resistor and pull down resistor but it seems same situation. Also tried (INPUT_PULLUP) and no result.
Any suggestion please?
I had the same problem when booting the arduino/connecting to a power source. Only using digitalWrite(pin, LOW) in void setup() did not work for me.
Every pin needs to be connected to a physical pull-down 10kOhm resistor in parallel to whatever you're controlling.

Arduino, Firefly, Servo not communicating

I am trying to control 2 servos using firefly. I had it working (proof) and now it doesn't seem to work...
my setup is as follows:
- Arduino Mega 2560 R3
- Arduino sensor Shield V5.0
- 2 standard servos (plugged into pins 9 and 10 in the sensor shield)
- 7.5V wall power supply
- USB cable to computer
I'm running Rhino SR 8 on a 32 bit Windows Vista machine
I have Version 0.9.0014 of grasshopper (the latest) and Firefly_Build_1.0067 (also the latest)
I have flashed my Arduino board with the latest firefly firmata (updated September 10th, 2012)
I have checked that I am using the "MEGA write" box
I have got the right bits going to the right pins and I have checked that they all have "servo" ticked instead of "digital" or "pwm"
My servos and board work perfectly well with the normal Arduino software, but just not any longer with firefly.
The port shows correctly as COM 4 and opens fine in firefly.
When I move the slider to control the servos, the TX light is on and the RX light flashes, but no servos move...
(to confirm: everything works with the sweep example in arduino, so I have eliminated power and wiring issues)...
Any ideas what might be the problem?
I've tried re-installing, switching off and on many times, changing cables, trying a different board (also doesn't work any more with the duemilanove), trying all pins on the shield, trying one servo without the shield, trying one servo with the shield, lots of googling, lots of searching forums, unblocking the firefly installation files in explorer, lots of things... I'm all out of ideas... And very confused as it was working just a few days ago... Am I just missing something really obvious or could there be an issue with the software at my end?
You should try to connect a resistor and LED to the signal port of the servo's, that way you can see if the servo's actually receive the signal or not.
