wordpress multisite custom css link wrong - css

I've installed Wordpress multisite on a local environment mac vhost apache and it works however, when I upload a theme it works fine on the main site.
but if I activate the same theme on a subdirectory it works without the custom css wich appears as a 404 error it creates a link with a number added to the end of the url.
Has anyone ever had this problem? is this a theme issue or the settings on either the htaccess or apache vhost?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

Following the above reply by user #user6170930 and the voting down:
Folks are rushing to pound new users down with "this belongs on meta!", "this is off topic", "this is a duplicate!" and "read the FAQ!". (Which is correct, but should be done nicer) All this, of course, is accompanied by a flurry of downvotes. This is not very welcoming to new users who don't know about meta, the FAQ, or what counts as off-topic.


WordPress website not working with domain name but IP address

http://sidparmar.ca/portfolio/ This is my portfolio website and an only home page is working with the domain name. Every link is broken unless replaced by IP of my VPS which is
So usually it should work like sidparmar.ca/portfolio/contact/ (give me an error "The requested URL /portfolio/resume/ was not found on this server.")
but currently, it is only working if I type as URL.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions/advice or pointer that I should look into. Any help is appreciated.
Has your site been like this since you installed Wordpress? If so, then where did you install wordpress (i.e. what directory)? It looks like you did not install it in the web root directory of your web server. Also, when you installed Wordpress, are you sure you specified the correct URL of your website?
My suggestion based on the limited information you provided and the minor amount of custom content of your website is to simply delete your database and files, create a new database, and re-installation Wordpress following exactly the correct instructions. Your VPS host may have an outlined process for you.
Alternatively, if this is a new issue, do you think you caused it? If so, what did you do? If not, you should probably contact your VPS host to see if you or they need to make an update in your DNS settings.
Found the answer by myself! Yeah!
I just added "ServerAlias www.domainname.ca" to my apache2 conf file (000-default.conf) which you can probably find at /etc/apache2/sites-available directory in your VPS.
Not sure why this worked or what exactly caused the problem but I am sure that it happened because of Yoast SEO plugin.

Wordpress page links after GoDaddy addon domain

I built a website for our company using a wordpress install. This is installed in it's own directory on our hosting account on GoDaddy. We have a domain purchased through GoDaddy added as an addon domain. When you go to OurNewSite.com you see the homepage located at OurOldSite.com/wordpress, and OurNewSite.com in the address bar. However, when you navigate to the About Us page on the site, the address bar changes back to OurOldSite.com/wordpress/about.
I've tried the answer from THIS POST here, with OurNewSite.com in the fields, but this doesn't seem to be working. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
So, this is actually what worked for me. After waiting, the link eventually updated after a few hours, but it produced an Internal Server Error. THIS ARTICLE has a list of common causes for the error I was getting on the link pages. The directions for "checking for a corrupt .htaccess file worked like a charm.

Broken Wordpress Admin

I have a client who has asked me to start working on their Wordpress site. The admin page is broken and I do not have access to the database yet (I am trying to track down the previous people who worked on it). It is quite messy, I know.
What I am doing now is migrating peices over to a new wordpress site using Wamp server just to get it functional, but I am wondering if the solution is simpler than that. Ideally, I would just fix the the login, but I have minimal Wordpress experience and don't know where to start.
Here is the website: http://fundafighter.com
If you go to http://fundafighter.com/wp-admin you'll notice that it is broken. I reroutes to "login-2", which I don't think is normal. So far I haven't found any folder with that title...
I would log into the site via FTP, check the wp-config.php file for any redirects for wp-login.php. Then, check the .htaccess file for the same. Remove any references.
If you get that page working, and you need to reset the password, I would follow this tutorial through phpMyAdmin:

WordPress Editor Page Disappeared

I had some guys 'fix' my self-hosted WordPress site after I screwed it up by manipulating the .htcaccess file. It's all working fine now but the editor page has disappeared.
It's a multisite configuration. I used to be able to access 'Editor' from 'Network Admin' under 'Appearance'.
The guys who 'fixed' my site say the editor isn't available with multisite, which I know isn't true.
Any help / advice would be much appreciated!
The administrative plugin/theme editor can be disabled through the constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT in the file wp-config.php.
It comes as a security measure. As a fellow at WordPress Answers put it: editing plugin/themes this way is like working on the plane engine while it's on flight.
The biggest shortcoming is that this editor doesn't have backups. Any simple mistake may take the site down and you'll have to go through FTP to disable the theme/plugin, download it and correct the bug.
I've discussed this constant and its alternatives in this Q&A: Alternatives to DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT wp-config Constant? It Breaks Some Plugins.

Changing the URL of a wordpress site

I have a wordpress site at http://myname.myprovider.info and I just bought the domain http://www.myname.com
Ive tried to change the URL in the backend at "Setting > General" both fields WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) with http://www.myname.com. The moment i click save, Im automatically logged out of the backend. If i try to log back in, I get a white screen.
The only way to log back in is to add in the config file the following line:
If then I go back to "Settting > General" I see that WordPress Address (URL) still has the http://myname.myprovider.com and everytime I try to change it again, the loop starts again...
What can I do?
you cant just change the url in wordpress ... you would need to move all the files to your new host
you can facilitate this in wp-admin
under tools select export and follow the dirrections
then setup wordpress on your new host
and goto wp-admin and select tools import and select the earlier exported file
If you're moving from a subdomain to the main domain, you have to move files. See Moving WordPress « WordPress Codex and How to Move WordPress Blog to New Domain or Location » My Digital Life and check with your host; the URL structure "myprovider.info" may be problematic, whoever the "provider" really is.
I had a very similar problem some time back and I'm trying to remember what the source of the problem was. Until I do, here are some ideas you may or may not have tried:
(obviously backup everything first!)
Check your code (theme, scripts, functions.php, etc.) for any instances of the old URL. Sure, we all know better than hard-coding the URL but...
Do a search through your WordPress database for the old URL. Carefully (very carefully!) replace it with the new one. In my experience some plugins aren't well behaved when it comes to storing the web site URL in the database.
Try disabling all plugins to see if one of them is causing a problem.
I assume you've set the DNS by hand, rather than your domain registrar putting in place some kind of forwarding?
After much tinkering, it turns out I didnt configure the domain properly :P Thanks for all the help anyway.
