Meteor is stuck at downloading meteor-tool#1.3.2_4 - meteor

I have been using meteor framework for the past few days. Now, when i create a new project it downloads meteor-tool#1.3.2_4. But it does not complete download. It seems to be stuck at downloading and shows only following line:
Downloading meteor-tool#1.3.2_4...
How can i troubleshoot this issue.

I got it to download by adding to /etc/hosts
There's a GitHub issue about it here.

As I haven't found this answer elsewhere with this search and can save some time:
In windows 7, this happened to me because I forgot to run meteor -create in a console with administrator rights.
Just Run As Administrator and check again.
Hope it helps

This is caused by a permissions issue. As workaround, try running the create command with super user permissions:
sudo meteor create myAppName
Probably you will need special permissions for running the app too:
/MyAppName> sudo meteor
If you want to stop running meteor commands with super user permissions, check this: Meteor will not run without Sudo?

I've seen it myself on Mac OS while i run 'meteor update'.
Then i run "ping" on shell.
And I found that meteor's network service is not good, just try it at other times.


How to run angular 2 application?

I have downloaded angular 2 application from this link:
How to run this application?
Which angular cli version install to run angular 2 application?
I tried from some questions stackoverflow but not working properly.guys this question is not duplicate..Please understand.
Anyone can give clear details?
I need step by step procedure.
If you cloned the repo and did nothing else, there are a few things you need to do before you can run the app. Since I don't know how much web development you have done, I'm going to include things some people will think unnecessary.
Install node.js, if you haven't yet. Grab the LTS release from Do not use the "Current" version, because that may not be compatible with Angular just yet. If you have and older version of Node, upgrade. If you already have the LTS version, skip this step.
Now open a new command prompt or terminal and change to the directory where you cloned the repo. To be sure you're in the right place, make sure you can see a file named package.json.
In this command prompt/terminal window, execute this command: npm install. This will download and install all the dependencies (which could rather disturbingly add up to a few hundred Megabytes). You may experience timeout errors if you're behind a corporate proxy server. That's not something you can fix as of 2018. Just connect using something else and try again.
Once everything is installed, you should be able to run the Angular app. Everything I mentioned already only need to be done before you run it the first time. To ensure you are in the right folder, navigate to where your index.html is located and run this command: ng serve. If ng cannot be found, you may need to install it. To do so, execute npm install --save-dev #angular/cli. Now it should work. If not, close your command prompt/terminal window, open a new one and try ng serve again.
Once ng serve is finished compiling, you should be able to view your app by opening http://localhost:4200 in your favourite browser.
And that's it!
Here's a bonus tip: Take the time to work through the official Angular Quick Start. It really is a fantastic guide and will get you skilled up much quicker than just hacking it ever will.
Good luck.

Drupal 8 error when trying to access any admin functionality

Any time I select an admin option i get the below error.
Error: Class 'Drupal\Core\Form\FormErrorHandler' not found in Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService() (line 258 of core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php).
I have cleared my cache and restarted wamp, not sure what the next step is.
If I get an error that is in a core or contributed module and clearing cache and and server restart doesn't help, I usually try running database updates next to see if any where missed.
Have you run the update.php? if that fails you could try using drush to run the update.php using drush updb
If that doesn't work I would run a backup of the codebase and db then try updating the modules, then update core using drush drush up
Restarted my PC and that seemed to work. I have no idea what the error is linked to, but that seems to work if anyone is having the same issue.

GCE: cannot login, The VM guest environment is outdated and only supports the deprecated 'sshKeys' metadata item

I cannot ssh into my Google Compute Engine (GCE) Wordpress instance anymore.
It was working one month ago when I tried last.
I use the Google built-in SSH client in a Chrome browser window.
Yesterday I tried an got the following message:
The VM guest environment is outdated and only supports the deprecated
'sshKeys' metadata item. Please follow the steps here to update.
The "Steps here" link navigates to which does not seem to help me much.
I am not aware of any changes that I may have made.
How can I fix this?
It looks like your instance's disk is full, and so the SSH keys can't be created in the temp directory. You can do the following:
Stop your instance and wait for it to shut down
Click on the disk your instance is using, and choose "edit" at the top
Enter a larger disk size, and save
Go back to your instance and start it up again
You should now be able to connect via SSH. While you're in there, check to see what filled up your hard disk so you can prevent this from happening again (maybe a rogue program is printing out too many logs, etc).
If you're seeing this on Debian 8 or 9, the most likely reason for this is that the google-compute-engine.* packages that allow SSH access to the instance have been removed by apt-get autoremove.
If you have an open SSH connection to the machine or can use a tool like gcloud, running apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gce-compute-image-packages should fix this.
If you no longer have any SSH access, there is a procedure available on the GCP docs site that can be used to restore it.
I've created a bug report here for this.
Might be a bit late, but you can
1) Stop the VM
2) Edit and enable serial console
3) Use the serial connection to login and update the VM
recent days, I meet similar problem, later I find the permission rights of my home directory fools me, as a lazy-bone, I chmod 777 ~
After did that, I cannot ssh via my terminal, even cannot ssh via browser, only get 'The VM guest environment is outdated and only supports the deprecated 'sshKeys' metadata item, Plese follow the steps here to update'. Sounds like you must set 755 to your home dir, not just care your 700 .ssh or 600 authorized_keys.
I met the similar issue after I created a FreeBSD VM, gcloud ssh not works, but I am lucky that I can use the browser window ssh to my VM. Then I manually add the google_compute-engine public key to the .ssh/authorized_keys, now it work, I can use the gcloud ssh to connect. But not sure if this is a better/security way.

Cannot login with the Firebase CLI

I have a problem when I try to login to Firebase using the CLI. I installed firebase-tools using npm -g install firebase-tools with admin rights. The steps I do are (from a cygwin terminal on Windows 10 Professional):
firebase login --no-localhost
After this I get the message:
Visit the URL on any device....
Paste authentication code here:
Then, on my browser, I see Google asking if I give Firebase CLI access rights, I say yes and then I get an authorization code displayed on the browser.
I copy this code into the cygwin console and then:
Error: Authentication Error.
I'm at a total loss for this and it's completely stalling my efforts to get to know Firebase. All help gratefully appreciated.
firebase login --interactive
it will open up a browser window to authenticate.
In my case was bug in terminal in Visual Studio Code. On CMD terminal it start works.
On windows 10, I had issues with my firebase login through cli. I had to run my command line as the administrator and it worked.
I got the same issue today and it was because back in the day I used firebase and didn't remove this define from my bash_profile
try echo $FIREBASE_TOKEN if something shows up try deleting, open new terminal and re-authenticating
This works for me.
my FIREBASE_TOKEN was FIREBASE_TOKEN=' '. I logged out of all my terminal sessions and tried again and that worked.
Just run the cmd wit administrator privilege...! Happy coding
If you really can't log in with firebase CLI using the "firebase login" command
Then, use GitBash instead of PowerShell in the VS code or any other code editor terminal.
First, download Git SCM then use gitbash in the terminal for any kind of Firebase hosting command terminal image using gitBash
It does work actually!!
I used with cmd, it was worked.
I copy pasted the link into an incognito window, and somehow it worked.
After running across this problem I tried multiple different things to solve this:
Used firebase login --reauth
Used firebase login --no-localhost
Turned off proxy settings
Ran command from within windows/system32
Turned off my security settings in Firefox
All these options listed above worked for others but not for me
Finally the way it worked was to install google chrome and run the command from from chrome instead of firefox
Check your firebase version. if firebase version is "8.15.0" this, then its okay, if not: uninstall firebase-tools globally and globally install it again with 'version'
npm i --global firebase-tools#8.15.0
then after check which terminal u r using, make sure to use cmd terminal. go to your directory and fire command
firebase login.
Check if its working

Installing MeteorJS on Windows

I've been trying to install Meteorjs on windows but error occurs. I already tried downloading another installer and restarting my computer but it doesn't work. It always pops 'failed to contact install server. Please try again' then displays the message 'One or more issues caused the setup to fail. Please fix the issues and then retry setup. For more information see the log file.'
Under that it displays '0x80070643. Fatal Error during installation.'
what to do with this?
One option is to run meteor preview for windows. Believe it is a standalone copy of meteor 1.1
(this doesn't address the issue of connecting to server though because when you try to create a meteor account you get a similar error).
there definitely is a way to install through command line on windows (which annoyingly I can't remember from my other machine). Perhaps through npm...
Try to run the package as administrator.It works!
Try this guide.
Download .zip, then unzip and set path environment variable.
