Installing MeteorJS on Windows - meteor

I've been trying to install Meteorjs on windows but error occurs. I already tried downloading another installer and restarting my computer but it doesn't work. It always pops 'failed to contact install server. Please try again' then displays the message 'One or more issues caused the setup to fail. Please fix the issues and then retry setup. For more information see the log file.'
Under that it displays '0x80070643. Fatal Error during installation.'
what to do with this?

One option is to run meteor preview for windows. Believe it is a standalone copy of meteor 1.1
(this doesn't address the issue of connecting to server though because when you try to create a meteor account you get a similar error).
there definitely is a way to install through command line on windows (which annoyingly I can't remember from my other machine). Perhaps through npm...

Try to run the package as administrator.It works!

Try this guide.
Download .zip, then unzip and set path environment variable.


Could not acquire management access for administration. Runtime Error: Unable to excute command chcp

I installed MySQL workbench 8.0 in windows 7. After the installation I just clicked server status its through the error like Could not acquire management access for administration. Run-time Error: Unable to execute command chcp. Please make sure that the C:Windows\System32 directory is in your path environment variable. How can I solve this error?
I solved the same problem on enable the parameter "Beta : Use UTF-8 for worldwide language support" in Control Panel > Region > Administrative > Change system locale...
It's disturbing because it's have nothing about the PATH environment variable. But it's work.
Notice that I working on french environment and MySQL Workbench 8.0.24 version.
To resolve this problem on 64 bit system we have to follow two steps.
add environment variable path to C:\Windows\System32
we need cmd file in C:\Windows\SysWOW64
copy it from C:\Windows\System32 path and paste in C:\Windows\SysWOW64
now close mysql workbench and reopen it.
Hope you got the answer.
I've reproduced the same issue by clicking server status:
Could not acquire management access for administration
RuntimeError: Unable to execute command chcp. Please make sure that the C:\Windows\System32 directory is in your PATH environment variable
and after click cancel was:
Error during ""
error calling Python module function WbAdmin.openAdminSection
using MySQL Server 8.0.23 & MySQL Workbench 8.0.23 for 64-bit OS Windows 10.
Notice: all environment variables were configured correct in my case.
Solved it only by reinstalling and using another version like MySQL Workbench 8.0.20, but I'd really recommend also downgrade version of server to MySQL Server 8.0.20 to avoid other bugs, e.g.: creating/deleting schemes and so on.
The same version should match all products to work correctly.
Found solution for system non english language users! After failing in all attempts seen issue here: Mysql Bug Forum, where told that the problem is in unicode python codec error. So mine solution as for cyrillic language user was to set Windows administrative language for the cases when utf-8 is unavailable, see screenshot below.
"System language old value was Russian, after changing to English (USA) everything started to work.
Also watched Workbench logs - there was a python exception for the ascii codec. Thats all, hope this will help.
Add the 'C:\Windows\System32' to the PATH environment variable.
Make sure you add it to PATH and not to Path.
The solution of this problem for me was this:
Start the workbench community installer after installing the program you will go to this window enter image description here then you start the option of MySQL Server the option of "Reconfigure" and you accept all the options and create a new password (if you didn't make it before), execute the final screen and you are ready to use workbench :D
Had the same error for Windows 10. For me solution was to reinstall MySQL Server 8.0.24 and to enable option in installer "Configure MySQL Server as a Windows Service". Didn't have this option marked in the first installation, so I assume the problem was in this(there were no service for it, so after system restart MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE gave an error).
As mentioned before there are 2 possible fixes:
Change system locale to English(US)
Use Workbench ver. 8.0.22 or lower (error appears on vers. 8.0.23+)
Just add the C:\Windows\System32 to the Path, and the problem will be solved!
Don't forget to add ";" to separate addresses.

Meteor is stuck at downloading meteor-tool#1.3.2_4

I have been using meteor framework for the past few days. Now, when i create a new project it downloads meteor-tool#1.3.2_4. But it does not complete download. It seems to be stuck at downloading and shows only following line:
Downloading meteor-tool#1.3.2_4...
How can i troubleshoot this issue.
I got it to download by adding to /etc/hosts
There's a GitHub issue about it here.
As I haven't found this answer elsewhere with this search and can save some time:
In windows 7, this happened to me because I forgot to run meteor -create in a console with administrator rights.
Just Run As Administrator and check again.
Hope it helps
This is caused by a permissions issue. As workaround, try running the create command with super user permissions:
sudo meteor create myAppName
Probably you will need special permissions for running the app too:
/MyAppName> sudo meteor
If you want to stop running meteor commands with super user permissions, check this: Meteor will not run without Sudo?
I've seen it myself on Mac OS while i run 'meteor update'.
Then i run "ping" on shell.
And I found that meteor's network service is not good, just try it at other times.

Web Deploy 3.5 Install Error - #2738

I'm attempting to create a custom WordPress theme using MS WebMatrix and am encountering the following error when trying to install the WP app:
Error 2738: Could not access VBScript runtime for custom action
This occurs when the download attempts to install Web Deploy 3.5. I'm currently running Windows 7 64-bit OS.
The research that I've done indicates this is error stems from "VBScript being not properly configured to run on the PC."
The solutions I've encountered and tried - to no avail - are:
Run MS FixIT
Re-registering the VBScript dll via cmd prompt - c:\windows\syswow64\regsvr32 vbscript.dll
Run the System File Checker tool sfc /scannow
[Note: I do not have, nor have I had McAfee installed - I've seen reports that in some instances the McAfee installation can cause the wrong vbscript .dll to be registered]
Outside of doing a factory wipe - which I'd like to reserve as a last resort or completely scrap using WebMatrix entirely - I've run out of potential solutions searching this specific problem.
Has anyone had success with this issue outside of the solutions posted here already? Any help would be appreciated.
So, I discovered a solution to this issue that hasn't been covered well online, so I'm posting it here.
A steadfast solution to resolving this error if running Windows 7 64-bit OS:
Open your registry editor
Start -> Search -> Type "regedit"
In the editor, click on:
Check the value for (Default)
If it's anything other than C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll that's where your issue is originating
Make sure you have the correct permissions to edit the value for (default)
Right Click on InprocServer32 -> Permissions -> Give yourself "Full Control"
Now edit (Default) and set it to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll
This should fix any issues that might have been encountered during the execution of custom VBScript during Web Deploy download.

Velocity breaking meteor deploy

I am having trouble with my Meteor up, which is perfectly functional on localhost and on Modulus. When I try to deploy to a * instance the upload fails and I get a very cryptic error. The first line is the gist of it I guess
Error: not a tracked temp dir: /Users/valentin/.meteor/packages/velocity_core/.
I have tried installing and reinstalling velocity and tried deploying it with/without, the error persists. There are a bunch of hidden files in the folder the error points too. Deleting the one mention in the error simply creates new ones and throws an error again (naming a different folder though) Does anyone have an idea what it is about?
I had the same problem with another meteor package. It was solved after I delete everything from myapp/.meteor/local/ directory.
I think you can leave your local db there (myapp/.meteor/local/db), but I did not check if it still be working. (I've deleted all and probably it is the same as running meteor reset for your local project.)
OK, this seems to work: You have to manually downgrade the meteor version to, by editing .meteor/release and changing the version number. (There's a fix in dev, so it should be solved in a more complete fashion soon.)
Were you trying to deploy while your meteor app still ran in localhost? I faced the same problem for another package but resolved it by stopping my local meteor app first then deploy.

glassfish cannot access admin console after upgrade

I just upgraded my glassfish server by doing asadmin> start-domain --upgrade domainname, now i cannot access the admin console. The applications in the server work fine, but the browser remains blank when trying to get into :4848, no error messages, nothing, just remains blank.
i would appreciate a response to this issue,
First thing you might want to try is to verify the correctness of your domain.xml. You can do so by running the following command:
asadamin verify-domain-xml
If there is some inconsistency in your domain description you'll get a corresponding output.
Also, I've got a similar issue on GlassFish 3.1.2 and verify-domain-xml tests were passing successfully. In my case the problem was caused by cyrillic symbols in some resource descriptions.
