How to return wildcard in Spock - wildcard

I have something like this:
MyService myService = Stub( MyService) {
filter( _, _, _ ) >> ...
and I'd like to return the first argument.
Is this somehow possible?

Found it:
filter( _, _, _ ) >> { return getArguments().get(0) }

Closure used in stubbing by default has an array of arguments used in given call. To just return the first one it[0] can be used.
MyService myService = Stub(MyService) {
filter(_, _, _) >> { it[0] }
Btw, for more complex scenario it is possible to declare all the arguments with their types in a closure and use it to calculate a returned value.


Pass struct interface to sqlite exec

In Go, I'm trying to pass an interface{} to the statement.Exec() function from go-sqlite3. I'm sure this is a solved problem, but I cannot figure it out.
Basically I have a struct with the row data which I want to pass to a function that will insert it to a sqlite db. The thing is I want to be able to programmatically control what goes into the statement.Exec() function
Here is an excerpt:
type hostRows struct {
domain string
type clientRows struct {
name string
func main() {
data := hostRows{domain: ""}
insertRow(sqliteDatabase, data)
data2 := clientRows{name: "bob"}
insertRow(sqliteDatabase, data2)
func insertRow(db *sql.DB, row interface{}) {
insertSQL := "INSERT INTO table(col) VALUES (?)"
statement, _ := db.Prepare(insertSQL)
statement.Exec(row) // here's the issue, how can I extract the element in the interface to pass it to the function for Exec to understand
I know that in this example, I could hard code the row type to the struct and type statement.Exec(row.(hostRows).domain), but now the code will break to when the client struct is passed.
here is the deceleration for the Exec function
func (s *Stmt) Exec(args ...interface{}) (Result, error)
I've tried playing with reflect but it hasn't worked for me so far.
My only solution for the moment is using a switch condition that could check and prepare the right command for Exec, but this is less than dodgy.
type hostRows struct {
domain string
type clientRows struct {
name string
func main() {
data := hostRows{domain: ""}
insertRow(sqliteDatabase, 1, data)
data2 := clientRows{name: "bob"}
insertRow(sqliteDatabase, 2, data2)
func insertRow(db *sql.DB, i int, row interface{}) {
insertSQL := "INSERT INTO table(col) VALUES (?)"
statement, _ := db.Prepare(insertSQL)
// This basically could be a working solution, but I'm sure there is a better one
switch i {
case 1:
data := row.(hostRows)
case 2:
data := row.(clientRows)
edit: corrected the INSERT statement ; forget the columns. corrected statement.Exec(row.domain) to statement.Exec(row.(hostRows).domain)
edit2: added second example
Remember that in order for reflect.Interface() to work, you must export the fields. To achieve what you want using reflection, you could try something like this:
type hostRows struct {
//Should export field to read it using reflect.Value.Interface()
Domain string
type clientRows struct {
//Should export field to read it using reflect.Value.Interface()
Name string
func insertRow(db *sql.DB, i int, row interface{}) {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(row)
var args []interface{}
for i := 0; i < rv.NumField(); i++ {
args = append(args, rv.Field(i).Interface())
db.Exec("Insert Satement...", args...)

Using recursion to get the deeply nested struct in go

I need to parse an interface read from a JSON object which is deeply nested. I use the following recursive function to get most of the array.
func arrayReturn(m map[string]interface{}) []interface{} {
for _, v:= range m {
if v.(type) == map[string]interface{} {
return arrayReturn(v.(map[string]interface{}))
if v.(type) == string {
return v.([]interface{})
Which gives this error for the return line:
syntax error: unexpected return, expecting expression
What does "expecting expression" mean?
This syntax:
if v.(type) == map[string]interface{} { /* ... */ }
is invalid. You can't compare to a type, only to a value.
What you want may be solved using a type switch, where the cases are indeed types:
func arrayReturn(m map[string]interface{}) []interface{} {
for _, v := range m {
switch v2 := v.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
return arrayReturn(v2) // v2 is of type map[string]interface{}
case []interface{}:
return v2 // v2 is of type []interface{}
return nil
Also note that if you use a short variable declaration after the switch keyword, in each case the type of the variable used will be what you specify in the case, so no further type assertion is needed!

Passing structs to functions across packages

In an attempt to become more familiar with go, I am trying to refactor some code which is already working fine.
The original code has three structs:
type ConfigGroup struct {
Interval int
Tprefix string
Target []string
type ConfigDefaults struct {
Interval int
Sprefix string
type Config struct {
Group map[string]*ConfigGroup
Defaults ConfigDefaults
These structs get passed to a function like so:
func runpinger(clientStatsd statsd.Statter, defaults *ConfigDefaults, group *ConfigGroup) {
// some stuff here
Now, I've reworked the config (which uses gocfg) to use hcl instead, which seems to provide a cleaner config syntax.
I've moved the config parser into a package, config, with structs that look like this:
type Config struct {
Interval int `hcl:"interval"`
Prefix string `hcl:"prefix"`
Groups []TargetGroups `hcl:"target_group"`
type TargetGroups struct {
Name string `hcl:",key"`
Prefix string `hcl:"prefix"`
Interval int `hcl:"interval"`
Targets []Targets `hcl:"target"`
type Targets struct {
Address string `hcl:"address"`
Label string `hcl:"label"`
and then a function in config package that looks like this:
func Parse(ConfigFile string) (*Config, error) {
result := &Config{}
var errors *multierror.Error
config, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ConfigFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hclParseTree, err := hcl.Parse(string(config))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := hcl.DecodeObject(&result, hclParseTree); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, errors.ErrorOrNil()
Now, in my main package I'd like to pass these structs to the function again. How can I do this across packages?
I tried:
func(runpinger config *config.Config) {
// here
But that didn't seem to work. Ideally, I'd like to just pass a pointer to the "sub-struct" (ie the TargetGroups struct) as well, although I'm not sure if that's possible.
You should be able to pass the structs to the main package, just check that you put import "path/to/config" at the top of your file.
The path has to be the full path to your package from your $GOPATH/src/ directory

Ignore trailing return value in GO like in map[key] [duplicate]

In Go, the following works (note one use of the map has one return, the other has two returns)
package main
import "fmt"
var someMap = map[string]string { "some key": "hello" }
func main() {
if value, ok := someMap["some key"]; ok {
value := someMap["some key"]
However, I have no idea how to do this same thing with my own function. Is it possible to have similar behavior with an optional return like map?
For example:
package main
import "fmt"
func Hello() (string, bool) {
return "hello", true
func main() {
if value, ok := Hello(); ok {
value := Hello()
Wont compile (due to the error multiple-value Hello() in single-value context) ... is there a way to make this syntax work for the function Hello()?
map is different because it is a built-in type and not a function. The 2 forms of accessing an element of a map is specified by the Go Language Specification: Index Expressions and backed by the compiler.
With functions you can't do this. If a function has 2 return values, you have to "expect" both of them or none at all.
However you are allowed to assign any of the return values to the Blank identifier:
s, b := Hello() // Storing both of the return values
s2, _ := Hello() // Storing only the first
_, b3 := Hello() // Storing only the second
You can also choose not to store any of the return values:
Hello() // Just executing it, but storing none of the return values
Note: you could also assign both of the return values to the blank identifier, although it has no use (other than validating that it has exactly 2 return values):
_, _ = Hello() // Storing none of the return values; note the = instead of :=
You can also try these on the Go Playground.
Helper function
If you use it many times and you don't want to use the blank identifier, create a helper function which discards the 2nd return value:
func Hello2() string {
s, _ := Hello()
return s
And now you can do:
value := Hello2()
Go 1.18 generics update: Go 1.18 adds generics support, it is now possible to write a generic First() function which discards the second (or any further) return values:
func First[T any](first T, _ ...any) T {
return first
This is available in, as gog.First() (disclosure: I'm the author).
Using it:
value := First(Hello())
In addition to the explanation of #icza:
I don't recommend using a helper function there. Especially if the Hello function is your own function.
However, if you can't control it, then it's fine to use a helper.
If it's your own function, it's better to change the signature of your function. Probably, you made a design mistake somewhere.
You can also do this:
package main
import "fmt"
func Hello() (string, bool) {
return "hello", true
func main() {
// Just move it one line above: don't use a short-if
value, ok := Hello()
if ok {

Discover the return type of the current function in go

I have a function that is being generated using reflection and reflect.MakeFunc, so I don't actually have the return type until runtime.
Inside the template function that MakeFunc is using, is there a way to determine the return type of the concrete function being templated?
Essentially, is there a way to determine the return type iof the currently executing function at runtime?
I know about the Out method:
And I can find the return type of a function easily enough?
But is there a way to find the return type of the currently executing function (as opposed to an explicit passed function reference).
You should check fn.Type().Out(0).Kind(), for example:
func main() {
fnTmpl := func(in []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
return []reflect.Value{in[0]}
makeFn := func(fptr interface{}) {
fn := reflect.ValueOf(fptr).Elem()
fn.Set(reflect.MakeFunc(fn.Type(), fnTmpl))
var nFn func(int) int
kind := reflect.TypeOf(nFn).Out(0).Kind()
switch kind {
case reflect.Int:
In the case you are talking about, the return type of the currently executing function is always []reflect.Type (because that is what a function passed to reflect.MakeFunc must return). What you really want is the return type of the reflect.makeFuncStub function that called your function.
There is no way to get that (except perhaps some strange inspection of the call stack), but you can make an enhanced version of MakeFunc that provides the information:
package main
import (
// MakeFunc is like reflect.MakeFunc, but fn has an extra argument, retType, which
// is passed the desired return type.
func MakeFunc(typ reflect.Type, fn func(args []reflect.Value, retType reflect.Type) (results []reflect.Value)) reflect.Value {
if n := typ.NumOut(); n != 1 {
panic("wrong number of return values")
rt := typ.Out(0)
return reflect.MakeFunc(typ, func(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value) {
return fn(args, rt)
func makeReturnOne(fptr interface{}) {
fn := reflect.ValueOf(fptr).Elem()
fn.Set(MakeFunc(fn.Type(), returnOne))
func returnOne(args []reflect.Value, retType reflect.Type) []reflect.Value {
ret := reflect.New(retType).Elem()
switch retType.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
panic("returnOne only supports int and float types")
r := ret.Interface()
fmt.Printf("returning %v as %T\n", r, r)
return []reflect.Value{ret}
func main() {
var r1f func() float64
var r1i func() int
I might have misinterpreted what you are trying to achieve, but why not just take the kind of the value you are returning? Modifying OneOfOne's example as follows:
fnTmpl := func(in []reflect.Value) (res []reflect.Value) {
res = []reflect.Value{in[0]}
fmt.Println("Returned:", res[0].Kind())
return res
